Hamburg, Germany

370 19 2

Rory's POV
I'm here on assignment, to find the best places to eat and where to stay and things to do for the 36 hours in a city for the travel section of the New York Times.
I'm sitting down in a nice restaurant, looking at the menu when I hear a very familiar voice.
"Ace?" It says.
"Logan?" I ask.
"Hey, mind if I sit?" He asks. The girl he's with huffs and leaves the restaurant.
"Go ahead." I say as he's sitting down.
"So the past ten years, what have you been up to?" He asks.
"Well, I'm writing for the New York Times as a travel writer. Did you take over your father's company?" I ask.
"Yeah. We're looking at opening an office here so I'm looking at locations this week. Where are you staying?" He asks.
"I'm staying in the Mariott down the street. Why?" I ask.
"Well, Finn's family owns a hotel here, and it's one of the best in the city. I'll get you a room, or you can stay with me." Logan offers.
"Alright. I'll have to get my luggage though." I say.
"We've got plenty of time." Logan says, flashing a smile with that familiar twinkle in his eyes that Rory knew very well.

We finish eating and we go back to my hotel to get my bags and bring them over to Logan's apartment.

"So what now?" I ask. |
"Well, whatever you'd like, Ace." Logan says.
"Okay. Can we get a cup of coffee then can we walk around the city?" I ask.

"Of course. Let's go. Anything specific you want to see?" Logan asks after we get out coffee.
"No, I was just here writing a piece for the 36 Hours in a city column, so I wasn't really expecting to do much more than write." I say.
"Well, in order to know what to do in 36 hours in a wonderful city, how better than actually going around and experiencing the magic for yourself, Ace?" Logan says.

We end up going to the Museum für Bergedorf und die Vierlande, and getting little snacks and I take quick snaps of the places we went on my phone so I could write about it.

Before we know it, it's already the wee hours of the morning of the next day.

"Well Ace, how was your day?" Logan asks.
"It was amazing. I forgot how fun everything is with you." I say.
"Well, I'm glad it was amazing Ace." Logan says.
"Who was that woman with you earlier today, er, yesterday?" I ask.
"That was someone my father set me up with." Logan says. "Does he know who your dad is?"
"No, I don't think I ever told him that." I say. "Why?"
"He's been looking for a new legal firm to partner with and he asked what I thought of the Hayden law firm." Logan says.
"Well, tell him they're great." I say.
"You don't mind?" Logan asks.
"Nope." I say.
"Alright." Logan says. "Well, let's get you home so you can rest up before writing that article of yours."
"Okay." I say, suddenly feeling how tired I was.

I wake up with the warm sun on my face and I sit up and look around.  
This isn't my hotel.  Wait.  It's Logan's apartment.

"Morning Ace.  How did you sleep?"  Logan says, standing at the doorway with a cup of coffee.  
"Coffee?"  I say.  
"Here Ace."  He says, handing one of the two mugs he's holding to me.
"Thanks."  I say taking a sip of the warm coffee.  Perfection.
"So what's on the agenda for today?  Museums, cafe's restaurants, parks, cafes and writing?"  Logan asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.  
"Hmm well, I could go for a museum, and some lunch."  I say.  
"Alright.  Well, I'll see what's around for some options that are more budget friendly and some more pricey options for your readers."  Logan says.  
"Thanks.  I'l be ready in 20 minutes."  I say, getting up and going into the bathroom.  I brush my teeth, put makeup on and then head into Logan's room and open m suitcase and grab a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a black and white striped shirt and some flats.  

I walk into the dining room where Logan is sitting at his computer with Google pulled up with options of cafe's.  

"That place looks good."  I say pointing to a location that was just a few blocks away from a museum I wanted to see.  
"Okay, sounds good.  I can call for a car or we can walk or take the S-bahn there."  Logan says.  
"Okay, well, I'm all set when you're ready."  I say.  

Logan goes and gets ready, and we head out to the museum and see a really cool exhibit and take some funny pictures, as well as a few of the outside of the building for my NYT article.  

"Well, I'm famished and could really use a cup of coffee."  I say as we exit the museum.  
"Of course you do, Ace."  Logan laughs.  
"You know us Gilmore Girls need to be kept well fed and caffeinated!"  I say, gently shoving Logan.  
"I know, Ace."  Logan says, shoving back. 

We laugh and talk for the rest of the day over coffee, pretzels and later that afternoon, we spent a few good hours in a beer garten where I was able to do some good writing of today's adventures and get some thoughts down before I forget them.   

A/N: Hey y'all!  Sorry this is such a  short update, but I've got another one coming soon, so stay tuned!  Thanks a million for reading, voting, commenting and I hope you enjoyed it!  Xoxo, Kalliegrey22

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