Chapter Eleven

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Is she crazy as hell? No one ever dares to say that to me, unless she's crazy af. But her smile says differently, isnt she mad of me for doing that inicident including her crush, Exel? Tsh. What Am I here?



"No thanks."

Who would need such a brat? A student who can't even times 25 by 5, this is how my life goes, so I think leaving her is a very great idea. Useless Girl, Bet she'll break into my house like most girls do.

I sighed behind and walked away, away from her. "Ya! Min Yoongi! I'm serious!" She came chasing me, this is so annoyiiing! I need backups or guards to step her out of my way, which is only my way.

"I don't care if you're serious, please stay out of my way, I don't need someone hanging behind my back like a dog's tail, so let go of me, and do whatever u want without you stepping in my life." Coldly, I walked. She became speechless at what I said, and didn't chase me. What's the point Yoongi? If she is mad at you, she'll never ruin your life.

"Min Yoongi! I'm still not giving up! I'll help you as I wanted to!"

She is really desperate is she? Why the heck does she want to help someone like me who causes her trouble? I bet she is on a plan.. that sounds weird for her to act like this, Now I'm aware.

The paper, I was holding was already tossed and Stamped off by myself. I don't know but, I can sense something that requires a fight tho. -____-.

"Yoongiii-ya~" Oh, There's my bro, JIMIN -______-

He is literally the most naughty guy you'll ever know. When you're with him, you're presense to innocence will be gone. "What?" I coldly asked, facing him.

"Don't 'what' me, I saw u over that girl you've been talking about, She's hooot." There we go again, his whistle made me stare at him for a moment a bit, as he stopped doing his things. That disgust me the most.

"What if she is? Why are u here?"

"Ei. This is the calculator I promised i'll return." This calculator.. was.. like.. 3 weeks ago -______- is this how they use calcus? They need more than one week? Or is it he keeps forgetting it being returned? "You finish?"

"Not yet!" Great, What now?

"I'm not in the mood, to watch your Jolliness." I putted the calculator at my pocket, as he laughed back at me with no reason at all. "I'm also not in the mood to watch your coldness." He murmured and started rolling his eyes at me.

"I'm the boss -- "

"Blah Blah Blah.. thanks, a lot. Know, I understand a person like me doesn't have rights -- " Before he spoke his next word, I paused him for a moment because their is somehow a sound that I keep from the beginning or our convo.

I can really think of this reason for awhile, maybe fans are dying to know why the hell I'm out, to stalk me. This is a problem, That I have to found out where does that sound come from.

"Heard anything?"

"What?" He confusely checked everywhere, but as for my result, he shook his head, making me sigh and putted both of my hands at the left and right side of my pocket. "I'm sorry, Jims, Please clean my way."

"We just talked... for like a sec, ago?"

"I think I've heard a sound ok? It might be dangerous to talk to u right now, remember?" He nodded and then went out from my sight. Finally, Im all alone.. is it?

Never mind that sound. I rushed out of my school, and then I decided to buy scramble since I've missed eating some. I usually have more than 2 in one day. Oh, I forgot to visit my sister! Everday, before I went home, I usually go to my sister to see if she is doing ok. Since it's been 2 months ago.

I went to the cemetery to check on ny sis on how she is, I spotted her grave right away and checked on it, I bought a flower before going in here, so I cleaned it up, before I decided to put it in her grave.

2 months ago, she died, and it is all my fault, my mom right now? Well, She and Dad got a force divorce because of  a business text dad received 5 weeks after my sister died. The threat says, that if Dad won't broke up with mom, it'll send our life breaked down into peices as same as our businesses.

Dad didnt have a choice but to do what is right, Divorce with my mom, or else I'll be the one in trouble.

They also seem to notice that the person who killed my sister, was also the same person that send the threat. I also seem to notice it. But we don't have proof yet to show the authorities and we'll find it sooner.

My life were miserable, when this happens, who would like such a thing? Only a person who hates us will do this, but who? Who is  responsible for this? Since now, I know they still have their minds open at us, so We're alert.

I remember, the time when my sister, explains to me what a big brother won't understand:

"Why? Do you even get my point? No! Cuz' u don't know how I feel! You keep on asking if I have motive in life! You always see me as bullying you! Or stealing your things! You can't even see me as a concern person! Now look? You're sick! Dad and Mom is away, that I have to take care of u! Don't even think that you guys will see my hidden feeling as your sister! You'll never see it, cuz' I'll never reveal it! If you just let me do the things you don't know, You'll not be in this situation! How could a person like us stay at this! You're my oppa! You need to learn more things than I do!"

She was so right, That I keep on putting and sticking that to my mind, is this really how my life goes? Many things started to change when she was gone, when she passed away.

I'm so stupid, that I wanted to kill myself that day. When I took my exam, the next thing I did is to rip the paper and requested a failing grade since I don't deserve one. My professor did whats told, and did what I said, both of my parents are mad, that I began to think of leaving.

"Sir, Sorry, but to interupt, but may I ask u if you have a handkerchief? I've saw one, and It's pretty new." A stranger gave me a cloth with paint of yellow butterflies in it. There is also something behind it. Don't be sad Please. That's when I smiled at him, and I didn't know why my head moved.

Now, I'm staring at the cloth. This must be a sign, of my sister making me smile. Thanks, Sis. I won't be sad. I promise.

~ * ~ * ~

A/N: I finally have another UD! LOL. Thank you for new readers! I totally appreciate it, please vommentz, becuz that's my inspiration in writing more. >0< Kamsa! ['Hello readers!' -Apple]

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