Chapter Fifteen

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"Thanks for the hard work (Name), You can go home now," I bowed down as I get the papers off the president's hands

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"Thanks for the hard work (Name), You can go home now," I bowed down as I get the papers off the president's hands.

Finally! The whole day is done! This is much more relief! I'm exiting towards the door when somene blocked my way. Stupidish isnt?

"What the actual f*ck?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't do that, (Name), You're not a teacher to say such words." He said.

"And you arent a student to block my way, when I'm almost out this huge school!" I stated glaring at him.

He didn't reply. "Thus, Teachers might as well stay here even if they're done on their duties," I rolled my eyes instead of replying. He's really pissing me off.

"Well, sorry, but go find yourself another teacher to hook up, you ain't good for once like me." He was so suprised that he was just about to slap me.

Instead, I ignored him. "You do not tell me what I'll be doing, cuz' you're nothing but a co-student."

"So what if I'am? I'm your teacher right now, and for me. Respect is a must. You understand that, Mr.Min?"

He laughed off at what I just said and shook his head seriously. "Afraid I don't, Maybe I'm in need on your more teaching."

"Go back to detention before I slap you're @$$ out infront of me! You don't have the rights for it, Mr.Min."

"Believe me, I have."

Then he went along what I just said to him. He left me by entering inside the school while I was left confused. Totally confused. Is he fvcking telling me what I should do? -_____- and what did he just told me that he have?

"Hey! Pssttt."

I looked over for the voice and saw, Apple infront of me waving at me as I started to think if she's really is her.

"Apple? Why are you here?"

"To pick you up, silly! And is that Min Yoongi?" She scanned the inside if she can see him, but I stopped her.

"Apple, he left alright? He cant sign any autographs you understand?"

She looked dissapointed but nodded her head. "Alright! By the way, Exel wanted to gave you this, I'm sure it's secret so I haven't open any." She handed me a peice of paper from her pocket.

Meet me at the park after your exchange program. I really want to talk to you so badly. Please?


I sighed and ignored the fact that he might say something that will waste my time. "What's inside?"

"It's about nothing, let's go."

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