I believe that one day, ill be where I was.

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"i'm reaching out to you"

Ariana's POV•

Chapter 4

I wake up in Sean's arms, I look at the clock & notice it's 10 AM, the kids are gonna be up soon if there not already up. I peck Sean's lips, and get up and place my pjs back on and go pee. I then walk downstairs and see everyone eating breakfast.

"ohhh good morning belissma" my mom says, "morning" I lightly smile, "morning babies" I say kissing them on there heads, "morning mama" they say in unison. I go in the kitchen to get us some coffee & fruit, I feel someone behind me grab my waist, "good morning baby", I smile and turn around. I passionately kiss Sean, "baby last night was" I smirk as he kisses me again. "hey dolls" Nonna says walking in, "hey nonna" we in unison, my mom then walks in to grab some coffee, as me and Sean started to walk out Nonna starts talking, "did you guys hear sounds last night?", "what sounds?" mom asked. "Like thumping sounds, it was coming from upstairs", me and Sean then start to smirk and laugh as we catch on to what she was talking about. "nope didn't hear nothin" I say as we walk out laughing.

"Oh hey aren't so slick" my mom said smiling, "what" I said confused, "nobody's stupid, we know you two fucked last night" my mom said, "how do you know?!" I said shocked, "First off I heard you guys, you guys are loud as fuck, and the laughing kinda gave it away" she smirked. "yes, it happened, but you can't tell anyone!" I said, "who am I gonna tell? the kids?" .

We than sat down, and finished our breakfast, while everyone was talked about politics & politicians, I logged on to twitter.

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I then logged off, "alright babies, you guys are leaving with daddy soon we gotta get you packed up" I say, "okay mommy" Ailani & Nohlan say in unison as we go upstairs while Sean takes care of Aria

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I then logged off, "alright babies, you guys are leaving with daddy soon we gotta get you packed up" I say, "okay mommy" Ailani & Nohlan say in unison as we go upstairs while Sean takes care of Aria. "mommy can I take my pink teddy bear?" Ailani asks organizing her stuff, "you can take whatever you want baby" I say helping Nohlan, "mommy can I take my underwear's?" Nohlan asks, "yeah baby you have to take your underwear" I laugh.

as i lay by your side ♡Where stories live. Discover now