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Remus, Lily and Marlene arrived at Lily place laughing and singing Beyoncé songs. Every time Remus took out one of her albums, the other two would shout in protest, but they always sang along. Well, Lily did. Marlene just tapped the rhythm onto the back of Lily's headrest while screaming in a back-up singer sort of way.

Remus took off his blue denim jacket and mustard sweater when he stepped into the Evans' boiling hot house.

''It's like a bloody sauna in here!'' Marlene said, stripping off her jacket and boots. Lily rolled her eyes and turned on the AC.

''Better?'' She said, jumping up to sit on her kitchen counter as Remus went over to the kettle.

''Yeah, thanks.'' Marlene said as she typed on her iPhone. She looked like she wasn't listening, and Lily and Remus exchanged a look before they both lunged for the phone. ''Oi!'' Marlene shouted, trying to get them off of her. ''Get off me, you fucking physcos!'' She shouted, kicking at Lily who was trying to pry Marlene's fingers off her phone.

While they were distracted by each other, Remus snuck up behind Marlene and bit her arm, making her gasp and open her hand. He quickly nipped the phone from between her fingers and tapped the screen so that it wouldn't lock.

''Ha!'' He shouted, and Lily rushed beside him to see the screen. Marlene scowled and crossed her arms. ''You're flirting with Dorcas Meadows!'' Remus said, and Lily gasped and plucked the phone from his hand, flicking through the texts for evidence. Her eyes widened the further up she got. Then she dropped the phone onto the bench.

''Ah! She sent you nudes? When were you going to tell us you're dating?'' Lily demanded, and Marlene, ever immune to blushing, picked up her phone, scowled and shrugged, her face nonchalant.

''We're not dating,'' Marlene said. ''We're just mucking around. Anyway, Adam Clearwater thinks that the thing we have is exclusive. Like sending me dick pictures is a form of true love of something.'' She rolled her blue eyes and shook out her short blond hair. Remus laughed but Lily just raised an eyebrow.

''Seriously? Why didn't I know about Adam? Why does no one ever tell me things?" She asked, and Remus and Marlene laughed.

Marlene said, ''Because you act like this?"

Lily retorted, ''I only act like this because no one tells me things.''

When she looked accusingly as Remus, he said, ''I don't have a thing!''

Lily sighed and laid down on the couch. ''You all give me a migraine. Good night. Marlene can get the face masks. Remus can make tea. I can sleep.'' She said, and Marlene snorted as she grabbed the keys to head out.

''See you, Rem. Make sure she doesn't implode from thoughts of friends betraying her.'' She said, slamming the door behind her, like she always did. Remus looked at Lily and smirked.

''You could help make the teas, you know.'' He said, and Lily snorted, her face shoved into the couch cushions.

''Or, I couldn't.'' She said. Remus rolled his eyes as he placed a tea bags in three mugs.

''You're incredibly lazy, by the way.'' He said, and Lily sighed.

''Whatever, mum.'' She replied, and rolled over, dismissing the conversation.

Remus focused on pouring the hot water into the cups and pretending the tea bags were Sirius' face. He grinned.

''You've got your 'Sirius Black' face on again,'' Lily helpfully informed him, making him glare at her. He pointed the teaspoon at her threateningly.

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