Its not just about the kids, Its about us too.

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We're all back home together in California, just us 5 and the dogs. When we got back to Florida from Detroit we explained to my family that were going back home and were gonna work on our marriage because we both still love eachother. Of course both our family & friends were very supportive, they want us back together as much as we do. And so do our fans, and our kids want there mom and dad back together obviously, the only thing keeping us apart is the media. Its been a rough few months, we need to get our lives back together, sean and i both canceled everything we had planned bussiness wise, were taking a couple months off to focus on us & our marriage, and were laying as low as possible publicity wise, MIA.

its now morning, im wrapped in seans embrace nice and warm underneath the covers. I roll over and kiss his lips noticing hes awake, "good morning baby" i smile. "Good morning. You know we haven't done this in forever, it feels so weried to have you back". "And its the best feeling in the world" i smile.

We then get the kids up and ready for school, im making breakfast and sean is getting the kids ready. "Good morning mommy" ailani says kissing me then sitting down at the table. "Good morning baby" i say smiling, Nohlan then comes down the stairs sighing obviously in a grumpy mood. "Good morning pumpkin!" I beam trying to cheer him up, "its NOT a good morning mommy!" "Someone stayed up a little to late last night playing on his ipad" Sean said. "See baby now your grumpy, that's why we dont try to find our ipad when mommy and daddy hid it from you, we do it for a reason" i say giving him his breakfast.

"Haha that's what you get!" Ailani busts out giggling, "its not FUNNY AILANI!" nohlan yells, "ahhhhhh" aria screams throwing her fruit on the floor getting excited that nohlan started yelling, she loves when people yell for some odd reason. "Okayyy everyone calm down" i say as me and sean laugh at everyone, "cmon less talking more eating you guys have school" sean says.

After breakfast sean takes the kids to school and i stay back home with aria cleaning things up. Once sean gets back home he takes aria, and i go workout in our home gym. Once im finished i go in our bedroom bathroom and start undressing getting ready to get in the shower. "Hi baby" sean comes up behind me wrapping my petite naked body in his embrace. "Hey baby" i beam, "where's aria?" I ask, "she's bouncing around in her bouncer watching Barney" he says showing me the monitor. "Ohhh so that means some alone time" i smirk, "that's exactly what it means" sean smirks back as he begins to kiss and suck on my neck. I moan and turn around, "let's go fuck in the shower" i smirk making him chuckle, "say less" he says as he begins to get undressed. He then picks me up, and we head in the shower, were making out in the steamy hot shower like a newly in love couple. The passion and heat between us, never went away. He gets hard almost immediately, he rubs around my area a little bit trying to irritate me like always. "Sean almost 5 years later and you still do this shit" i say making us both laugh. He then goes in me all the way, he grabs my hips and goes slow at first so we can keep kissing, and so i can enjoy all of him slowly. "Baby you always feel so fucking good, your so fucking big" i moan as i stick my tongue further in his mouth. "You like this shit baby?" He whispers in my ear, as he began to thrust a little harder, "ohh fuck baby, i want you to fuck me harder im about to cum" i said throwing my head back as the pleasure of him being in me was almost unbearable.

He pinned me against the wall and kept my hips in place, and began thrusting harder, "oh my god" he said as he threw his head back and closer ur eyes, "i love your pussy" "fucckkkkk" I moaned, "yes babyy yes" i said as i began to have another organism. After we both came, we gave eachother a shower and ended the shower passionately.

We got ready for the day and played with aria, and ate lunch. " i see you have a big appite this afternoon" sean smirked "yeah will i worked one up this morning got a few good workouts in" i said as we both laughed.

We then talked about our future and everything we have planned for us. Ailani is turning 5, so we have to plan her bday party, nohlan is turning 4 so we have to plan his party, and aria will be turning the big 1, so we have to plan her party as well. Our 5th anniversary is coming up, so well be planning a romantic getaway to Greece, and were moving to Florida. As much as we love cali and living here, and as many beautiful memories this house holds, there's also alot of bad memories here and we dont wanna keep our children here as long as ourselfs. This is a new life, its time to leave the past behind and go back to living beautifully with our kids, it's what they deserve and it's what we deserve as well.


Hi my honeys!! How are you?!. First things first we have over 1k reads on this book !!! Thank you so much to my loyal honeys that stick w my unconsistant ass i love yall forever. I've been writing this book forever and i really wanna stay consistent with it. This book is the 2nd book in my "this is forever" series, and hopefully there will be many more!. I just dropped some hints on what ill be writing about next.💀😉 hope u enjoyed this 'welcome back' chapter, talk to me in the comments & vote 💛!!.

thank you, i love you, and happy holidays.


*December 1st 2018*
Hint ^

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