🙈🌸Text-Jake Paul🌸🙈

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Jakey🔥🙈:Hey Babe!❤

You🔥🌸:Oh,Hi Jakeyy!❤


You🔥🌸:Nothing much i freakin miss you Jake😭

Jakey🔥🙈:Babe i miss you too!

You🔥🌸:Babe i love you...

Jakey🔥🙈:I love you too,I promise i will visit you Ok?


20 minutes later



You🔥🌸:Jake freakin Paul!

Jakey🔥🙈:Yo Babe😂

You🔥🌸:Where were you!?

Jakey🔥🙈:Booking my flight babe...

You🔥🌸:To where?

Jakey🔥🙈:Well surprise babe! I will be with you for a week!

You🔥🌸:Wait whhaaaa omfg babe i'm crying babe thank you i love you so freakkin muchh😭😭😭

Jakey🔥🙈:Babe please don't cry,I love you too! ❤

You🔥🌸:I can't wait to see you!😭❤

Jakey🔥🙈:Me too Babe,Get some rest Ok? I love you!

You🔥🌸:Ok Babe I love you too❤



Hey guys! Whatsup!?❤ Did you liked it? No? Ok...

You guys i'm shook!😍
July is like my month! Why? Because
Mama herron noticed me 3x
Leroy Sanchez liked my comment on instagram and youtube 3x and he replied!
It's ricco tho followed me on twitter
And i met lots of amazing people!❤

And my book got 17k reads! You guys are awesome i love you guys so freakin much! Thank youuu!💞

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