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It was too early, in Remus' opinion, to be waking up to just sit through hell all day. It wasn't that he hated school. He just hated the people and the orders; it was the learning and the discovery he loved. But honestly, he could learn and discover at home, in his bed, while sipping milky tea and listening to Beyoncé.

He groaned and rolled out of his bed, squinting at the annoyingly bright sun streaming through the open window. Last night he'd had too many teas and apple ciders. He hoped his face wasn't red from the mask. He hoped his glare wasn't an evident give away he was still pissed at Sirius for existing. He hoped his smirk wasn't a reminder of how Marlene had come back from getting face masks, laughing as she told him and Lily about punching James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. It had improved Lily and Remus' moods insanely and instantly. Anything did when one of the three – 'Marauders' as they called themselves – were the butt of the joke.

Remus tiredly got ready, in his black, red, green, yellow and blue school uniform. He lazily packed his bag with a ton of books and a huge amount of tea bags before he headed out of the door, a quick good bye to his mother over his shoulder. Hs father, was, annoying, still absent. It seemed Lyle Lupin had better things to do than return home after his month-long business trip. Not that May Lupin seemed to care. Not that anyone did.

Remus crossed his arms as he walked to Lily's house, passing heaps of kid's houses that he recognized along the way. There was Severus Snape, a massive jerk and player; Mary McDonald, friend of Lily and Remus', sort-of-girlfriend of Dorcas; Peter Pettigrew, dick head, asshole, loser and a friend of Sirius fucking Black. Remus finally reached the house he wanted and pushed the door open without knocking. Only Lily and Mrs Evans would be home, anyway.

''Hey, Emily and Lily!'' Remus shouted, walking into Lily's kitchen. Emily Evans, Lily's mother, ran to greet him as soon he entered the kitchen area.

''Oh, Remus! It's seemed like ages since I've seen you!'' She said, and Remus smiled his radiant, saved-for-teachers-and-parents smile at her. She beamed/swooned. Remus gave her a hug.

''I saw you on Friday, Emily,'' He reminded her in a polite tone. Emily rolled her eyes in a very Lily-like way.

''Complications!'' She said, reminding him of Lily once again. ''At least have a cup of tea!'' She offered, and Remus couldn't decline that kind of offer.

A snort sort of laugh sounded behind him, and he and Emily turned to see Lily standing on the last step of the stairs, her face amused and her hair in a messy bun like it always was. She had her messenger bag over her shoulder, and she was rolling her eyes.

''I'm sure he's had at least three cups of tea already today, mum.'' Lily pointed out as she walked towards her mother to give her a hug. Emily rolled her eyes, but kept preparing the tea.

''You have twenty minutes until school starts; one cup won't hurt!'' Emily said, and Remus looked at Lily in a way only best friends can, like he was talking without saying words. His non-words said: Have a fucking cup of tea you wanker. Lily's said: Fine, asshole.

They sat down together, one on each bench stool while they chatted to Mrs Evans and listened to the 80s music on the radio and watched their tea cool down. Remus loved the Evans household. It was so different from his own. He loved his mother, too, and his father, even if he was cheating, abandoning dickhead. But where there was abandonment at his home, there was staying at this one, and where there was lying at his own, there was welcoming and hugs here. So Remus stayed as long as he could, as much as he could.

Then Lily got up and put her cup in the sink, grabbing her bag and giving her mother a hug. ''Come on, Remus. We need to pick up Mar on the way,'' She said, and Remus grinned. He loved car rides with Marlene, who always kept up the mood and conversation.

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