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You stormed into the mansion with rage plastered on your face. The first thing you see is a passed out Jeff sprawled across the floor, and a concerned looking Jane. The first thing that pops into your mind is: Jane and Jeff had a fight, and Jane obviously won.

"____... What's wrong?" Jane says as sweetly as possible. She stands up and walks towards you with her arms stretched out, as if she's trying to give you a hug.

"Ben's a huge jerk, that's what's wrong," you snap. You storm up the stairs, with Jane tagging along.

"Mind if you tell me what happened?" She asks.

"What is there to tell?! Ben's the one that killed my mother!"

"You don't have to be so worked up about it!"

"I have every right to be pissed off! I can be angry at him for a century for all I care!"

"____..." Jane quietly whispers. She grabs your arm when you're about to open your bedroom door. You look at her with fury, but then it dies down when you see a small black tear roll down her cheek.

"Jane... Your mascara is running," you say as bluntly as possible.

"Hun, that's not mascara. My tears have been like this ever since he came along. Look... What I'm trying to say is; I've been mad at Jeff for a long time. I have a fight with him every single day! Sometimes, I wish I could just let it go. I wish that I could forget everything that he's done to me," Jane then points at her face. It's obvious to see what he's done to her. Her eyes are pitch black, and her skin is pale, like him.

"So... What do you suggest I do? What? Do you want me to completely forget about my mother?! You want me to forget that Ben killed my mom?! Jane... I can't forget that. That's something that will be with me forever."

"____, that's not what I'm suggesting. You can chain that awful memory to your heart for all I care. I'm just saying that you can't always be pissed off at Ben. It seems that whenever he asks you a simple question, you lash out your anger at him. Jeff killed his and my entire family, but guess what? I have to be nice to that... that freak! He's a monster! Sometimes, I just want to take my knife and jab it into his stupid pathetic block of ice that he calls a heart. I don't know why you love him... It always bothers me to see you two being all lovey-dovey. He's a serial killer for crying out loud! I don't understand... but I have to live with it. Anyway, you can't always be mad at Ben. That's all I'm saying." And with that, Jane runs to the other end of the hall and slams the door to her room.

You stand there for a couple of minutes and rethink what Jane had lectured you about. Jeff did kill Jane's entire family... but they only play-fight with each other. There are no guns, no knives, and no magical powers in their fights. They only use their hands and legs. Why is that? Is it a rule that Slender made? Are there no weapons when fighting with each other? You ponder these questions for a little while, until you hear something break, and a terrified Ben scream. You run to his opened room to see Ben quivering in a corner, and a familiar looking ghost hovering just inches above him. You ignore it, and you look down the stairs to see Jeff laying on them. You walk down and greet him with a smile. His charcoal eyes look up at you, and his permanent grin seems to widen at the sight of you.

"Jeff? Are you alright?" You ask, but he doesn't answer. His light, raspy breathing is heard. "He's probably asleep," you say to yourself. You try picking him up bridal-style, but it doesn't work. He's too heavy. You fall down the stairs with him in your arms. Luckily, you land on him. You quickly get up, and you put your hands to your mouth in shock. Fortunately, he's still breathing his weird breaths.

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