New Hampshire

354 21 4

Rory's POV
"Oh wow, more keys."  I say, looking at the key attached to a bundle of string in Logan's hand.  
"I wasn't sure where we stood, so I got you your own room."  Logan says.  
""And where's you're room?"  I ask.
"Right across from yours."  He says.  
"Show me."  I say.  

We run upstairs, and we start kissing each other and eventually have sex.  

*The next morning*
I'm sitting on a bench next to the window of the room in the bed and breakfast in New Hampshire, watching the sun rise when I hear Logan waking up.  

Our rocky history and every wonderful bit make this only the more bittersweet.  

We get dressed and go downstairs, where Finn is drinking scotch and Robert had a slab of meat on his eye, and Colin is talking about buying things he doesn't need, like four cars, a night club, and a bed and breakfast.  

"Well, my car is almost here."  I say.  
"What?  Ace, no breakfast?"  Logan asks.  
"Mother but the day has only just begun, plus we have a car to take you back."  Finn says. 
"I'm sorry boys, but I have to go.  I have to start writing."  I say.  
"Alright.  But we're going to miss you, Mother."  Finn says. 
"I'm going to miss you guys too."  I say, and hug Finn, Colin and Robert.  

I turn around and see Logan, standing there, staring at me with that twinkle in his eyes.  

"Ace."  He says.  
"Logan."  I say back in the same tone.  
"Do you really have to leave now?"  He asks.  
"Yes.  But we'll keep in touch."  I say.  I grab mt scarf and wrap it around my neck and I slip on my jacket.  
"That's how I want to picture you."  Logan says, holding his hands out to make a picture frame of sorts.
"Like this?  But this is such a sad way to say goodbye.  Why not after we jumped off that structure at that life and death brigade event years ago?"  I say.  
"Because that was so long ago, and so much has happened since then."  Logan says.  

We hear a car pull up into the gravel driveway of the B&B.  

"Well, that's my car."  I say and I walk out of the building and sit quietly on the long ride back to Stars Hollow from New Hampshire.  

"Hey kid!"  Mom says, walking out of the house as the car is puling up.
"Hey Mom!"  I say getting out and thanking the driver.  
"Where have you been?"  Mom asks.  "I have some news!"  
"New Hampshire with Logan, Finn, Robert and Colin.  We went on one last Life and Death Brigade event before they finally grow up and become adults."  I say.  
Mom holds her left hand up and there's something on it that's glinting in the mid morning sun.  
"What?  When did that happen?  Please tell me it's Luke and not dad."  I say.  
"Of course it's Luke!  Being married to your father didn't work."  Mom says.  
"When's the wedding?"  I ask.  
"In 6 weeks!  You got home just in time!  There's so much to plan!"  Mom says.  
"Okay, so what have you gotten planned so far?"  I ask.  
"The date and my dress.  That's it.  Oh and the food.  Sookie is coming back to cook and design the cake, that's all in her hands."  Mom says.  
"Okay.  So we have to do the flowers, can I ask Grandma to help with the seating arrangements and venue?"  I ask.
"Yeah, she'd enjoy that."  Mom says.  
"Okay.  I'll email her later today to start discussing the details.  Do you have the bridal party picked out?"  I ask.  
"Yeah, you, Sookie, and Lane."  Mom says.  
"Okay, We need to find dresses and plan the party."  I say.  "There's so much to do why didn't you tell me earlier?"  
"We just decided yesterday!"  Mom says. 
"Of course.  Well, I'm so happy for you and Luke."  I say.  

I start planning Mom's wedding, as she walks around the kitchen, deciding whether or not to eat a box of pop tarts.  

The next six weeks pass super quickly, and soon enough the night before the wedding arrives.  

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