Chapter Thirty-Four

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The War had begun..

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3rd person's pov.

"Cherrriiiiim!!! Marrrrkkkk!!!"

Their eyes landed on the spot where Apple was standing with a flashlight. They knew better. "Apple! Get out there!!" Cherim spoke gesturing for her friend to go away. But she won't plug.

Apple gasped when someone grabbed her by arm. She looked behind her, two guys pressed their hands on her arms to get her. Cherim was about to save her when someone grabbed her too, with Mark. "Let goo!!" They said in unison.

But those guys gripped much more stronger.  "Apple! Stay away from here!" Cherim stated making a gasp of air on her voice. Apple can't move, surrounded by the blazing fire.

The Fire was surrounding them as for the falling woods. But those guy don't care. "Please, let us go," Cherim begged. But they shooked their head. Apple suddenly vanished from the smoke as the fire started to dance loudly. She hated the fact that she and her friend will die because of her.

"Kyah! Stay away!" They heard Apple screamed. "Mark.. are you alright?" Ask Cherim with a worried face. Mark Nodded and didn't mind the long pause. They were both thinking of escaping, but they saw Apple. Cherim's decision changed.

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Meanwhile, Yoongi and his friends were surrounded by the unknown men with large arms. They knew what to do but don't know how to apply it. Their heads was moving left to right, don't know who to kick first. "They are only Five.. we got this." Namjoon said.

"Get it together, Coach." Yoongi smirked. Namjoon nodded. Little did they know that those guys are behind them. Yoongi started looking at his back when he saw two guys. Well, he thinks he was special to handle two.

Yoongi fastly punched the other guy knocking him off. The second guy proves he ain't week and started dodging Yoongi's attack. As soon as he pants, Yoongi carefully touched his shoulders and kicked him in his stomach.

The first guy recovered again and ready to prove Yoongi what's right. He carefully punched him on his right cheek, leaving it bleeding. Yoongi touched it for awhile, and he then took a revenge by punching the guy double knock out. Blood scattered from his lips, tasting it with annoyance.

Jhope tapped the shoulders of his enemy and started ticking out his tongue to annoy him more. The Guy was so annoyed and started chasing Jhope off but he kept on dodging. While the guy was distracted, he pulled him at his back causing for him to stumble and fall receiving a punch from Jhope as the guy close its eyes faintly hurt. "Mhm.. weak." He said.

Namjoon was cool as the guy approaches him. He knew better about taekwando and karate so he was acting all cool. While the guy was busy trying to punch him, he got his chance on pulling him by his ears making him bounce back at the floor. But the guy was tough enough and instead pull Namjoon down. "Argh!" He groaned while The guy punched him with full force.

His right eyes were closed but then it opened reminding him that he has to fight. He smirked as the guy started being curious of what he is upto. After a couple of seconds, the guy was now lying down, panting and can't even move its fingers. "Lame." Namjoon smirked making a disgusted face. Soon, he meet up with Yoongi.

"Go get 'em kookie."

"Oh yeah I will." Jungkook spoke making the enemies bleed as a punching bag. Yoongi smiled, he can't believe his best friends will fight for him like that.

"Namjoon, what did he do to you?" Jimin asked, swiping its sweats and the scar he has on his right arm. "He gave me a lullaby. Don't worry, I just replied him a rock version of it."

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