Kade Speiser Imagine

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I didn't put a tittle because i want this story to surprise you and i hope ya'll love it.

I was sitting in the couch watching 13 reasons why when suddenly i felt sick so i ran to the bathroom and threw up and i realized i haven't got my period for a month now so i was thinking maybe i'm pregnant.I texted Erika to stop by the pharmacy and buy me a pregnancy test.


Y/n🙈:Uhmm Erika?
Y/n🙈:Can you stop by the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test?
Erika💕:Yeah sure y/n❤


Then i heard a knock on the door "Hey y/n,It's Erika" she said "Come in" i said getting nervous "Here is the test,Are you sure about this y/n?" She asked "Yes I'm sure about it" i said smiling.Then i ran to the bathroom and took the test i waited for 5 minutes and looked at it.It's Positive.How am i gonna tell this to Kade? I asked to myself.

"Uhmm...Y/n,Are you ok there?" I heard Erika asked "Yeah" i said walking towards the door "So is it Positive sweetie?" She asked me "Yes Erika i'm pregnant" i respond smiling.I'm so happy because i'm going to be a Mom but i don't know if Kade will be happy about this.

"Y/n text Kade to come home" She told me "Ok Erika thanks for helping me" I said.

Kade and Y/n

Y/n💕:Hey Kade can you come home early?
Kade👑:Sure be there at 5


5 minutes later

I heard a knock on the door so i opened it and it's Kade "Hey Babe whats wrong?" He asked worried "Uhmmm? Kade we should uhmm..." I was getting nervous at this moment "Tell me y/n" he said "We should buy a big house babe" i said confidently "Why? It's just the two of us?" He asked "Well...Not anymore" i said smiling "What do yo- Wait! Babe are you Pregnant!?" He asked getting excited i just nod yes smiling "I'm going to be a Dad!" He shouted then Jake came to our room and asked "What's happening guys?" Jake asked "Y/n is pregnant,You're going to be an Uncle!" Kade yelled you were laughing because he's so adorable.

Next thing you know Kade picked you up and spun you around "I love you y/n" he said kissing your forehead "I love you to Kade" you respond pecking his lips.

Well this is long😂

Thank you for reading!
Don't forget to follow me on my social medias!(always plug)



~kathleenherronavery 💕

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