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Music was thumping as Sirius entered Marlene's house. Weed was thick in the air, as was the stench of sweat. Alcohol bottles were hanging from hands, as were pills and phones and items of clothing. Half-naked bodies slamming together and loud music. Just what Sirius loved in an atmosphere.

''You see anyone we know?'' James asked. Sirius nodded, pointing to a corner where Lily, Remus, Dorcas and Marlene were sitting. Well, Remus and Lily were sitting. The other two were making out quite passionately.

''You know, when I said I wanted to go with you to a party, I didn't mean watch girls kiss each other.'' Pete said, walking up behind them. Sirius noticed he had a beer in one hand a girl's hand in his other. The girl the hand was attached to was Mary McDonald, friend of Lily Evans and enemy of Adam Clearwater. But who wasn't, these days?

''Ah, Mary. If there was a girl who would win best hair, it'd be you.'' Said Sirius, and Mary smiled at him. She had very red lips.

''Sirius. If there was ever a boy who would win best hair, it'd be you.'' She said, and Sirius laughed.

''True, true. Now, has little Petey here kidnapped you, or are you going with him on your own accord?" Sirius said, and Mary laughed while Peter glared at Sirius.

''Here on my own accord, actually.'' She said, and James whistled and elbowed Pete in the ribs.

''Get in, Petey boy.'' He said, and Sirius and Mary laughed while Peter glared.

''This is why I don't tell you things.'' He said. James snorted.

''Whatever, big shot. We're off to get drinks for Lily and Remus and the others. You coming?'' James offered, and Peter nodded reluctantly. Mary and James made easy conversation while Peter walked beside her, hand in hers.

Wonder when that happened, Sirius thought. He knew that Peter had a crush on any girl with a pulse, but Mary was a bit different to most girls. She would rather design or read something than party, and Peter's type were girls who were outgoing and out of his league. Finally found someone worth staying with, Sirius mused. He picked a beer from the table in the kitchen before he and the others walked over to their friends. Well, friends, bar Remus, whose feelings Sirius didn't know.

''So, plan of attack.'' Remus was saying to the girls when they arrived. Dorcas and Marlene looked a little intoxicated, but they were no longer kissing, so Sirius saw it as safe to flop down near them. They created a makeshift circle around the coffee table. ''I'm going to study novels and fiction writing, Lily is doing architecture, Marlene is doing modelling, Dorcas is doing photography.''

Lily nodded. ''Sounds about right.'' She said. She looked at the people who had joined, particularly James, who had sat in the smallest amount of space that was between Remus and Lily. Sirius choked back his laughter.

''What about you guys?'' Marlene asked the group, gesturing at them with the joint that was in her hand. Sirius glanced at James, who was looking like he very much regretted sitting in such an uncomfortable place.

''Imma be a cop.'' He said, and Lily laughed.

''You? A cop?" She asked, incredulous. Sirius laughed as James looked betrayed.

''Exactly what I said!'' Sirius said, and James glared at him.

''Sirius and I have both quit smoking for it! And anyway, he wants to be a tradie or something, and Pete wants to be a teacher. I don't know about Mary.'' James said, and everyone faced Mary. James looked smug. Sirius sent him a look that said, Throwing someone else under the bus? He sent on back that said, Yeah? So what?

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