The Many Stages Of Jeff

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You hold Jeff's hand and smile at him with sad eyes. He locks his eyes with yours. He doesn't look away until the rest of the creepypastas walk in. Ben is the last one to walk in. Jeff still seems to be staring at the empty doorway. You look into his eyes to see fear engulf them. You become frightened, and you look to where he is looking, but nothing is there. You look down at the stitches he now has from the deep gash he got. You squeeze Jeff's hand, and he squeezes back.
He squeezes back.

You are startled. Jeff moved! You are about to tell Slenderman until Jeff lets out an ear-piercing scream. He thrashes and squirms and crawls away. Some of the creepypastas are holding him down while Slender injects a greenish liquid into Jeff's arm. Jeff gasps and stops moving.

"Lily..." Jeff manages to say before passing out. Suddenly, everything turns quiet. You look at everyone. Everyone has fear glued to their face.

"Did... Did he just say, 'Lily'?" Jane gulps.

"She's here," Ben whispers.

Everyone turns to Ben. He has a serious look plastered on his face.

"I though she was dead!" Masky whispers/yells.

"She's dead all right, but she's a ghost," Slender says. The lights flicker off, and everyone gasps. Someone screams, and Masky immediatly runs to the light switch and flips it, but the light still didn't turn back on. Ben goes to the switch and gets sucked into it. Suddenly, the lights go back on, and Ben comes out of the light. Masky screams and faints.

Jane is passed out, lying on the floor, with her back torn open.

"Jane!" You scream. Eyeless Jack runs over to her and pulls out a sewing kit.

"Don't worry Slender, I got it," Jack says.

"Thank you E.J.," Slender says.

Slender walks over to Jeff and puts his hand on Jeff's forehead. His hand immediately flinches away as soon as it came in contact with Jeff's head.

"HOODIE COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" Slender yells. A boy with a yellow hoody and a black mask with red eyes and mouth runs to Slender.

"yEs SiR," he says. His voice sounds high and distorted. As he talks with Slender, his mask moves. You realize that it wasn't a mask, but his actual face.

"Hoodie, I want you to tend to Jeff with ____. I'm certain that you know how to tend to people. I've seen you do it before. Now hurry child!" Slender yells.

"yEs SiR, RiGhT aWaY SiR!" Hoodie says. He picks up Jeff with little effort and drags him to another room. You follow him.

"What are we going to do?" You ask. Hoodie ignores you and tends to Jeff.

"hEaT uP sOmE hOt WaTeR," Hoodie tells you. You heat up the water and give it to Hoodie. He puts a rag in the water and puts it on Jeff's head. You grab Jeff's hand and immediately let go of it. It was ice cold.

"dOn'T tOuCh HiM!" Hoodie yells. "hE's iN a StAtE oF dEaTh!"

"I'm sorry!" you say. You watch as Hoodie injects a blue liquid into Jeff's legs and arms.

"tHiS iS a ChEmIcAl tHaT WiLl hElP JeFf MoVe," Hoodie says. You watch as he continues to tend to Jeff. During the whole time, you've been gripping Jeff's hand, whether it was cold or hot. The last part of the "tending" confused you, Hoodie wants you to slap Jeff across the face.

"Why would I do that?!" You yell.

"iF yOu WaNt JeFf tO wAkE uP, YoU nEeD tO sLaP HiM. He'S iN a StAtE oF fEaR. He CoUlD dIe In HiS dReAm! A gOoD sLaP WiLl hElP HiM!" Hoodie says.

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