Jake Paul Bestfried Part2

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Next day

"I'm gonna miss you" Jake said hugging you

"I'm gonna miss you too"

We separated from the guy and I grab my luggage and walk to security.I took one last glance at Jake he was smiling.I wave at him.I felt a tear drop.

I'm gonna miss you Jake Paul


"Hey Jake" I greeted Jake.Me and Jake kept in contact we facetime everyday (It's everyday bro!...Sorry I had too😂)

"Ayyeee y/n"

"Did you get the package?" Jake asked

"Hmmm Not yet" I said

"I hope you get it today.it's really special" he said smiling



I woke up and get ready for the day and I remembered y/n So I decided to sent her some stuff and I'm gonna add our childhood stuff.I grabbed a box and took all the stuff I want to sent her.I listed the stuff I'm gonna give her

Merch (always plug *wink*)
Her favorite types books
Her fav chocolates
Childhood Pictures
Our childhood video tape it's a video of us playing on the swing and laughing
And teddy bear

I took the tape and get it done.

End of flashback

"So Jake how are you?" I asked him

"I'm good" he said

"Jake i really really mi-" I was cutted off by my roommate Nayelie (I'm using my bestfriend's name ily nayelie😂💗)

Nayelie was carrying a box.she gave it to me and drag me outside without saying goodbye to Jake

"Nayelie stop!" I said

"Why? Lets go I'm gonna show you something!" She said

"Just show it to me later I have to say goodbye to Jake!" I said

"Ok then" she let me go and I ran back to our room.

But Jake wasn't there anymore Wow y/n I thought

Jake's POV

Her friend drag y/n outside there room and y/n dropped the box.

While she was gone I decided to book a flight to new York to visit her and tell her how I feel.

I grabbed my luggage put all my clothes and when I was done packing I ran to my car and drove to the airport

-Skip ✈✈✈✈- (Author~Chan is lazy)

I know where y/n lives because she told me about it so took an uber to go there.I knock on her door but she's not there. shit I thought.

"Jake!?" I heard someone said I looked up and made an eye contact with the most beautiful eyes and it's Y/n.I ran to her and gave her the biggest bearhug.

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I came to visit you" I said holding her hand

"Y/n I like you,no,I LOVE YOU"

"I love you too Jake" she said with tears streaming down her pretty face.I woke it off and leaned in for a kiss.I felt butterflies in my stomach it feels like


"And that's how me and your mom became lovers" i said to my 13 y/o daughter

"That's so cute dad!" d/n(daughter's name) said

"What are you guys talking about?" Y/n said

"Dad told me about your love story and it's so cute" our daughter said

Y/n sat beside me "I love you Jake" "I love you too y/n" I have y/n a pack on her lips "Awww goals!" Our daughter said.

Then we spend the night together as a happy family

The End

Author-chan's note

Finally done guys! And it escalated quickly😂

Hope you guys love it see you in the next imagine love y'all 💫💗

-KathleenAveryHerronUchiha 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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