Uncle Kade!!!-Jake Paul

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I just woke up and i felt so sick and i quickly ran to the bathroom i kept on throwing up and kade must have heard me because he ran to the bathroom and he saw me he gave me a very worried look.

Then i stopped throwing up so so i decided to get ready for the day and i ran to the nearest store to buy a pregnancy test 


Once i got home i quickly ran to the bathroom to take the test i waited for 5 min.It's Positive.

I was freaking out because i don't know what will be Jake's reaction but Kade wants us to have a baby so we can call him Uncle Kade(YES!)

Now i have to wait for Jake to get home i texted him and he said he's on his way back home.


"Babe! I'm home!" I heard Jake yelled from downstairs i quickly ran downstairs.

"Hey Babe" i said kissing him

"Babe we have to talk" i tell him and he look so worried about me we walked to the room so we can talk.

"What's wrong y/n" he ask

"I'M PREGNANT" he was shock for what i said and a split second he was jumping and he yelled 'UNCLE KADE' Then kade came to our room and said ''Did someone call my name?" "Y/N IS PREGNANT YOU'RE GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" He said excitedly and they were jumping up and down like little kids at this point i was laughing so hard.

Then all the Team 10 members came to our room and congratulated me and uncle kade.

'I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE! YES YES YES" I keeps on shouting like a little boy,I think the neighbors hates us now but we don't give a fvck.



Hey Guys!♡ I haven't been active i'm so busy and instagram deleted our fan account like wtf instagram!? Ryan Herron follows that account this is so messed up anyways hope you like this imagines love you guys!♡✨ ~Kathleen✨

Instagram: kathleenxavery♡grethan

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