Chapter 9

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-2015- Hayden and Annie are both 11
Hayden's pov:

"Yeah.. I say you and I should just run away and leave this town." I say to Annie dragging her away from the front gate jokingly.
Today was the first day of grade 5 and it's easy to say, Annie and I are not excited!
"Hayden, as much as I would love to do that.. the bell is literally about to go in like 30 seconds. So COME ON!" She took my hand and pulled me through the front gate. Grade 5 here I come..

"Ok.. so here are all the people who will be in Mr Michaels class, 5M." Our principal said over the microphone.
Annie and squinted our eyes and crossed our fingers, praying we'd end up in the same class. Which probably won't happen.
"Annie Leblanc."
Annie looked at me with a nervous smile.
The names kept going and going and my name still hasn't been called out. Great.. another year without being in the same class as Annie.
"Oh.. there's another name.. Hayden summerall."
I smile grew upon my face when I heard my name.
I walked down to where all my classmates were but went straight to Annie.
"Can you believe it?" I said excitedly.
"This year is going to be the best!" Annie replied.

Annie and I were in a pretty good class. None of my guy friends were in this class though, nor were Annie's girl- friends. But i think that's a good thing so it can just be Annie and I in our own little world.

"Too bad Ashley and I aren't in the same class.." Annie said sitting beside me at our table.
"Yeah. I really wanted Anthony to be in this class."
"But I'm happy it's just you and I though.." Annie smiled then looked down.
"Me too." I replied. I felt my cheeks burn up. Oh no. I was blushing.

We did some subjects but most of it was really fun since mr Michael is the best teacher in the school.
"Ok, kids.. go have an early mark."
A smile planted on all of our faces.
We all said,"thank you" then rushed out of the class room.
"I LOVE THIS CLASS!" Annie said running down the stairs.
"Me too, it's gonna be a great year."  I said catching up to her.

We walked down to our table but saw that other people were sitting at it. Layla and Brad, the two people Annie and I absolutely hate.
"What the hell are they doing there?" Annie looked up at me.
"I don't know.. but I'm not liking it." I replied back.
Annie instantly walked up to them. Oh god.
"Alright, why are u sitting at our table?" Annie said looking down at both of them.
"Well, if it isn't the two love birds.." Brad said with a smirk causing Layla to laugh.
"I suggest you get up now or- or" layla cut Annie off.
"Or what? Gonna tell the teacher that two kids are peacefully sitting at a table?" Layla said giving both of us a death stare.
"Come on, Annie. They're not worth it.."
"I hate them!" Annie yelled.
"Oh wait, Annie. I forgot to tell you something.." we heard Layla's annoying voice say.
"What do you want?" Annie said annoyed.
"The athletics carnival is going to be held next week.."
I was confused by what she was trying to prove.
"And?" I replied for Annie.
"Oh, im just letting you know that you're not gonna win this year, I am. I've been practising you know?"
What the hell is this girls problem.
"Wow! Does it look like I care?" Annie said turning around and walking the other way. I followed her to make sure she was ok.
"Are you alright?" I asked Annie as she seemed upset.
"I'm just sick of her and Brad!" Annie said sitting down at this other table.
"Don't worry about them. They're not worth to be worried about." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
"Thanks, Hayden." She said smiling.
"That's ok." I started to laugh about the thought that popped into my head.
"What are you laughing about?" Annie said confused.
"It's just funny that Layla thinks she's gonna beat you!" I started to laugh even harder. It honestly wasn't even that funny but I found it hilarious.
"I'd be surprised if she could bloody beat a snail!" Annie started to laugh with me. It was good to see her happy again.
The bell rung then we started to walk to our class.
"For once I'm actually excited to go back to class!" I said catching up to Annie.
"Same!" Annie said laughing.
That laugh, I thought. That laugh could light up a whole room.
We walked up to our classroom and put our bags down.
"Wait.. who's that?" Annie said pointing at the boy sitting at our table.
"Jeez, what's up with people sitting at our table today?" I said laughing.
We walked over to the boy; He had dark hair, blue eyes and very tanned skin.. in pretty sure he's a surfer.
"Oh, sorry. Is this your seat?" He looked up at Annie and I. I looked over to Annie and her eyes were locked on this mystery boy.
"Yeah it is." I said with a small, fake smile.
"Oh sorry, I'll sit somewhere else." He got up and Annie studied every movement he did. It wasn't making me happy, was I jealous?

"Who is that?" Annie said still looking at him.
"I don't even know.."
"May as well ask.." Annie said looking at me then shrugging her shoulders.
We walked up to him and I just stood there while Annie started a conversation.
"Hey, what's your name?" Annie said tapping him on the shoulder.
"Brad, Brad Williams."
Great, another Brad.
"Oh ok, where are you from?" Annie replied back.
"I used to live in rivervill.. but my mum got a job here so I had to move. I don't really like it here though.. the surfs crap!" He said laughing.
I knew he surfed.
"Oh, your a surfer? That's really cool!" Annie said smiling.
"Yeah, been one since I was a little kid." He said nodding his head.
I could tell how interested Annie was in this Brad kid. I decided to leave and sit down at Annie and i's table.
"Ok, class, take a seat." Mr Michael instructed everyone. I was expecting Annie to come back here and sit next to me. But she sat next to Brad. Maybe this year won't be so good after all..

Follow, vote and comment for more chapters.. and thank you so much for over 500 reads! Means so much to me ❤️

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