Chapter 20,, themeparks pt. 1

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-2016- Hayden and Annie are both 12

Hayden's pov:

A couple of days ago I went over to Annie's house because you know.. I was bored. When I got to her house, I ran up stairs to her room thinking she'd be in there but she was in the spare room. I wasn't entirely sure why she was in there, but she was making so much noise. Typical Annie.

When I opened the door to the room I immediately see Paige. I was so happy to see her. I hadn't seen her in 2 years. After Paige and I shared a 'moment' I looked over to Annie. She looked so beautiful. No matter what her hair's like or what clothes she's wearing.. she's always beautiful. Man, I'm so deeply in love with her! But why did I have to discover these feelings at such a young age? I mean I'm 12, almost a teenager.. but I don't know. I feel like I'd definitely mess stuff up if Annie and I were to date.

Also on that day, I heard Annie sing. Like, no joke.. For the whole 12 years I've known Annie grace leblanc, I've never heard her sing. Ever. So when I heard her sing, I could not believe how amazing her voice was. It was so beautiful. And I even told her how beautiful it was to her face. We shared a little moment because of those words I said.. and I'll honestly cherish that moment forever.

School is starting in like 2 weeks and I'm
not excited.. at all! For some reason, I feel like this year is going to be really, REALLY bad. Well, we do have the year 6 dance that I'm hopefully going to with Annie. But that isn't happening in like another 6 months.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my dad yell out to me, "Hayden!! Come down here please!"

I walk down stairs to see my dad concentrated on something on his computer.

"What's up?" I said sitting down beside him.
"So.. me, you, Paige, Katie, Billy and Annie are all going to that amusement park that's like, 30 minutes away.. what's it called again?" He said smiling. I think he knew what my response was going to be like.

"WE ARE GOING TO DREAM LAND?!" (Lmao couldn't come up with a good amusement park name lol bye) I said at the top of my lungs. Dream land is Annie and i's favourite place in the whole world! We haven't been there in a while though so I'm really excited.

"Yes we are!! Go get whatever you need because we are leaving soon." Dad said.
"Ok. But um.. why isn't mum, Dylan, hunter and Jimmy coming too?" I said confused.
"Um.. they're busy.. just go upstairs and get your stuff."-
That was weird. Dads attitude went from calm to angry when I mentioned mum and my brothers. I hope nothing has happened.

I grab my stuff then run back down the stairs.
"I got all the stuff I need!" I yell out to my dad.
"Ok, let's go!" -
We walk out the door and hop into the car. I buckle up my seat belt. I turn my head to see someone sitting in the car.
"Boo." Annie said quietly.
"OH MY GOD! I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE YOU WERE IN HERE! YOU SCARED ME." I said laughing while my heart was beating extremely fast.
"Your dad and I planned it." She said laughing with me.
"Well you scared me!" I said rolling my eyes then smiling.
"I'm so excited to go on all the rides! We haven't been here in like a BILLION years!" She said with a huge smile on her face..
that smile, I thought. How can someone's smile be so perfect.
"Hayden? Hellooo?" Annie was waving her hands in my face.
"Uh.. sorry. And um.. yeah! I'm excited for the rides too." I felt my face burn up. I was so embarrassed. I just made a complete fool of myself. I legit just stared at her for like 10 seconds.

"Ok... so, are you you excited for the rides?" She said awkwardly.
"Of course I am! Is that even a question, leblanc?" I said shaking my head and laughing.
"I knew your answer was gonna be something like that.." Annie laughed then turned her head and looked out the window.

The whole ride there Annie slept so I was extremely bored. I decided to ask my dad if I could have his phone and earphones so I could listen to music. I clicked on the playlist I made on dads phone and closed my eyes, listening to the music.
Stay with me by Sam smith came on so I say along to it because it is one of my favourite songs.
I've always kind of been good at singing, not the best.. but I'm alright.

"Oh, won't you stay with me? Because you're all I need. This ain't love it's clear to see. But darling, stay with me.." 
I jumped because of this unexpected yelling.
"Jesus you scared me! Second time today, Annie!" I said laughing, once again.
"Sorry I scared you.. BUT YOU WERE TELLING ME I WAS A GOOD SINGER? LISTEN TO YOU! YOURE AMAZING!" She said grabbing my shoulders and looking at me in the eyes.
"Thank you." I said hardcore blushing.

Annie smiled at me then quickly turned her head and looked out the window. I continue to look at her, acknowledging all of her features. I legit can't look away from her, she's too pretty, too beautiful, too gorgeous!
I'm so in love with her.
(Sorry this is rlly cringe lolll)

"Kids, we are here!" My dad turned around and told Annie and I. Me and Annie immediately jump out of the car running to the entrance of dream land.
"IM SO EXCITED!" Annie said jumping up and down.

"Excuse me, Hayden where is my hug?" I heard Paige say.
"Ew, I forgot you were coming." I said joking around.
I ended up giving her a hug then also hugged Katie and Billy.. then we finally walked through the entrance of dreamland.

"Hayden we will need to go on the Ferris wheel together tonight!" Annie said putting her arm around me.
"Yeah, definitely." I said smiling down at her.
This is going to be a great day.

Kk so that was part one part 2 will be up soon. SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN A WHILE AKDKDKFKFK IVE BEEN SO BUSY WITH SCHOOL HOLY JESUS!!! I'll try and update more sorry!!
Ok hope u liked this chapter. Plzzz vote, comment and follow me if u want more! AND THANK YOU FOR OVER 10K reads ajskdkkd omg! Ly guys ❤️

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