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It was eleven o'clock when Remus finally woke up on Lily's couch. Lily, whose house he was in, was sitting on the kitchen counter, scrolling through her phone, probably Instagram, while drinking a chamomile tea. She looked up at him when he made a groaning sound.

''Hey, sleepy head.'' She said, whispering slightly, which meant her parents were home and asleep upstairs. Remus saluted her jokingly before getting off the couch and joining her on sitting atop the kitchen counter.

''What's up?'' He asked, and Lily smirked.

''You, finally.''

''Ha, ha, ha.'' He deadpanned. ''You know what I mean.''

''Yeah,'' Lily sighed, ''I do. But I don't know, I mean, since I'm school leader, I have to do a speech on graduation night. But then I have to do another for the last soccer match of the year, so that's two different speeches and who can be fucked writing two whole goddamn speeches?''

Remus breathed out slowly. ''Thank fuck I'm not school leader.'' He supplied, and Lily rolled her eyes and hit him on the arm.

''Thanks for the advice, dickhead. But I need ideas, and you're full of them,'' She said, and Remus shrugged.

''Um, thank Dumbledor, maybe?''

''That's a shit idea.'' Lily said, sending him a look.

Remus said, ''You asked.''

''Yeah, but I didn't ask for shitty ideas.'' Lily countered, and Remus rolled his eyes.

''Whatever. Just say, 'thank you to all of our families, friends, sisters and brothers who are here today and every other day of our lives. Without you, all the steps we've taken would've been fumbling, and all the words we've spoken would've been stuttered.' That good enough?'' Remus offered, and Lily grinned, and gave him a quick hug that James Potter or any straight male would've been jealous of.

''That's fucking great! Love you, Rem.'' She said, and Remus grinned.

''I know!'' He replied cheerily.

Lily rolled her eyes. ''Don't Han Solo me!''

Remus laughed. ''Speaking of, want to watch it?''

''Sure,'' Lily replied, and they both leapt off of the counter.

Remus and Lily entered Lily's room, and the sweet smell of her flowery perfume took over, like a cloud of sugar. Remus breathed it in and jumped onto her white bed-spread. Lily flicked on the light and sat on the edge of the bed in front of the T.V unit on her wall.

''You sure it's all good for you to stay?'' Lily asked, flicking through the movie menu.

''Yeah, I did tell mum I was going here.''

''Good. Now, want to watch the first, second, or third one?" Lily asked, and Remus grinned.

''Third, obviously. I live for that angst.'' He said, and Lily laughed, pressing play on Revenge of the Sith. She laid down beside Remus. He wrapped an arm around her. Then she laughed.

''You know, if you were James Potter, you'd be so hard right now.'' She said, and Remus laughed.

''I think if I was anyone else right now I'd be turned on.'' He said, and Lily snorted in laughter.

''True. I'm just that fabulous.'' She said, and Remus laughed.

''And modest.'' He said, and Lily laughed with him.

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