Truth or Dare-AJ Mitchell

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I was walking in the hallway when i saw AJ and his friends,So AJ is my crush he was my bestfriend but it all change when he started his singing career he never hang out with me when it started maybe because for his image? I'm not a nerd to be honest some boys wants me to be their girlfriend like wtf!? Anyways i miss the old AJ so much but i'm friends with his friends like Jake,Alex and Kade they're Famous like me.Yes i am famous.

"Oh Hey y/n whatsup?" Jake ask me "Yow Jake i miss you dude" i tell him"We have a party this saturday you wanna come bro?" Kade asked me "Heck yeah! I will come" i said "So y/n do you have a boyfriend?" Jake asked me "Nope.I'm just waiting to get noticed by my crush" "Ohhhh someone is inlove" Jake teased me then the bell rang and all the students are now gone and some are heading to there class Jake,Kade,AJ and me have the same class and it's the last class YASSS! Finally!

End class

I got to my car,My car is a white range rover i got when i was 16 it's dope bro so i get in and drove to my house because i'm tired asf when i got home i took a nap and get the clothes that i will wear in the party tommorow i'm excited for the party.

Saturday (I'm to lazy to write so yeah😂Don't judge me)

I quickly get ready because it's the day of the party i wore a pink theme clothes

(I know it doesnt look like a party theme outfit i just can't find a new one ok!?)

I get to my range rover and drove to the Team 10 house and btw the party is doesnt have a lot of people the only people there are the T10 members and Logan so it will be fun because i know all of them.

I get to the Team 10 house i rang the door bell and Erika opened the door(IF YOU HATE ERIKA DON'T READ MY BOOK)
"Hey y/n you look absolutely gorgeous wow" "Omg thank you erikaaaa" i quickly hugged her,Erika and Tessa are my bestfriends.

"Guys let's play truth or dare" Jake yelled so we form a circle and sit down i'm beside AJ so it feels awkward "Ok y/n you first,Truth or Dare?" Jake asked "Truth" "Ok,Who's your crush?" At this point i was shaking asf but have to tell them ofcourse i can all trust them but this will ruin me and AJ'S friendship even though he hates me lol.
"I like AJ i just can't tell him but i have to ,I like you AJ" When i said that i quickly got up but AJ stopped me and brings me outside "Look y/n i like you to" then he leans and i felt his warm lips on mine "Will you be my girlfriend?" "YES!" You yell and logan ran to us and said "THAASSSS MAAAHHH BOOII" we all laugh because he is a dork but i love logannn the mop head so yah♡

"I love you y/n"
"I love you to AJ"


This story is so long asf😂😂😂

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