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Remus called Lily's number twelve times before deciding she was snogging James and hadn't bothered to turn her phone off silent. He swore under his breath as he stood outside their apartment like an idiot, his backpack making his posture sag and his keys lost god-knows-where. He was locked out of their apartment, and Lily, the only other person who had keys to the door, wasn't answering. And she had taken their car. And he didn't have enough money in his train pass for another ride, so he couldn't even go to where she was. He didn't even know where the game was. He swore again, this time not under his breath.

Remus decided to sit on the curb, then, and face out at the road to pass the time. It'd be hours before she got home, and he could probably walk to his mum's in that time. Like he could be fucked doing that, anyway. He took a granola bar out of his bag, instead, and decided to chill for the approximate four hours until he could finally get inside.

Just as he was about to give up hope, a black Chevrolet pulled up to where Remus was sitting. Its windows were so darkly tinted that Remus thought they were blacked out. The rims of the wheels were gold. Remus stared at it in a state of surprise and shock, and then the passenger door opened, the most aesthetic girl Remus had ever seen stepped out. She had on black fishnet tights, a black skirt and a black jumper with the words 'fake love' written on it in red, and a rose on each cuff. Her boots, Doc Martens (cliché) were definitely brand new, and her red lipstick and black cat eyeliner was flawless. Remus recognized her from his English class. Bellatrix Black smiled at him as he stood up.

''Hey, Remus. I was just going down this street with Tom and saw you, guessed you were locked out. Need a lift?" She asked, and Remus didn't believe it. Were Blacks gorgeous and smart? Remus thought it was only Sirius and Regulus, but apparently it was a whole family thing.

''Yeah, I am locked out actually. Lily has the other key, and she's not picking up.'' Remus replied, and Bella laughed like he'd made a joke. She had a nice laugh.

''That's fine! Where are you headed?'' She asked him, tapping her red fingernails on her iPhone case.

''Probably James' soccer game. That's where she is, anyway.'' He said, and Bella smiled.

''Oh, we're headed there, too! Sirius says he doesn't play as well without a cheer squad.'' She said, and laughed again at some inside joke or memory. Remus, however, was too busy cursing himself for not thinking this through. He'd see Sirius, Sirius would look at him, see that Romulus and Remus are the same person, and then everything will go to shit.

But Bella was already opening the back seat door, and Remus was too polite to refuse, so he sat down and said hi to Tom, who shared all his classes, and they made easy chatter on the way to the football game that would surely be the end of Remus Lupin's life.

Soccer, or sports in general, weren't Remus' type of thing. He'd rather be on his bed, listening to Halsey and watching Doctor Who or reading The Mortal Instruments. The best thing about this game was that there so many people that there was no way Sirius could see him, and Lily was there, and the players were pretty fit, too.

Remus had his notebook open, jotting down project ideas and world domination plots that didn't matter while Lily ate hotdog after hotdog and Snapchatted every single thing that happened. She was looking gorgeous, as always, and Remus had just finished class, so he was sure that his blue jeans and striped t-shirt didn't cut it. He didn't care. All he cared about was making it out of this night alive.

''Don't forget we have the reunion tonight,'' Lily said to him them, and Remus rolled his eyes.

''I can't be fucked.'' He replied, and she nudged him with her elbow.

''Well, I can, and I don't have a date.'' She said, and Remus was instantly in best friend mode.

''Did you and James break up? Did he hurt you? Did he break your heart? I'll break his neck. Did he cheat on you? I FUCKING SWEAR IF HE DID I'LL- '' Lily clamped her hand over his mouth before he could attract more attention. The whole row was staring at them, and Remus was on his feet, his shirt twisted and his face red. He sat down and felt his face flush with embarrassment.

''Sorry, Lils. Didn't mean to cause a fuss. But seriously- '' He started, but Lily cut him off again with a stern look.

''Rem, it's fine. He's going with Sirius because Sirius is sad and doesn't have a date and he asked me if that was okay and I said I don't really give a fuck. It's good. I love him with all of myself, and he loves me the same. No need to get your underpriced thrift store shirt in a twist.'' Lily said, and Remus grinned at her and gave her a bear hug. It was cute when she talked about James. Her eyes sort of shined, even if she played it down like it wasn't a fuss.

''As long as you're happy.'' He said, and Lily rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

''Dork,'' she teased, but then her face turned a little more serious and she crossed her legs and faced him. He mirrored her pose. ''How did you get here, anyway?''

''Bellatrix. Her and Tom were on their way here and decided to give me a lift because I couldn't get in the house.'' He said, sending Lily and accusing look.

''Yeah, sorry about that, mate. Forgot to check my phone. But didn't they know about Sirius and you, and how you faked your identity?'' Lily asked, and Remus shrugged. He had confided in Lily on the night after he had run into Sirius, and she had just told him he was an idiot and to come clean. He knew she was always concerned, but he also knew she tried not to show it.

''Well, they didn't actually see me, so technically, they don't know the difference between Romulus and Remus, even if Sirius has told them.'' Remus said, and Lily looked thoughtful for a minute, tapping her yellow-painted fingernail on her chin in thought.

''I guess. Plus, there are a lot of boys with golden brown hair and hazel eyes in London. Romulus could be anyone.'' She said, and Remus nodded.

''I was going to tell him tonight, about who I actually am. I don't feel good lying to him.''

''But? There's always a 'but'.'' Lily said, and Remus nodded again.

''Yeah, but, I think if he sees me at this game, he's going to rip me apart.'' Remus said, and Lily laughed.

''Sirius isn't the Sirius from high school. He's so much more different. He literally helps elderly ladies across the street. He volunteers for community clean ups. He's a father figure to his younger family members, and I've never seen him hurt anyone since the incident in year twelve.'' Lily said, and Remus looked doubtful. ''Seriously, Rem. He's changed.''

Remus considered it. Sirius did seem different in the bar to the Sirius Remus was used to from Hogwarts. He seemed more patient, more in-control, less rude and obnoxious. James seemed to have changed, though Remus often heard about him from Lily, and it didn't come as big of a surprise. Sirius, however, appeared to be a different person. Maybe Romulus and Remus were the same, and Sirius and Sirius were the two who were different.

''Maybe,'' Remus said. ''I'll give the apologizing a go when I can.''

Lily nodded. ''Sounds good. Right now, though, I want to watch James. I bet he's losing, the fucking tosser.'' She said, smiling fondly as she spoke quite rudely of her beloved boyfriend. That was Lily for you, pretending she wasn't completely head over heels for someone when she was beyond that stage.


a.n- i think i might delete this book.... maybe start a new account? who knows tbhh 

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