•Chapter 22

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The next day

I woke up the next day with Caleb's arms wrapped around me..I slowly got out of his grip and made my way into Taylor's room. Where she surprisingly already awake.

"Hey munchkin." I said with a chuckle. "What're you doing up?."

"Getting ready." She said looking up at me smiling.

"Aw. Well come downstairs for breakfast when you're done okay?." I said.

"Ok momma." She replied hugging me.

I walked downstairs started making breakfast. A few minutes later I heard Caleb walking downstairs with Taylor.

"Morning beautiful." He said walking over to me.

"Morning." I replied walking over to the fridge.

"So what's today's plan." He asked sitting down.

"PARK!." Taylor exclaimed.

"Park." I said turning to Caleb laughing. " are you ready for Christmas Taylor."

"YEA!!." She replied excitedly.

We finished breakfast and I walked upstairs to change

We finished breakfast and I walked upstairs to change

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I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. Eventually I got up and walked over to the tree to put Caleb's present under it when I noticed the present from Spencer wasn't there. I kneeled down at looked through the presents and it really wasn't there. I got back up and went and sat back down. Caleb came downstairs with Taylor.

"Hey you ready to go?" I asked getting up.

"Yea." Caleb replied picking Taylor up.

We walked to the park and I noticed Caleb had a new ring.. "was that s-Spencer's gift?." I thought to myself, we got to the park and Taylor met up with one of her friends and her mom so she went to play for a while. Me and Caleb sat down, I wasn't going to ask him about the ring.. I wanted to but I didn't want to ask him here.

"I like your ring Caleb." I said smiling.

"Oh this?." He asked. "Yea it was my dads." He replied smiling.

"That's nice." I said.

"I love you." He said looking at me.

"I love you too." I replied.

2 hours later.

About 2 hours later we decided to go home. We walked home and Taylor was super tired so I went upstairs and put her down for her nap. I was about to walk downstairs when I stopped and heard Caleb on the phone. I backed up and stood there for a second.. I-it was Spencer..I immediately froze and ran back upstairs. I sat down and thought about it. "Maybe it was nothing, maybe their just talking..I mean they are friends." I thought.

A few minutes later Caleb walked upstairs. "Hey Cinderella." He said smiling sitting down beside me.

"Hey." I replied.

"Are you okay?." He questioned sitting beside me.

"Y-yea. Hey um I'm gonna go get some dinner." I said getting up and walking downstairs.

I walked out to my car and sat there for a second before driving off. Part of me wanted to go to Spencer's but I knew that wouldn't accomplish anything so I just did what I said I was going to do and went back home. When I got home I saw..Spencer's car in the driveway.. I felt my eyes start to get watery before even knowing what was going on.. when I got out of my car I made sure to shut the door pretty loud.. and I could tell that made them both jump because I saw Spencer run upstairs through the curtains.

I walked inside and shut the door, not even bothering to look at Caleb. I sat the food down on the counter and walked out to the balcony. I felt the tears start the run down my face as I whipped them away. I heard the balcony door open and I quickly got up and before I could walk out Caleb caught me and looked at me.

"Hanna...listen." He said.

"To what.." I asked quietly.

"That wasn't what it looked like.." he replied.

"And why should I believe that Caleb! You've done this 2 other times and I forgave you! I let you explain I let you have chance after chance. If it wasn't what it looked like Spencer wouldn't have ran upstairs so fast when she heard me coming. Caleb...I know you may say you love me..but actions speak louder than words... and right now..you've made your feelings very clear." I replied pushing past him.

"Hanna!." Spencer said walking back from downstairs.

"And you. You've supposed to be my best friend. What about Toby? What about your baby? You're just going to give that all up for some feelings that lasted a month? You're bringing those back because you can't stand knowing he got over you.. well lucky you you can have him because I'm done." I said slamming the door.

I ran out to my car and sat there for what it felt an eternity before driving away. I drove to Arias house crying the whole way there thinking about why I have Caleb so many more chances. Why I kept letting him back in. Why I kept trusting him and trusting him. When I finally got to Arias house I parked the car and walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Aria opened the door taken back.

"Hanna? Are you okay?." She asked opening the door more. "Come in here."

I walked in and sat down on the couch whipping the tears away that had fallen and looked up at her. "H-he um I-I caught him with Spencer.." I said as she sat beside me.

"What?!." She exclaimed. "With Spencer?! Again?."

I nodded as she got up and picked up her phone." What're you doing?." I asked.

"Calling toby! He deserves to know before he finds out from the media." She replied dialing his number.

"No! Wait. Just leave it alone." I said sighing. "It won't help...it's better to just let things play out the way they want to." I said.

"Okay...you can stay here as long as you need..Ezra's out of town. The guest rooms upstairs you know where it's at." She said rubbing my back. "It's gonna be okay Han."

I walked upstairs to the guest room and shut the door. I layed down and thought about everything... "why does he have to keep doing this..if I wasn't good enough why didn't he just tell me before I put my trust in him.."  I thought before falling asleep.

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