Mom the Hero

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You lie there, thinking about what happened, when you hear a crash. "Mom? Are you home?" You say. She didn't respond. "Mom?" You say, a little louder. You then hear heavy footsteps walking towards you. You panick and crawl underneath your bed. Your door opens, and all you can see is the person's feet and part of their pants. You honestly have no idea who this is. The intruder walks inside your room and closes the door. You can hear the person's breathing as they walk towards your bed. Your own breathing begins to quicken as well as your heartbeat. I'm gonna die... You think to yourself. Then, the person speaks.

"I know you're here. I can smell you." It sounds like a man's voice to you.
What?! He can smell me? How is that possible? You think. You put your hair in front of your nose and sniff. Oh yeah... I used too much shampoo, didn't I? You think to yourself. You smell like strawberries. It was a strong scent, and it made you sneeze.

"ACHOOO!" You sneezed louder than usual, causing the intruder to jump. He then relaxes and chuckles. You know this is where your life comes to an end. He grabs your arm from under your bed and pulls you out. You gasp, seeing his face. "You..." you say, shocked to see him. "Y-Your the guy from the park... Aren't you?"

"That's me all right," he says. "I believe I didn't introduce myself. My name is Jeffrey Woods, but everyone knows me as Jeff the killer. I'd prefer if you call me Jeff, thank you."

You stare in shock. Why is he acting like a gentleman? He's a murderer! A killer! Why isn't he stabbing me to death?! You think, slightly scared, but annoyed.

"Why are you here...?" You whisper. You already know why he's here. You just want to buy some time. Jeff stares at you (considering the fact he doesn't have eyelids) and doesn't respond. You look at your feet and twiddle your thumbs. Jeff keeps staring at you. You are about to say something, but then you see him slowly pull out his knife from his hoodie pocket.

"What are you doing?" You say, making him freeze in place.

"What do you think I'm doing? Why do you think I'm here?" He scoffed.

"To... kill me?" You say.


You panick and reach for the nearest thing you could put your hands on. You grab your old lacrosse stick and hold it in a fighting stance. "You think you can hurt me with a stick?" He laughs. You ignore him and whack him in the head. He winces and puts a hand on his head where you hit him. You used this distraction to run out of your room, hitting him again in the process. You quickly run down your steps and grab the house phone, calling 911. You hear growling and angry muttering. Pick up pick up pick up! You think. "Hey!" he yells. You turn to see him jump down the steps. He lands awkwardly and falls on his back. "DAMMIT!" He yells. The phone then picks up.

"911. What's your emergency?" A lady asks.

"HELP THERE'S A KILLER IN MY HOUSE! PLEASE HURRY!" You scream into the phone and then hang up. The lady can just track the phone number to find my address, you think. Jeff then gets up and walks towards you. You grab your cousin's baseball bat that he forgot and whack Jeff with it in the ribs. He yelps and grabs his side. He leaps toward you, knife in hand, when the door opens.

"____, I'm ho-" your mom begins to say and stops in mid-sentence to see Jeff on top of you. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO MY DAUGHTER?!" She screams.

You look up to see what your mom is screaming about, and you feel your face grow hot. You're on your back, and Jeff's on top of you. You would feel romantic about this if the knife wasn't pressed against your neck.

"GET OFF OF HER YOU PERVERT!" You're mother says, while pulling out a pepper spray from her purse. Jeff's eyes widen when he sees the pepper spray. He jumps up and makes a break for it, only to be sprayed in the eyes by your hero, also known as your mother.

"WHAT THE HELL LADY! GAAAAAH!" He screams and falls to the ground, squirming and crying and putting his hands on his never-closing eyes. Your mother runs over to you.

"My baby, my sweet baby are you alright?! Did the man hurt you?!" Your mom says with concern. She pulls you up and wraps her arms tightly around you, ignoring the cries of the murderer. "I knew someday this would happen...! If only I could've protected you! Now you could be pregnant! Oh honey I'm so sorry-"

"MOM HE DIDN'T DO THAT TO ME!" You yell, blushing furiously. Why would she even think that?! You think. Your mom ignores your statement and grabs the phone, ready to call the police. Ironically, a fat policeman barges through the front door right then.

"FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" He yells, pulling out his gun. He looks at his surroundings. A woman is tightly holding a girl and caressing her hair, while a boy is on the floor screaming and furiously wriggling in pain with his hands over his face. He sees a can of pepper spray near the boy.

"That's him! That's Jeff the killer!" says another policeman, skinnier than the other one.

"I'll take care of him, guys," says a shorter looking policeman, with blond hair and unusually blue eyes. They were bright, as if they were colored contacts. He grabs Jeff by the arm and throws his knife on the ground. Jeff is wriggling still, but slightly calms when he sees the police officer. You hear the policeman whisper in Jeff's ear. "C'mon buddy, let's get you home." Jeff nods but then feels the sting in his eyes again. He whimpers as the policeman puts a cold towel on Jeff's eyes.

"Don't worry, we have him now. Thank you for your time," the fat policeman says, and closes the door.

You stare at the now closed door, listening to your mom slightly cry and rock you back and forth. "Mom?" you ask.

"Yes honey, everythings going to be okay, we just have to get you to a doctor to make sure you aren't preg-"

"Mom, I think I should tell you what happened," you interrupt.

Your mother looks at you with pleading and concerning eyes. "Yes baby what happened?" she cooed.

"Well..." you begin.

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