the moon and the stars are nothing without you.

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"this night, this emptiness, this hole that im inside"

chapter 1

Ariana's POV •

Me and the kids just landed in Florida, were staying with my mom dan, and nonna in my childhood home so I have help with the kids. Especially at this time, I just can't take care of them by myself right now, im way to upset to even focus on being anything other then upset. I'm currently cry- .. I'm currently sobbing, on my childhood hardwood room floor. Aria comes crawling up to me, I pick up my 5 month old baby girl, and place her in my weak arms and cry in to her chest as she holds my head, comforting me as much as she knows how to. "I love you mommys baby" I whine, she keeps padding my head trying to make me feel better. I look up from Arias chest and look at my alarm clock, an hour seemed to past by, it's 10:09 PM, way past the kids bedtime, even thou our flight didn't land till 7:30 PM.

"Come on baby, it's time for bed" I say getting up placing her in her crib. I change her diaper, put her in her pjs, and give her a bottle, I turn on the tv, and quietly shut the door turning on the baby monitor on my way out. I work my way downstairs to where everyone is at, I see Ailani and Nohlan playing card games with nonna in the front living room. There giggling, as nonna lost probably for the 5th time since they started the game, it warms my heart to see my children giggling again. I haven't seen that in such a long time, I make my way to the table. "Come on babies it's time for bed" I say playing the "bad guy mommy" role as always. "okay mommy, goodnight nonna i love you" Ailani says kissing nonna bye, "sweet dreams baby doll, i love you" nonna says kissing Ailani on the head. "But mommy" Nohlan whines, "Nohlan, please just listen to mommy" I say giving him that "you need to listen" look. "Fine. Goodnight nonna love you" Nohlan says hugging nonna, "goodnight pumpkin head nonna loves you" nonna says smiling. "Can we we get a bedtime snack?" Ailani asks, "yes hurry up" I say sighing as they run to the kitchen cupboards. Ailani gets some yougurt, and Nohlan gets a pop tart.

"okay you guys go brush your teeth and get in to pjs but be quiet please arias sleeping" I say as I'm getting in to my robe. They come back in there pjs, with there favorite blankies and stuffed animals. I pick them each up and put them in to bed, I then climb in the middle and bring them closer to me wrapping them in my arms. "You guys know that none of this is your fault, and that I love you so much. Right?" I say looking at them both.

"Right" Nohlan says, "things just aren't right mommy. Where's daddy?" Ailani asked placing her arm around me. "It's hard to explain baby, but I promise I'm always gonna be here for you" I say kissing her head. Ailani is taking it the hardest out of the two, she's only known her whole life of Sean & I being together 24/7 and being madly in love and inseparable with beautiful babies and home and dogs and a happy, perfect life. It was a happy, perfect life & marriage, but great things don't last forever as I thought they did. "Will when are you going to explain it?" Ailani asks, "soon baby." I sigh, "let's just try and get some sleep it's late. We have a long day tomorrow, we're going to the beach" I say turning the tv back on and shutting off the light.

I wake up to George Lopez playing on the tv, Ailani passed out in my lap, Nohlan sleeping on my shoulder making it hard for me to move. I look at the alarm clock and it's 1:30 AM, I ease my way out of the bed without waking them up. I go by the crib to check on Aria, she's sleeping so beautifully and peacefully, I then go to the bathroom togo pee. I then wash my hands, and go downstairs to the kitchen to grab some water out of the fridge. I notice my mom and nonna are in the living room watching golden girls eating snacks laughing at Betty White, "oh Betty" nonna says after she's finished laughing witch makes me giggle.

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