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first off, side note: this is gay fanfiction.  if you dont like it then fuck off basically.  xo al


Remus hated three things: black tea, shitty books and Sirius Black. The first two were avoidable, but the last was like a disease that only knew of Remus. It followed him around, ruined his day and put him in a shitty mood. 'It' being Sirius Black, goalkeeper for Hogwarts High's soccer team and all-round dick head to everyone who willingly picked up a book. Some people, like James Potter and Peter Pettigrew, could stand him. Remus didn't understand how or why they put in the effort or time to put up with such an insufferable, idiotic, mind-clogging git. But James and Peter did. Remus, however, did not.

''Remus!'' Lily Evans, Remus' best friend and fellow hater of Sirius, shouted as they sat outside the local café that Friday afternoon. The sun was, in Remus' opinion, too bright for mid-spring, but maybe that was because he didn't wear anything but jumpers. ''Have you been paying attention to anything I've been saying?'' Lily demanded, and Remus rolled his eyes, closing the notebook he was writing in.

''Obviously not,'' Remus replied, and Lily bit her lip, meaning that she appreciated the sarcasm, but not at the current time.

''You've got your 'I'm thinking about Sirius Black' face on, so I should've known,'' Lily teased, and Remus went red with anger.

''I do NOT have a Sirius Black face! I hate him! He's a git! A twat! A dickhead! A little bitchy ass fucking turtle that I want to choke!'' He said, and Lily laughed before raising an eyebrow.

''Do want to choke him, or do you want to choke him?'' She said, and Remus rolled his eyes. ''I know that we both dislike him, but seriously, he's not all that bad. He's gay, too.'' She pointed out helpfully, even though she was full-aware of how much Remus had thought on that fact. He and Sirius were the only officially-out gay guys at Hogwarts, and since they were both male, everyone assumed they would fuck sometime during the final year. This just added to Remus' fury.

''Just because he's gay doesn't mean I want to bang him,'' Remus said, and Lily grinned.

''Oh come on, he's hot as, and he's funny, too!'' Lily said, and Remus glared at her. Maybe she doesn't hate him, then. Remus thought.

''People only think he's funny when he's making fun of me!'' Remus pointed out, and Lily rolled her eyes.

''Complications, complications. The point is, you need to drop this grudge. When was the last time he offended you first, anyway? Year seven? Eight? We're in year twelve, Remus! You're eighteen.'' She said, and Remus looked at her blandly.

''Your point is?"

''You need to drop your feud.'' She finished, and Remus gasped.

''Not. Going. To happen,'' He said. Lily just sipped her coffee and rolled her stupidly pretty green eyes.

''Whatever.'' She said, and then he sipped his coffee and rolled his own stupidly golden brown eyes.

Remus contemplated what Lily had said. He could be mature, apologize to Sirius, become friends with Peter or James and slowly rebuild the fractured bond between them.

Or, he could go on hating him, calling him names, telling him to fuck off when he asked for a pencil, telling everyone that would listen about how much he hated Sirius' guts and he could keep pushing him off his chair when he sat down.

One out of the two options was more mature, better for his future and probably his mental health, too. Over half of emotional issues are developed from hatred.

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