Flashlights Can Hurt

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You walk outside and turn on your flashlight.

"Why is it so dark?" you say. "It's only four in the afternoon." You walk to the nearby shopping center and buy some batteries for your dying flashlight. As you walk back outside, you feel something watching you. You shrug it off and walk back to your house. You hear a man's chuckle.

"Who's there?" you say nervously. You hear his footsteps crunching loudly on the grass. The footsteps get louder as he nears you. You shine the bright flashlight onto his face.

"GAAAH! PUT THAT THING AWAY!" He yells. You keep pointing the flashlight at his horrible looking face. He was white as fresh fallen snow, his mouth was brutally cut into a smile from ear to ear, and his eyes... You shut off the flashlight. He didn't have eyelids, so the bright light probably hurt him.

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?" You ask with no concern whatsoever. All you wanted to do was get away from this man. While your guard was down, he grabs your arm tightly, pulls you closer to him, and puts a knife next to your throat.

"Do that again, and I'll kill you. Heck, I should kill you anyway!" He says.

"Who are you!? Get your hands off me!" You scream, trying to pull away from him, but to no avail.

"Don't worry, darling. This will only hurt for a second."

You feel the knife get closer to your neck, but then it freezes in place. You open your tightly shut eyes to find the man staring at something behind you. You take this chance and push him away, quickly getting up and running to your house. You look back to see him gone, and the person who he was looking at was surrounded by blood.

"Jake...," You say. Jake was that shy kid in your class that no one ever talked to. He seemed invisible to everyone. You know that no one will notice that he'll be gone. He was that invisible. You quickly turn your head and run full speed to your house, hoping nothing happened while you were gone. You step inside your house and lock the door behind you. You run to your room, slam your door, and pummel face first into your fluffy bed. You lie there, thinking.

What just happened?

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