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Malia jumped up and down. She was too happy.

"Mama Bri, can we go get on a ride?"

"You don't wanna go ride with daddy?" She shook her head then grabbed my hand.

"I'll ride daddy later." I winked at Malik. He grinned, showing his gold teeth. I laughed then kissed his jaw.

Malia lead me to the Alice in Wonderland ride. We rode together through it once then she rode with Malik once.

"Y'all hungry? I'm starving." Malik asked once he got off the ride. His hungry ass!

I nodded and took Malia's hand. We walked to a nearby restaurant and there was a crowd forming.

"Is somebody fighting?" Malia asked. I shook my head. Malik nosey ass was tryna see what was over there. Long neck ass.

"It's just people tryna take pictures with somebody." He shrugged.

"Groupies." I mumbled.

"Whats a groupie?" Malia asked. All she does is yell, sing, and ask questions.

"I'll give you a dictionary for your birthday so you can look it up baby girl." Malik laughed then she laughed. They're so cute. And they look just alike.

We tried to get in the restaurant but the crowd was blocking the entrance. Damn.

"Malik, tell 'em move." I said while crossing my arms.

"Why I gotta do it?" Nigga you're the man of the house! I rolled my eyes then went to the crowd. They were all around some dude with his son and girlfriend I'm guessing.

I screamed as high as I could. That got their attention.

"Thank you, me and my family are trying to get inside so if y'all could move, that'd be very helpful." I smiled. Not one person moved. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Did I stutter? Get y'all groupie asses out the fucking way! I'm trying to eat!" I yelled. I grabbed Malik and Malia then walked through the crowd. The guy they surrounded looked familiar, but I was hungry so I didn't try to remember who it was because my hunger was the number one thing on my mind.

We ordered our food, ate, then left. The crowd finally dispersed but I kept wondering who that was.

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