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You explain every detail to your mother about what happened today. Her worried face turned into an angry scowl everytime you mentioned Jeff's name. After you were done, she sighed and let go of you. "Hun..." your mother starts, "I don't want him to hurt you, so..."

"So what?" you ask nervously.

"Let's go visit your aunt for a while."

You were shocked by these words. Whenever your mom says "for a while," it means permanently. Last time she said that was when someone was shot right in front of your old house. Your mother only wants to protect you, but each time you move you lose your friends. You don't want that happening again.

"No mom. You can visit auntie ____. I'm staying here. I don't want to lose anyone anymore."

Your mother seemed only disappointed, but she went with your answer. "Alright," she said, "I'm going to lay down for a little bit, try to get some rest. Please."

You nodded, and your mom walked upstairs to her room and quietly closed her door. You walk over to your couch and sit down. Your eyes slowly close, and you fall into a deep sleep.

You wake up when you hear a loud bang, and a scream. You fall off your couch and you almost trip while running up the stairs, because you're so graceful. JUST KIDDING.

You slam open your mother's door, and there was Jeff, pinning your mother down and holding a knife to her mouth.

"What an ugly frown. Let's turn it upside down, shall we?" Jeff whispers into your mother's ear.

"AAAAAAAGH! NOOO! GET OFF! I DON'T WANT TO DIEEEE!" Your mother screams and wriggles, but Jeff has her pinned down quite well, I must say.

"Shhh..." Jeff begins, "Just... Go to-"

"JEFF! STOP!" You yell, and tackle Jeff off of your mother. Your mom runs to her phone and dials 911.
"Emergancy, how can I help you?" says a man's voice.

"Ma'am I can't understand you. Please speak more slowly and clearly."

"Sorry ma'am, but I can't."

"W-wha... WHAT?! WHY THE HELL NOT?!"
"Ma'am... Do NOT raise your voice at me."



"You shouldn't have done that."

Your mother screams as the phone explodes. You and Jeff stare at the burning phone on the ground, but Jeff is on top of you, trying to cut your face, so you can't do a thing. Your mother stares at the burning phone, and then to you, and then to Jeff. Jeff's smile seems to widen each time he looks at the phone.

"I guess Ben got to you, huh?" he chuckles, then he starts to laugh like a maniac.

"W-Who's Ben?!" Your mom nerviously stutters.

"Your worst nightmare," a voice from behind you says.

You lean your head a little to see a boy dressed in green from head to toe. His eyes were pitched black, with red pupils. Blood streams from his eyes, acting like tears. He looks at you and smiles a devilish grin when Jeff turns his head to look at him.

"My my, looks like Jeff found a new play toy," he chuckles.

"S-Shut up Ben! She's not my 'play toy!'" Jeff yells. He turns his head so you can't look at him. You have a feeling that he's blushing.

"Then why aren't you killing her?" Ben asks. This question made Jeff falter a bit, but he glares at Ben with hatred.

"Can you just kill the mom already?! Why the hell did you come here anyway?!"

"I wanted to see."

"See what?!"

"Why aren't you killing her, Jeffrey?"

"Don't you fudging call me that."

"Answer my question."

Jeff stayed quiet. You stared at his burnt eyes. They were... actually very beautiful to look at. You wanted to gaze into his eyes forever, but your stare was cut off by a scream.

"MOM!" you yelled, and you shoved Jeff off of you.

Ben had gotten to your mother. You saw part of his sword in your mother's stomach. You pushed yourself up and tackled Ben. You knelt by your mother and started to cry.

"M-Mom?" You sniffle.

"____..." Your mother starts, "I love you... Run from these people... call the police... do whatever it takes to live..."


"Go, ____... Run...! I love you..." That's it. Your mom is gone.

"NOO!" You scream. Tears are uncontrollably running down your face. Jeff starts to hold you down for some reason, but you realize it's because you're trying to hurt yourself. You can hear Ben yelling something, but you can only hear a little through your screams.

"Jeff... phone... house... fire... RUN!" You manage to hear Ben say through your screams.

"NO! NO! NO! MOMMYYY! NOOOOO!" You screech. Jeff picks you up like a baby and runs out of the house with Ben. You look up to see the house is on fire. How did that happen? You faintly hear loud screaming, only to hear it's coming from you. You hear Jeff whisper in your ear, but only manage to hear, "Shhh... it's alright. Just go to sleep..." until you black out.

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