Chapter Twenty

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I don't normally know why does that voice shown up on my mind. But I know, it was his sister. Maybe she saw me crying over at all their pictures. I was still making an adjustment that I've been talked to someone who passed away.

I opened my eyes and All I see was white. Where am I? There is still a light and I can't see clearly, because I don't really have my glasses. I started finding it, and looking side-to-side if I can see the glasses but Fail. I started moving slowly, but I my back hurts really bad. Am I in the hospital? Indeed I'am. I just fainted did I? I asked myself.

"You're awake," Min Yoongi?!

He was coldly standing at the door. I can't see his face that clearly tho. I heard his steps walking near me. I wish I have glasses. Now he's infront of me looking at me. He handed me something, and when I touched it. I realized what is it..

"Your old ones is broken, so-- I've bought you one,"

Did he just bought me new one? "I-I.. uh.." Before I held it up, I realized that I can't find it, and there I felt the feeling that it was wore to me. I opened my eyes and it was like a staring contest between me and him, his cold stare never fades as it calls my heart to beat faster.

"Why did you faint?"


"I said, why did you faint? Why did you cry? And why the hell are you saying that 'I WILL' 3 times before you disappear? It's not like I'm concern." He said avoiding an eye contact.

I didn't help but smile. Who knew This Ice knew how to ask personal questions too. "I'm-- uh, maybe i've gotten myself mixed up again."

"Again? You mean this happens often?"

I nodded, but this only shows when something came up to me, and started replying to the feeling I have when i'm concern. "But don't worry, I can handle myself. I-I just don't know how I ended up here,"

I can see him smile a bit, makes me have a tint blush on my cheeks. He's cute when he smiles. He should smile often, because it suits him.

Before I can talk he went out of the room without telling me where he was going. I was confuse and I wanted to know where will he head to but is stayed still. 'You're awake are you'? I heard a whisper at my right ears making me shiver. Don't be afraid, I knew who she is. It's her.

"I will.. I'll make sure to,"

"Thank you, Noona. I've been monitoring you since you've come to my oppa's life. You never fail me. You never fail to amaze me. And I'm expecting your promise. Take care, goodbye.."

Am I dreaming? Why was she talking to me? Did I just said something that makes her bounce her attention to mine? This is a major stuck up.

"Omy! Che rim-ah! You're awake!"


"Yes! It's me!" She hugged me tightly leaving me breathless. She smiled ear to ear while she started putting some things on the table.

"Are you ok now?" She asked seriously making a worried face. I brushed it over by convincing her I'm fine. This girl really wants to make sure that my condition is great. "You know.. I might ask you a bit question."

"Uhmm.. like what?"

"Why does Yoongi came all up from the mall upto here?" Mall? I tighten up the hold to my glasses, and realized the idea.


"Yep, I saw him exiting from the mall, and I think he bought something. And, he bought it here, and.. I don't know, but that new glasses you are wearing seems familiar," She said, thinking deeply.

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