Chapter Forty-three

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Chapter 43

Cherim's POV

"Mark, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I'm admiring the beautiful moon."

"Really? Like, right now?"

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"Really? Like, right now?"

"Yep. Right now."

He carefully placed his notebook down the table. His eyes were still attached at the moon as it shine through our eyes. Even if I have a chance to go back, I will never do that if I got to see him again. I sighed. Mark noticed me and looked at me, leaving the moon behind.

"Are you okay?" His voice was calming. He really know how to speak calmly infront of someone who don't look happy. "I'm more than fine. Just home-sick and something...."

"Home-sick? Wow." I laughed softly.

"I missed my best friend and all the other people I left in Sokor." Mark smiled. I don't know what's that smile is for, but I know it's special. Well, It came from someone like him, you know. ".....I missed them."

"Oh.... Do you possibly miss him too?"

I paused, Gazing at the stars. Do I miss him? Well, yeah I do. I do miss him. I really am missing him. But It's too late now. I don't know how to say that I miss him so badly when we are forbidden to. "It's late at night. I think we should just sleep."

"Remember the time when I said I like you?"

I stopped in my tracks. Why is he bringing this upto now? But yes. I do remember him telling me he likes me, but I never answered that I like him back. Which is why he wants me to make our feelings mutual since I live with him now.


"You do realized, It's true right?" I looked at him by his eyes. I can clearly see him desperate with my answer.

I gulped. What should I say to him? I never knew if it's true because I never cared about any person who likes me back then. The only person I cared about was Yoongi. "I-I don't know."

He smiled. "I never thought you'll answer the same way as what I expected in my imagination."

"I'm sorry, Mark. I know, you know that the feeling isn't mutual." He looked at the stars again and force a smile. What I hate the most is for someone to force a smile even though I know it hurts inside. Wow, I really am good hurting others by their feelings.

"But do I have a chance? Now that we live in the same house...... Will I ever capture your heart?" He was sincere and I know how big his expectation was.

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