Ive missed you

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lil authors note rq, hi my honeys 💛🍯, hope you all are enjoying this book. i really love this book, and can't wait to see where it goes but y'all just don't seem into it idk lol. just give me ur thoughts & what you would like to see happen in the near future. okay ily, enjoy💛.

chapter 6

Justin's POV•

•Vancouver, Canada•

We just landed, and now we're heading in to the airport with is always the worst part of any trip, it's just too much, and it gives Ariana a lot of anxiety. "it's okay i'm right here" I say smiling as we were walking thru, she grabbed on to my arm and smiled back.

I think I may be staring to catch feelings for Ariana, we've spent the last 2 days together, and it was the best 2 days i've had in a long time. She's so sweet and funny and just a fun chill person you can be comfortable with and be yourself without being judged. She gives me a homey feeling, i feel really comfortable with her and i like that. But even if she feels the same way about me, witch i doubt, she's married still and she haves 3 kids with him, that doesn't even matter i love her kids, but i don't wanna get in the middle of a family..i'm just not that kind of guy.

We went out to breakfast, they had to close off the building because the fans were getting a little to crazy, we went in to the back and ate our breakfast peacefully, finally . Don't get me wrong i love my fans more then anything in this world, i just don't wanna overwhelm Ariana with anything, I want this to be a peaceful trip and for us to have a good time together.

"This place is so beautiful omg," ariana said taking pictures of the scenery, "not as beautiful as you" I smiled making her blush, "oh stoooop j your making me blush!" She playfully slapped me making us both laugh.

We then got to the hotel to get ready for press, after we finished getting ready we did the red carpet together, and posed for the cameras. The m&g is an event, so we also agreed to preform 2 songs together. Ariana & i then went in to a quick interview.

Interviewer- hello welcome Justin & Ariana to the stage y'all!! *crowd cheering as we both smiled*
A- hi nice to be here!
J- thank you for having us .
I- so ariana where's the kids?
A- there spending some time with there dad.
I- are you guys good at coparenting ?
A- i rather not share my personal life as much these days, *awkwardly laughing*, strictly business. But we are good for the record, crazy rumors are going around, just know we're good.
J- there good, *laughing*
*everyone laughs*
I- so Justin any new love interest these days?
A- yeah Justin, any new love interest? *giggling*
* making everyone laugh*

We the finally get to the m&g to meet the beautiful winner, "hi so nice to meet you beautiful" I say smiling & hugging her as she begins to cry when she sees us, I hold her in my arms till she calms down, "omg aren't you the cutest thing" ariana says as we all laugh. Ariana then hugs her & holds her as well, and takes selfies with her. We all talk & get to know her, eat some snacks and show her backstage & play some games. We then take group photos, say our goodbyes, "bye beautiful hope u enjoy the show" I wink at her after I hug her bye, "bye cutie, I'm gonna follow you on twitter, I love you!" Ariana says getting her Twitter & hugging her bye.

We then get in our dressing rooms & warm up our vocals, go on snapchat & show some love to our fans. Ariana's phone then starts ringing....

Ariana's POV

I answer my ringing phone to see Sean calling me,

A- hey what's up
A- about to go on stage with Justin & preform for his event...is there a specific reason you called me cause I gotta go.
S- Yeah, i wanted to apologize for the way I was acting the other day. I didn't mean to be rude & disrespectful towards you, i love you.
Oh my god my heart is melting..when he does shit like this I fall in love with him all over again istg.
A- it's okay... i love you too.
S- I miss you baby. Why don't you come down here tonight to see me & the family, the kids miss you too.
A- i miss you too, but baby by the time I'm done with everything I won't be there till tomorrow.
S- come early.... leave tonight
A- okay I guess I can do that. I'll see you tonight
S- okay text me when your on your way baby , I love you & be safe & have fun
A- thanks baby, I love you.
S-bye suga lips.
A- *giggling* bye

oh god... I'm still in love with him🙎🏽‍♀️.

"Ari, are you ready to go on?" Justin asked with his mic, "yeah let's do it" i smiled as we went on stage.

We preformed
As long as you love me
All that matters
& since the fans were so A1 we also preformed
Love me harder.

Afterwords, Justin was gonna go to the club then leave, and the plan was I was gonna go with him, but I gotta tell him the news .

"Hey so" I said

"Oh god what" Justin said as we both laughed .

"I'm gonna take off, Sean called me wanting me to be there with him & his family & the kids ..." I said "please understand"

"No I understand ariana. Your marriage & family comes before all of this , go and do what you need to do. Thank you for coming with me thou it was fun" I smiled hugging her.

"Yes thank you for having me it was alotta fun, we gotta do it again soon" I smiled sweetly & hugged back. "And thanks again bff" I smiled.

"Anytime bff" Justin smiled back as we laughed.

I then went back to the airport by myself, bombarding the paparazzi once again, as they were screaming & asking questions. I then finally got on my private jet & we took off.

To: My baby ☺️❤️
I'm on my way baby 💋

From: My baby ☺️❤️
See you soon baby 🌹

I followed that cute fan on twitter & dmed her,

"So nice meeting you today baby💋 !! Hope you enjoyed the show, I love you 💛"

Thank you Vancouver, ur beautiful 💋 thank you for having me, me and bff had a blast. ❤️🌹

From: My baby ☺️❤️
U changed ur name back to Anderson on twitter ♥️😢

To: My baby ☺️❤️
duh🤤 as long as ur trying I'm always gonna be yours baby 🌹🔗

From: My baby ☺️❤️
😍😍😍🤤🤤😭😭 ur always gonna be mine then❤️🤷🏽‍♂️

To: My baby ☺️❤️
Good❤️😩 I don't want it any other way ever again. Okay??? ❤️🤤🔗🤞🏽

From: My baby ☺️❤️
Baby it's never gonna b any other way ever again, it's me and you till the mf end I promise 🤤.

To: My baby ☺️❤️
I love you forever 🌹

From: My baby ☺️❤️
& I love you more 🤷🏽‍♂️🤞🏽

Detroit, Michigan

I get to the airport, and there's a cpl fans not many. I take pics & keep it moving, finally get to seans parents house & knock on the door .

"I'll get it" I hear Sean say, the door opens and I see my sexy husband there smiling holding his arms out for me, "hi baby" I say jumping in to his arms kissing him, "I've missed you" Sean says kissing back carrying me & my bags in closing the door ..

as i lay by your side ♡Where stories live. Discover now