Chapter Forty-Seven

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OMOO! The last chapter and next chapter will be the Epilogue! Stay tune! Thank you for crossing this adventures with me! :D


Cherim’s POV

I sighed.

And waited for another call.

And then I sighed again.

Then the phone rang—

“HELLO?! SEOL EONNIE?! Hello?! WHERE ARE YOU?! HEY! Why aren’t you answering me—”

“WHAT THE EFF, CHERIM! What are you shouting about?!”

My eyes widened in surprised. It was only my best friend. “Sorry Apple.”

“Iam totally surprised! Seriously? Okay what are you upto?” I sighed again. Why am I even flooding you with me, Sighing. And who the hell is Seol?! Wait- omg.. IS SHE YOUR REPLACEMENT?! Woooow. I never thought my best friend forever will replace me! Huhuhu! Cherim has a new best friend! HUHU!”

“Apple, what the hell are you saying?”


“Oh come on stop the fake cries.”

“It’s not fake! It’s real! Huhu!”

“Will you shut up for a moment and help me make this chocolate cake?”

Then silence..


“Shut up. You know why I’m doing this!” I exclaimed. “You know why I tried baking even tho I really can’t.”

Then suddenly, I heard her sigh.

“Yeah whatever. Just go online and search for instructions.” As always, she’s too arrogant. I really don’t know why I thought of baking chocolate cake. When I was a kid, I was too dumb with this kind of things. My mom will always yell at me when I, sometimes, messed up with her kitchen. It was her birthday and I wanted to bake her the most delicious cake!—but instead I made the most burned one. I’m really stupid in the kind of things. “I’m too lazy. Just tell what to do. You’ve taken baking classes before. Maybe you know how to make a cake?”

“I do. But I forgot. Just search for it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why’d you even call?”

She squealed so loud that I almost throw off the phone. Kyaa! Okay. So, remember the band that we always wanted to see?”

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