Day 1

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"That's crazy!" I say looking at the blond man next to me.
"Why? Some people can live for a hundred years and never really live. Why don't you come with me to an event? I think we have one this weekend." Logan says.
"Okay. I'll have to call my mom and cancel on her. But that sounds fun. Where should I meet you?" I ask.
"Outside your suite, I'll have a surprise for you." Logan says.
I finish my coffee and throw the cup in the trash.
"What time?"
"4pm, see you tomorrow." Logan says winking. With that, he's off.

*the next morning*
"Ugh." I say, turning off my alarm.
"Gilmore! It's 8:30! Doesn't your internship start in 30 minutes?" My roommate Paris shouts across the common room.
"Yeah I'm up Paris." I say throwing in a pair of jeans, a blue tee shirt, and converse.

I walk out if my room I to the common room that we share.
"I should get going." I say just as we hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to show a certain blond hair, hazel eyes boy.
"Logan." I say surprised.
"Want to get coffee before we have to go in?" He says.
"I uh, sure. Bye Paris!" J say and quickly closing the door.

"So, Logan, what exactly happens at one of your events you were talking about yesterday?" I ask.
"It's secret. It's part if the life and death brigade, and every event there's this one big thing that happens. But when you come, you have to agree to certain terms. No using the letter E, and you have to not disrupt the integrity of the event." He says.
"Okay. We're here. Shall we go in?" I say, pointing to the building where the internship is.
"We shall." Logan says, and opens the door for me.

"Hello Logan, Lorelai. Logan, you're going to be writing on the struggles of people with amputations, and Lorelai, you're going to be interviewing nurses. Try not to be emotional, okay?" Professor Marx says.
"I'm sorry sir. I can't interview nurses. Not that that's a bad article, hospitals are understaffed in nurses but if you ever mention the fact that I would possibly get emotional over talking to nurses is just bullshit. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean you can talk crap to me. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean that I'll get emotional. I'm more in control of my emotions than you could ever be in your life. Now I'm going to interview nurses, and you'll have a kick ass article on your desk first thing tomorrow morning. And don't underestimate the power of female writing." I say and storm out of the room and drive to Yale New Haven Hospital.

"Hello, I'm here to interview nurses. I'm with the Yale Daily News. I'm doing an article on how nurses are over worked and the staff is understaffed. No offense to your hospital, ma'am, but it's a fact that many hospitals under-staff nurses." I say, rambling.
"I'm Dr Charlotte King, my office is this way. If you would like to get the perspective of a nurse or two before we start, here are some here that probably have work but can sit out for a minute." Dr King says.
"Thank you. I'll ask the nurses some questions then I'll come to your office if that sounds good." I say. I take my own and notebook out with questions.

"Hi ladies, I'm a reporter for the Yale Daily News. Would it be okay to use your names or would you like me to omit them?" I ask.
"Please omit them. Just say two nurses." The blonde one says.

Logan's POV
I drive to the nearest rehabilitation hospital, which happens to be part of Yale New Haven hospital. Which is where a certain blue eyed woman is.

I get out of my car and go inside to where the receptionist is.

"Hello, I'm reporting for the Yale Daily News. I'm doing a story on recovery of amputees. I called ahead about having a room reserved, and your best physical therapist for me to talk to." I say.
"Of course Mr Huntzburger." The receptionist says.
"Thank you." I say and sit down.

"Mr Huntzburger, our finest physical therapist, Dr Kristy Mason." The receptionist says, introducing the PT (As of the last 20 or so years, PTs are actually required to get their doctorate degrees).

*After interviews have all passed*
Rory's POV
I'm walking out if the hospital when I hear a familiar voice on the phone.

"No Honor, I'm not going to hook up with the PT. There's someone else who's caught my eye, but she doesn't seem like my typical type. No, not just for her looks. She's smart, funny, passionate, stubborn, and has these piercing blue eyes and dark raven hair. Why would her last name matter?" Logan says into his phone.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"Gotta go sis. Talk to you later." Logan says and snaps his phone shut. "Hey Ace."
"What's Ace coming from?" I ask.
"I uh, you know Ace Reporter? You're a reporter and so I figured it'd be a good nick name." Logan stumbles over his words.
"Well Blondie, I like it." I say, flashing a smile, and I saw his eyes melt a little.

Logan's POV
Oh my god, what is this girl doing. She just smiled and her eyes twinkled, and I swear I just melted inside. She's going to be the end of me. Just gotta keep up the playful bantering. Hopefully that'll work.

"Blondie?" I say. "Where does that come from, Ace?"
"Your platinum blond head of hair." She says, raking her hands through my hair.
"I suppose it fits." I say.
"Who was on the phone?" She asks.
"My sister. She's coming to Yale tomorrow since I haven't seen her in months." I say.
"Oh that should be fun." She says.
"Why don't you come to lunch with us?" I say.
"Sure. Name the time and place and I'll be there." She says.
"We both have articles to write so let's drive back to school, then get you dinner and then write. How does that sound?" I say.
"Perfect. I'll meet you back at campus in 20 minutes." She says.

We drive back and I rush to my dorm to change into jeans and a nice shirt. As I'm finishing my phone rings.
I pick it up and I hear Finn's voice on the other side.

"Hey mate, so we going to the pub?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm gonna bring the girl who's doing the newspaper internship with me. That cool?" I say.
"Totally. If she can keep up." Finn says.
"No one can keep up with you, Finn." I say. I gram my wallet and flip phone and go around to Rory's dorm suite.

"Hey Blondie." She says opening the door.
"Hey Ace. Ready? I invited Finn, Colin and Robert too." I say. I hope that's okay."
"Of course."

Rory's POV
I mean, I had hoped it would be just us it I guess more people would make it less awkward.

I put my other earring in, grab a light sweater and we go to the pub.

"Logan! And this must be the lovely Ace we've heard so much about! Logan sure loves talking about you and now I know why." Finn says.
"Boys, drinks then flirting with Ace here." Logan says. "What do you want?"
"Um long island ice tea." I say.
"Alright. I'll he right back." Logan says and gets up to get the drinks.
He comes back with my drink and a beer for himself.

"So Rory, tell us, what do you think of our buddy Logan?" Finn asks.
"He seems nice, though we met this morning so I haven't known him long. You said you've heard a lot about me?" I say, taking a sip of my drink.
"Of course, Logan here won't stop talking about you." Finn says.

Well, we all know how Logan and Rory's relationship goes throughout college.  Next chapter is going to be a major time jump!

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