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Ben's POV:

"I'm just like you," I say. Lily's eyes widen, and she looks up at me. I let go of her hands, and I start to walk away, but she grips my arm sleeve.
"Hey Ben..." She whispers. I turn to look at her. She glances at the floor. "What does love feel like...?" She shyly says. She lets go off my arm, and she hugs herself.

"Love... Why do you want to know what it feels like?"
"I... I haven't felt it in a while... and sometimes, I get this feeling, and I don't know if it's love or anger..."

"Well, love is a complicated feeling. There's jealousy, lust, greed, depression, and more. What kind of feeling are you talking about?"
"When I used to look at Jeff, I would get this weird feeling. What would you call it?"

"Does it feel like your blood and heart rush faster?"

"That's when you know you like someone. You feel awkward around them all the time. You feel like your heart will burst if you get too close to them, so you want to stay away from them, but you want to be close to them at the same time. Love is a complicated feeling. If you want to talk about love, go ask Slender. I'm pretty sure he knows all about it, considering the fact that he's lived for a long time."
"Oh... okay. I'll... I'll go ask him. T-Thanks."

"No problem." I wave my hand, and I start to walk off.
"Wait! Ben!" Lily yells. I turn around.

"What is it now Lily?!"
"I like you."

Then she jumps off the roof.

What the hell just happened? Did... Did she seriously just fall for me? Wow. Am I seriously that good looking? Is this real life? Ugh. Whatever. I don't care.

I teleport to the living room, so I can play my videogame. Unfortunately, Jane is watching her stupid show, so I can't. Jeff is lying in an unusually odd position on the floor. His arms and legs are sprawled, and he's lying on his stomach.

"Uh... Jane?" I say.

"What?" She casually says, never taking her eyes off of the TV.

"What the hell happened to Jeff?"

"I'm not so sure. He probably had a nightmare, because I heard a loud noise, and I opened his door to find him passed out on the floor."

"That's nice. So I'm guessing that you just dragged him down here?"

"____ insisted it. She told me to watch him."

"Where is she?"

"She's outside. She told me that she wanted to take something off her mind."

Jeff starts to groan and ask for ____.

"I'll go get her." I start to walk towards the back door, until Jane grabs my sleeve. What is it today with women and sleeve grabbing?!

"Ben. Wait," she sternly says. "She's not used to you, after that whole 'mom' thing. Don't be hard on her. She might still be mad at you."

"What did I do?!" I yell. Jane looks at me with one of those 'are-you-kidding-me' looks. I sigh, and I rip out of Jane's tight grip.

"Fine fine fine," I yell. I slam open the door, and I walk towards ____. She's staring at the stupid duck in the pond. I hate that duck.

"____!" I say, loud enough for her to hear me. She jumps and looks startled to see me.

"What do you want?" She quietly says. I look closer at her. A tear is slowly sliding down her cheek.

"Whoa... What happened? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I start to wipe the tear off with my thumb, but she quickly grabs my arm before I do so.

"Get. The hell. Away from me," She says, gritting her teeth.

"C'moooon I just want to he-"

"Touch me one more time, and, so help me, I will sever your hand off with an axe and feed it to that duck."


That escalated quickly.

"So, I'm guessing that you're still angry about the whole 'mom' thing, huh?"

Her twisted face immediately turns depressed. Tears are now sliding rapidly down her face. Nice going Ben.

"No no no! Hey! Don't cry! Godammit! I came out here to tell you that Jeff wanted you! I didn't mean to make you cry!" I panick. I hate it when girls cry. It makes me feel awkward and guilty.

____ walks past me with tears still streaming down her face. I mentally face palm at myself. Nice going Ben! You freaking made a girl cry. Now Jeff is going to beat you to a pulp for doing that.

I sigh, and I sit outside until Jane calls me in for cake.

I love cake.

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