•Chapter 1

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Hanna's pov

I woke up with Taylor running in "mommy daddy wake up wake up!!" She said as she jumped on the bed jumping up and down "can we go to the park can we can we!!" She exclaimed as we laughed and sat up

"Come here you little monster" Caleb said jokingly picking up Taylor and tickling her

"S-stop stop" she said laughing historically

"Are you hungry" I asked getting out of bed

"Yes!!." She said with a smile "PANCAKES" she exclaimed and ran downstairs

"She's just like you,she loves pancakes" I said to Caleb as I rolled my eyes

"That's because pancakes are delicious" he said walking downstairs." That has nothing to do with me" he said with a laugh grabbing the orange juice from the fridge.

"Chocolate chip!!!." Taylor said as she sat at the table.

"Yeah she's definitely your kid" I said getting the pancake mix from the cabinet

"So kiddo" Caleb said sitting down beside her. "What'd you wanna do today?." He asked as I sat the breakfast in front of them

"The park!!!" She said with excitement "pleaseeeeee" she begged

"Okay the park it is" he said

When we finished breakfast Taylor had already ran upstairs to get dressed Caleb said he had gotten Taylor an early birthday present so he brought it out to the living room since we we're going to the park we thought it would be a perfect idea when Taylor walked down the stairs her face lit up

When we finished breakfast Taylor had already ran upstairs to get dressed Caleb said he had gotten Taylor an early birthday present so he brought it out to the living room since we we're going to the park we thought it would be a perfect idea when...

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"EEEEKK" "she said as she ran downstairs" 'thank you mommy thank you daddy,I love it!!!'

"You're welcome baby" I said as I took the bow off of it


Caleb's pov

Things are going absolutely amazing for me I have the perfect wife the perfect daughter the perfect family...we can finally put the past in the past. As we walked to the park Taylor was so excited about her new bike she's just like Hanna she gets excited about everything and it's so cute.When we got to the park Taylor was over the moon excited

"Can I ride my bike now?!?" She asked jumping up and down

"Okay sweetie but let mommy help you" I said

"Okay daddy" she said getting on the bike

"Okay now you just start peddling and I'll help keep you steady" Hanna said holding the back of the bike " she's an amazing mother" I thought to myself

As the day went on and Taylor started getting tried we decided to go home when we got home we got Taylor ready for bed

"Okay Taylor pick one book for daddy to read you then it's time for bed" Hanna said as Taylor looked through the books

"This one!" She said handing me Cinderella

"That's a good choice" I said as I started reading the book as she started falling asleep

"And they all lived happily ever after" I said softly as Taylor was already asleep

I intertwined my fingers with Hanna's and smiled as we walked downstairs and sat on the couch

"I love you" I said kissing Hanna

"I love you more" she said between the kiss

It didn't take long for Hanna to fall asleep either as I looked over she was already asleep on my chest so I grabbed the blanket from the other side of the couch and turned the light off

"Goodnight my Cinderella.." I said kissing her head smiling seeing her smile in her sleep

"I love you too." She mumbled in her sleep cuddling closer to me

SOOO I KNOW I SAID I WOULD UPLOAD TOMORROW BUT I WANTED TO GET ONE CHAPTER OUT AND SORRY ITS SO BORING it'll be better tomorrow!! I hope you liked it if you did please comment and vote!! Like I said MORE TO COME TOMORROW WITH THIS BOOK!! ❤️


"One love"  Sequel  to "The Other Side" Where stories live. Discover now