No words can explain the way im missing you.

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"your touch, your skin, where do I begin?"
Ariana's POV•

Chapter 3

i woke up in my childhood bed, i look at the time and notice i've been sleeping for 2 hours. I heard my kids laughing downstairs, and I hear people talking. I open the door and begin to walk downstairs, "Sean, would you like anything to eat honey" I hear nonna say, Sean ????!!!! why the fuck is he still here. "no thank you nonna, i'm good" Sean replies, "daddy stop" I hear Ailani giggle, omg I missed her saying that.

I then hurry downstairs and see everyone as they see me, the room goes awkwardly silent as they all look at me, then at Sean, then back on me, then back to Sean. "Sean can I see you for a second?" I say clearly annoyed, "oh boy" Dan mumbles under his breath. "yeah, daddy will be right back baby" Sean says kissing Ailani's forehead. I then walk outside as he follows and shuts the door behind him, "why the fuck are you still here and hanging out with my family!?" I say pissed off. "First of all, as I went to leave earlier your family was coming back from the beach and they all saw me and the kids wanted to play with there father. Of course I wasn't gonna say no to my kids just because there childish ass mother doesn't want me here" Sean said rudely. "Oh you have real balls to get an attitude with me!" I say even more angry, "Look i'm not trying to fight with you and make things worse. I miss my kids, i'm just here to spend time with them, please don't do this" Sean said, "Fine, you can eat dinner with us and then you need to leave" I said, "I haven't seen my kids in days, I wanna take them home with me so they can see my family, then i'll drop them back off to you" Sean said. "How long do you want them for?" I said, "5 days, we leave tomorrow" Sean says, "fine, but i'm doing this for them, not for you or us, you can sleep in the guest room tonight" I said opening the door. "that's fine, thank you" Sean said following behind me.

"hi my babies! how was the beach" I say in my baby voice grabbing all of them and placing them in my arms. "It was good mommy, we missed you!" Ailani said kissing me, "I missed you too baby" I said kissing back. Dan & I played with the kids as Sean sat back & watched, eventually joined. It felt like old times again, my heart was being pleasured, but my mind was sad..cause it's not like this anymore.

"dinner time !!" mom called as we all raced to the kitchen. I placed Aria in her high chair and fed her food first as Sean gave Ailani & Nohlan there plates, I then ate myself. "Do you guys wanna watch a movie tonight?" my mom asked as we all were eating, "yeah sure" I say, "mommy can we watch drastic park 2?" Nohlan asked, "yeah baby, if that's what everyone wants to watch" I said laughing at his excitement. Everyone agreed, so then our decision was made.

After dinner, I helped my mom & nonna clean up while Sean bathed the kids and got them ready for bed. "so what's going on with you & Sean?" my mom asked, "he's staying the night, then tomorrow he's leaving with the kids for 5 days to see his family then he dropping them back off" I said sighing. "Will i'm happy you guys can work it out for the kids, that's what most important during this time, i'm proud of you both, i love you guys" my mom said kissing my forehead, "i love you too" I said hugging her.

"Movieeee time" Ailani said jumping in the kitchen causing us to laugh, "do you guys want some snacks baby?" I say going in the pantry, "yes please" Ailani says as I hand her snacks for her and Nohlan. I then got the adults some snacks & wine, I then made Sean some popcorn with extra butter & salt just the way he likes it. "Here I got you some popcorn" I say handing him the bowl, "thank you" Sean said smiling causing my insides to burst and melt a little. Ailani was in the middle of me and Sean, Nohlan was on Sean's lap, Aria was one mine, then the movie finally started.

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