Chapter Seventeen

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Suga's Point of View.

"How many more weeks left coach?" I asked Sir Rick. He was about to kick me out of the Basketball team today, this is settled after all the players voted. "1 more week, and you're out. Prove us more of your style Yoongi, next monday will be a Competition for the falling players in the SMH basketball team, You 1v1 with Yoo Sheonji. I bet you know him, he was one of the best competitors of the other basketball team in our School, if you win, you survive and still be our player, when he win, He'll not get thrown away, I've decided things already and you can't move this thing out. Understood, Yoongi?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Great, You're free to go to your classes."

My mind became blank, when I realized what Che rim told me about, that she's going to help me from falling off the basketball team, the question is how will she help me?

I went to my classroom immediately and waited for our teacher to come inside, Che rim will not be our teacher for now, because she'll be my tutor for a week or month, depends if we've finished more earlier.

Our new teacher was Sihyeon, I was first mistaken in calling her Jihyeon, which is my Ex, instead of her actual Name. Ofcourse, she got confuse and ask me things upon calling her random names. I left her blank spaced out, alright.

"Good Morning Class."

"Good Morning, Ms.Sihyeon."

My thoughts were erased when I saw her. She smiled and waved at us like she've been competing into a Miss something or what.


"Brooooo." I heard someone behind me and tapped me by my shoulder, Which is not suprising for me when I realized it was Mike.


"Nothing. I've just saw you so I called you." I rolled my eyes and turn behind him, why would I waste my time, talking to nonsense people?

I rushed out of the school, When I saw Che rim walking out from the school, She's with my dad and I think their convo doesn't mean much to me, or is it?

"Oh! Son! You're out, c'mon! This is your tutor, She's Ms.Park." She looked at me as if she wasn't really interested, I nodded and stared at her forawhile.

"Oh? I bet you know him well." Dad patted her shoulders making me stare at her again. What a bright face out there and I think I need more time to talk to her.

"Son, Take her to our house, I have more duties. Bye." Dad waved a goodbye and went inside again.. this is so fxcking awkward that I don't want to talk to her.

"I'm fine, I can walk." She stated.

"Then walk," I answered coldly. I don't want to take her home too. But I was suprised when she grabbed me by my wrist.

"Woah! You're not stopping me?" She asked confusely. "Why would I stop you? I don't care about you, and if you got lost, it's not my fault but yours." I winked before leaving her.


"What? Just tell me if you're going to walk or what, You're wasting my precious time. Sh!t." But the last word was just a whisper. She bowed down and pouted, is she crazy?

"Okay! I'll go!"


We walked into my home and The thing is, this is so awkward. Walking with this nosy girl, is one of the worst thing i've did. Dad was the one who did this and I don't even wanna do it.

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