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Marlene was sitting cross legged before Remus, her blonde hair with the newly acquainted pink-tips glowing in the horrendously bright sun. She was talking about Adam Clearwater and Dorcas Meadows and their pros and cons. He wasn't really listening, but he was nodding along and eating his food without interrupting.

''He just always wants to make out. It's a bit tiring, honestly. I think my lips are going to get chapped by the end of this stupid fad that he's got.'' Marlene said, her hand gestures wide and dramatic. She was eating a salad, although eating was a bit of an exaggeration, since she was ignoring it in favor of talking Remus' ear off.

''What about Dorcas?'' Remus inquired politely, not particularly interested, but acting as so for Marlene's sake. To be honest with himself, he was angry, and sick, and he didn't want to be at school today.

Marlene's eyes went a little bit cloudy. ''I think I'd like to take it further with her,'' Marlene said, and this caught Remus' attention.

''Really?'' He asked, and Marlene nodded, her face void of blushing, but she would've if she had had actual human emotions. ''That's good as, Mar!'' He told her, and she grinned, brushing her hair out of her bright, strangely blue eyes.

''Thanks, Rem. I thought maybe she'd be weirded out, but I asked her if she wanted to maybe go out on Friday afternoon, and she agreed.'' Marlene said, and Remus smiled at her.

''That's awesome, Marlene, it really is. You've wanted a girlfriend for a while, huh?'' He said, and Marlene nodded. Since she had come out as bisexual, she had wanted to see if she preferred girls or boys, and since she hadn't tried anything besides kissing with a girl, she was excited to take it further.

''Yeah. I mean, I'm not like, proving anything, but I'm just experimenting, and why not experiment with someone I really like?" She said, and Remus agreed. He had only had a few boyfriends in his life, but he knew what it was like with people thinking fake and love were the same things.

''I know I'm not some sort of love god, but – '' Remus began, before Marlene laughed, her crazy and loud laugh sounding through the courtyard.

''You? Not a love god? You've had more guys in your bed than Georgia Vane! I can't believe you even thought you'd get away with saying that! Ha! You, not a love god!'' Marlene said, in her crazy and loud voice. A couple of students near them looked over, but when Marlene sent them a glare, they glanced away like they hadn't even noticed Remus and her were there.

Remus rolled his eyes at Marlene's words once the kids had looked away. ''I haven't been with that many guys,'' He said, but Marlene snorted.

''Yeah. Are you forgetting Mark Diggory? Michael McDonald? Frank Longbottom? Xavier Patil? Cole Parkinson? Oh my god, did I forget anyone?'' Marlene replied, her voice disbelieving, as if she couldn't understand how Remus had thought that he hadn't had sex with five different guys.

Remus blushed, as he always did, unlike Marlene. ''Whatever. Does that make me a hoe?'' He asked, and Marlene laughed again, just as Lily sat down next to them, back from her Student Council meeting with Mr Slughorn.

''Hey, guys! What's up?'' Lily asked, looking at Marlene's happy face and Remus' red one. Marlene grinned.

''Remus and I were just talking about all his lovely boys!'' Marlene said, and Lily gasped. She didn't know about half of them, and Remus glared at Marlene to shut up. ''I don't think any of them are out, are they?'' She said, and Remus glared at her.

''You are a dick.'' Remus informed her, to which she just grinned.

''Um, excuse me, but I think I heard boys, plural, meaning there's more than just Frank! And since when are half of the year twelve boys at Hogwarts gay?'' Lily said, all in one breath. Remus blushed again, and Marlene laughed.

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