Ailani's 5 !

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Today is Ailani's 5th birthday, i cant believe our first baby is already 5. Time is really going by so fast before we know it, they all will be grown and want nothing to with us. Apart of me wants all our babies to stay little forever, and another part of me cant wait for them to grow up and experience life on there own, i just wanna see what they grow up to be, im not rushing anything thou. I just hope sean and i raise some beautiful, kind, smart, independent little humans.

I flew my family in from Florida, and sean flew his family in from Detroit so we can all be together for ailani's birthday. Taylor & Tyler are here as well with lexi and zeno, and all of the rest of our friends. "Okay hey guys, we gotta share now!" Sean said to all the kids. Between all in the kids in our family and all of our friends kids our house is a mad house. My team is helping me with ailani's birthday party, so them including myself is running around like chickens with there heads cut off. I feed aria and get her down for her 1st nap of the day, then i get to the little kids.

"Okay babies, were all gonna relax till the party is ready, ailani what movie do you want everyone to watch?" I ask pulling out everyone's sleeping bags on her bedroom floor. "Uhh Star Wars mommy" ailani says, "okay baby, everyone lay down please"  i put star wars in and tuck everyone in giving them a kiss on the forehead.

I then go back downstairs and finish cooking, "so baby doll, sean is telling us that your making him get fixed?" Nonna asks me, "yes his appointment is tommorow morning" i giggle. "That's right guys shes making me get my balls chopped off" sean says sighing. Everyone laughs, "his balls aren't getting 'chopped off' its just a lil snip snip to your guys so they can leave my uterus alone. Our family is complete we dont want anymore babies" i say. "Will Sean i must tell you, i never thought we would see the day you would lose control over your own dick"  zeno joked making everyone laugh once again, "he cant control his dick that's the problem so from now on its under my control" i joked making everyone laugh and do that roasting "ouuuu" everyone seemed to find it funny except sean.

The party now started, all the kids are jumping around in the big bouncers in the backyard playing, musics playing, everyone is socializing, eating and having a good time. Im going around taking pics and videos of everyone on my phone & polorid camera. Sean is no where to be found, witch is weried, so i go in the house to look for him. "baaabyyy where are you?!" "Sean?" I then go down stairs to his man cave, hes the junk drawer pulling something out. "Baby what are you doing?" I ask coming up behind him, "getting cards for me and zeno" he says briefly, i can tell hes irritated. "Are you okay baby?" I ask knowing somethings wrong, "yeah im straight" he says heading for the stairs, i pull him back "wait can i get a kiss?" I ask puckering my lips, he pecks my lips. "Really sean?" I ask now irritated, "what?" He says rudely.

"Okay i know your irritated, its because of the joke i made earlier isn't it?" I ask, "no it was a funny joke, right?" "Sean would you fucking stop?! It was a joke calm down, its not like i told everyone everything that happened detail by detail they know everything anyways!" I said. "Still ariana i dont give a fuck!!! That's our family and friends up there and your out here making jokes about my fuck ups and something that broke our family apart. I regret that shit every fucking day of my life, i have to live with that guilt of hurting you the woman i love, and my family for the rest of my life. Im trying so hard to move on and im trying so hard to forgive myself, and it makes things 10x worse when your up there cracking jokes about it and laughing with everyone. But arianas never wrong, right?" Sean says angrly. Now i feel like a piece of was wrong of me to make a joke about something like that. How could i be so dumb ?.....

"aww baby" i say going up to sean and wrapping my arms around him. "Im so sorry baby, i should've never even made that joke, your right im sorry, i didn't even think about that really i just got in the hype of roasting you. You know i love you right?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah yeah" sean briefly smirked at me wrapping his arms around my waist, "and you knowwww i love your dick too" i smirk causing both of us to laugh. "Im sorry baby ill make it up to you tonight i promise" i say smiling, "its okay baby, and you better" sean says pulling me closer to him and kissing me passionately. "Okay now let's goo partaaayyyyy" i say, "oh fasho were getting ailani to turn up" sean says making us both laugh.

We all eat, then we have cake, icecream, cupcakes, pignolis, magnolias and the rest of nonnas Italian deserts. Then we open up what seems to be like thousands of her presents.

Then we finish out partying listening to music, letting the kids jump around some more. Once the sunset hits we take our dirt bikes, and go ride around in the sand dunes with everyone, it was ailani's special request. Our whole party is here so its all of us racing around in the sand, having fun in the sunset. Ailani's having a blast, taking pics with her princess camera, "mommy , daddy look at me!" Ailani says, me and sean turn around and we see she has the camera aimed at us, "kiss for the picture" she smiles, me and sean chucke, and kiss. Once the flash goes off "i got it! Look it turned out pretty" ailani says handing us the camera, the picture actually did turn out so cute with the sand and sunset in the background. "Good job baby, im gonna hire you to be my new photographer" i say taking the picture out. "Can we keep it?" Sean asks, "yeah that's why i took it, so you guys can always remember how beautiful your love is like the picture" ailani says. For our 5 year old daughter to know and to say something like that hit us hard, and instantly brought tears to both of eachothers eyes.


Hi honeys! So i promise the chapters will be getting longer im just really sleepy and i have school in the am lol. But my goal is to update everyday for the month of December so it's kinda like "vlogmas" but its "writmas" LMAO i guess we can call it that 💕. Anyways, i love you, vote, comment & tell ya friends that im back & to come read my book! 💛


December 2nd, 2018

as i lay by your side ♡Where stories live. Discover now