Like we used to

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"Where's my babies" I ask as Sean sets me down, "mommy!" Ailani & nohlan come running to me, "babies!!" I say wrapping them in my arms & kissing them, "I missed you guys so much" I smile, "we kissed you too mommy" Ailani giggled. "Alright babies, it's late thou. Tomorrow we have a whole day to have fun with mommy but now it's time for bed" Sean says. "But mommy" nohlan says, "you just got here" "awww Sean" I say getting weak as I look at Sean, "fiiiiine, we can watch one movie together" Sean caves "yay!!" We all cheer in unison, "but shh aria is in bed" "yay" we cheer once more but this time we whisper, making Sean laugh.

I make us my fav smoothie, as Sean & the kids pick a movie. I then pop popcorn for us all. I hear aria start to cry over the monitor, I go up in Seans room & get her out of her crib.."hi baby" I say smiling & kissing her as she smiles happy to see me. Sean's phone the buzzes, it's a text message from Zeno. Me being the nosy wife I am, i decide to go thru there text messages .

From: Z
Ay man, I'm happy you & ariana are working it out, not just for the kids but for y'all too.

To: Z
Me too man me too. I love her to death I can't believe I almost lost her

From: Z
Don't do stupid shit like that ever again nigga she's loves your dumbass too hella lot

I laugh

To: Z
Never again.

"Find anything interesting" Sean says making me jump a little, "nothing toooo interesting" I smile , "will good , I think" making us both laugh I then kiss him, "I love you" "I love you too sexy.." Sean says pecking my lips once more. "Guuuuuuysssss the movie is staringgggg" Ailani says yelling up the stairs , "oh jeez" Sean says "we're cominggggggg" making me laugh.

We then all sat down & snuggled up& began watching the movie. "Ouuu mommy this is scary" Ailani said , "come here baby" I said as she layed in my arms taking Sean's spot, "uhh" Sean said, "I come first" Ailani said sassily laying her head on my chest, "yeah will i was here first " Sean said laying on Ailani , "oh jeez" I laughed snapchatting the whole thing, "I can't breathe... daaadddyyyyyy I can't breathe get off of me!" Ailani said pushing Sean off making us laugh even more, "can you guys shut up I'm trying to watch a movie !!!!" Nohlan said, "nohlan!" Sean said laughing .

Next morning

Me & Sean were awoken by the kids jumping on our bed, "get up the sun is out!" They we're saying in unison repeatedly, "ok ok we're up" Sean said getting up to go to the bathroom. "Mommy can I play on your phone?" Nohlan asked, "yes pumpkin it's over there on the charger" I said half asleep. as time goes by , Sean never gets out of the bathroom .. "I'm gonna go find daddy I'll be right back" I say getting out of bed. "Baby" I say going downstairs, "down here baby" Sean says making breakfast, "aww look at you" I say hugging him from behind, "gimme a kiss" I say, "eww morning breath kisses " he asked laughing "yess" I giggle as we kiss.

"Aww look at you too kissing" Sophie says smiling, "man there ain't no privacy in this house" Sean pretends sighs as he smirks , making us laugh, "in fact lemme take a picture of you guys, we're about let the world know right now, and put these stupid ass rumors to rest" Sophie said grabbing my phone, she snapped a pic of us kissing as Sean grabbed my ass. I posted it on snap saying

"he ain't goin anywhere , and either am I ❤️🤷🏽‍♀️🤤😩🔗"

The kids when came down & we all had breakfast together as a family as Sean's family joined us. "So what you guys wanna do on y'alls last day here?" Seans dad asked, "we can go to the mall?" I asked as everyone agreed, we all took showers and got ready for the day. Sean put Ailani and nohlan in there stroller and I put aria in the straddle connected to my chest , with her ninny & she was good to go. We called star to with us too just Incase things got out of hand.

We first went to the frozen yogurt shop, ofc Ailani and nohlan put tons of candy on there yogurt making it quickly unhealthy. Then we went to build a bear as if they don't have enough build a bears. Aria got to make her own to even thou she wanted to keep putting the eyes in her mouth. Then we went to American girl doll shop, to get Ailani her 4th American girl doll, with clothes & accessories. And we shopped for clothes & more toys, then we got Sean a Rolex , and then some more toy shopping, the day kinda revolved on what Sean & the kids wanted todo.

Then we stopped and met & took some pics with the fans that have been waiting on us all day.

We then got back to the house& packed  everything up getting ready to go, trying to fit all the new purchased items we got. We gave our hugs, kisses , and byes and got to the airport. We rushed thru the crazy paparazzi quickly thankfully cause of star, we then got on our private jet & took off.

We got the kids to to sleep, and we scrolled thru the media, the media has been blowing our phones up ever since i made that snap earlier today lmaoo.

Y'all are crazy lol. And when I say "y'all" I'm not taking about our fans , we love you guys , im taking about the media lmao. YES me & Sean are together & madly in love still. He is the loml , father of my children, he is my everything and what ever happens to us we will get thru, and it ain't NO ONES business of how WE decide to get thru it ❤️🤞🏽 i love you baby @seandon 💓🔗

rt ^^ i love you too baby 🤤 @ariananderson

Boca Raton , Florida...

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