I dont want to be here, if I cant be here with you tonight.

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"lay me down tonight, lay me by your side"

Chapter 5

Ariana's POV •

I wake up with a major hangover, I haven't had one in a while so it took me by surprise. I go pee, take a couple aspirin, and juggle down a bottle of water, my body feels so dehydrated. The door bell then rings "who the fuck is here" I say grabbing my head as sharp pains go thru, "who is it" I say. "room service" a lady voice says, I then open the door and a maid pushing a trey of food comes in, "enjoy" she smiles , "thank you" I smile back closing the door behind her.

I look at the time & notice it's 1130AM, I usually never sleep in this late. Everyone then starts to wake up as I begin eating, "morning sunshine" Justin smiles getting something to drink. "well good goodmorning" I say returning the smile, we all finish up breakfast & start to get ready to leave. I'm then getting a facetime call from "hubby 😏💕" "oh it's the kids!" I say in excitement.

I answer it & see Ailani in the camera, "hi baby!!!" I say smiling, "hi mommy i miss you", "I miss you to baby, so much. are you having fun?" I say. "yeah we've been playing with our cousins and we went to the festival 2 days in a row!" Ailani said in excitement, "omg 2 days in a row that's so much fun, where's brother & sissy?" I say, "sissy is sleeping, and Nohlan is over here. Come here Nohlan mommy wants to say hi", "hi mommy!" Nohlan says as he appears in the camera, "hi pumpkin !! i miss you" I say in my baby voice. "I miss you too, where are you?", "i'm in Vegas baby, I sang with Justin Bieber last night at the award show" I say in excitement. "Hey guys" Justin smiles as he gets in the camera, "oh my god hi Justin Bieber!!" Ailani says in excitement, "how are you cutie?" Justin laughs, "im sooo good!", me and Justin crack up at the same time. "Your so silly belissma" I say, " when are we coming back home to you mommy?" Ailani asks, "in 3 more days baby, i love you. where's daddy?" I ask, "here daddy mommy wants to talk to you" Ailani says handing Sean the phone.

"what's up" Sean says smiling lightly as he appears in the camera.

"i miss you guys. are you guys having fun?" i ask smiling.

"yeah, we're all having a good time with the family"

i can tell something's bothering him, he's acting really strange.

"what's wrong? your acting weird" i say kinda rudely

"huh? nothing" he says quickly

"okay, now tell the truth. what's wrong?" i say again.

"i said nothing" Sean snaps back.

"you know what if you can't be honest with me then i don't even wanna talk to you. how the fuck are we suppost to make things work and help our marriage if you can't talk to me about things and be honest." i said getting irritated.

"you just never told me you were going to this event with Justin, and then going to go party with him in the club" Sean says with an attitude.

" uhhh i don't need you to approve what i do, im a grown ass women you are not my father" i said even more irritated .

"but i'm your husband, and you doing that as my wife is disrespectful. We're trying to make things work, and your out partying with other guys in the club. how would you feel if i went and did it, without even letting you know first?"

as i lay by your side ♡Where stories live. Discover now