Where Am I?

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You wake up on a mattress in a small, dimly lit room. The gray wallpaper was peeling off of the walls, revealing concrete. The mattress you were laying on had different colored stains on it; some orange, some green, and some... red. You shrugged off your thought and stood up. There was no blanket covering you, only a blue baggy hoody. You decided to leave it on. When you step on the concrete floor, a cold feeling rushes over you. How did you get here? You gripped the hoody and buried your face in it. You started to cry. The thoughts of your mother flooded your brain. You remembered her face when she was stabbed, you remember the fire, you remember Jeff carrying you...


You cry harder. Why would he do this? Why did he have to make your life miserable? What did you ever do to him? You remembered when you first met him, in the park. He killed your schoolmate in front of you. Then you remembered when you hit him with the stick, and the bat. You chuckled to yourself. You wanted to hit him again. You wanted him to pay for what he did to your mother. Well, it wasn't him, but he ordered the scary green man to do it.

Tears fill your eyes, spilling out like a waterfall. You sob, letting all of your tears flow. You didn't bother to hold them back. You sat down on the concrete, and held your legs with your arms. You rest your head in your legs and sob loudly. You didn't care anymore. You wanted to die. Your mother was gone, and you couldn't do a thing about it.

You slowly lift your head. Your vision was blurry from your tears, but you could see a small black and white blob in front of you. You rub your eyes and look at the blob. It wasn't a blob... it was a mouse. It looked a little like Mickey Mouse, except it was black and white, and cartoon-looking.

"H-Hello little guy," you sniffed. It stares at you, and you immediately feel uncomfortable. It lowered it's head, and you lean in to see what's happening. Suddenly, it's head shoots up to look at you. It's once cartoony face was replaced with a horrid one. It's eyes and mouth were streaming black and red liquid, and it looked extremely scary. You screamed as loud as you could and backed up as much as possible from the terrible thing. It started to walk towards you with it's head tilted, the same horrid face was still there. You then heard fast footsteps, and the door was swung open. There stood Jeff, holding the door with one hand and a bloody knife in the other.

As soon as Jeff saw your terrified face, he tensed up, but when he saw the mouse, he sighed and chuckled.

"Cide!" He yelled. The mouse stopped walking towards you and looked at Jeff. It squeaked and ran out of the room. Jeff looked at you and stiffled a laugh. You were backed up in the farthest corner of the room, gripping the sweatshirt where your heart was tightly. You had a look of fear plastered to your face.

"Sorry about that. Suicide Mouse likes to scare visitors," he sighed. He walked over to you and held out his hand. You stared at it, the look was still on your face. Jeff groaned in annoyance.

"C'mon, I'm trying to help," he said.

You put your hand in his, and he hoisted you up. He saw your terrified face and snapped a finger in front of you.

"EARTH TO ____. Are you alright now?"

"W-What? Oh..." you felt speechless. You remembered your mom, and turned from scared to angry in a matter of seconds.

"Y-You... You..." You stuttered. You balled your hands into tight fists.

"I what?"



"You... You killed my... m-my..." You started to cry. Jeff immediately understood what you were saying.

"H-Hey... It's going to be okay..."

"NO IT'S NOT! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER! YOU MADE THAT WEIRD GUY STAB HER! N-Now I don't have a-anyone anym-more..."

Jeff lowered his head as you sobbed.

"It's not my fault."

"Yes it is Jeffrey, and you know it."

Jeff angrily turned around, and you looked up from your crying to see who spoke. There stood a pretty girl with long black hair, and skin pale as snow. She looked like Jeff, except for her eyes and mouth. Her mouth was normal, but her eyes were pitch black, and one tear of black liquid slid down her cheek.

"Shut up Jane! You're not in this..."

"Jeff, I know what's happening to her, because YOU did the same thing to ME. Let a woman talk to her. You obviously don't understand how she's feeling."

"You little-"

"ENOUGH Jeff. Get out," she said, and pointed to the door.

"Excuse me?!" Jeff angrily said.


Jeff stomped out of the room, and the woman closed the door softly. She walked over to you and spoke to you softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You nodded your head, and sat down with her on the mattress. You spilled everything about what happened.

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