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You woke up with a sudden jolt of pain. You looked around your F/C room. You saw your mother above you trying to shake you awake. "Oh hi mom." You said. "Sweetheart it's time for school." Your mom said. "School? Mom no it's summer remember?" You said. "Sweety no it's August. First day of school for you. So you gotta get up." Mom said. You groaned. "Why?" You whined. You hate school. You have to see people. You don't want to. You have to sadly. You got up. You hate the law. Always making people go to school. Outside of your room is stairs to go downstairs because...your room is upstairs. You walked down the stairs. "Oh! And I made breakfast for you already..." Your mom said from your room. "T-thanks mom..." You said. "You're welcome sweety. Now, eat your breakfast." Your mom said. You groaned. You looked around. There was a garbage can nearby. Your stomach hurt really bad. You decided...not to eat. Just this once. Your eyes darted around to make sure nobody was watching. Luckily your mom was still in your room. Probably inspecting your messy room...that won't be good. You threw your W/F/B (Worst/Favorite/Breakfast) in the trash. Then you wiped your mouth with a paper towel and threw it on the W/F/B that is now in the trash to make sure nobody would know about...that. You made sure that it wasn't noticeable. It wasn't. You ran back to your room. "Y/N!" (Just saying Y/N stands for Your/Name...) Sounds like your mom found your messy closet. "Y/N L/N GET YOUR %@$ UP HERE RIGHT NOW!" Your mom shouted. (Btw L/N stands for Last/Name...) 'Well $@%$.' You thought to yourself. You groaned and walked slowly upstairs. Your stomach pain got worse. "Y-yes mom?" You said. "Y/N WHAT IS WITH THE MESS? I DON'T TEACH YOU THIS $@%@!" Your mom yelled. You looked down. Your mom continued to shout and curse for the next...hour. You were going to be late for school if this continued. "Uhm...mom?" You said. "WHAT?!" Your mom shouted. "I'm really sorry to cut this short...but I'm about to be late for school." You said quietly. "O-oh. Haha..okay. See you l-later." Your mom said. She put a hand to her arm and looked down. "You remember where it is right?" Your mom asked. "Yeah..." You answered quietly. You didn't like to see your mom upset. "Well then. Y-you can start walking. Bye! OH! And your lunch is on the table sweety. Bye!" Your mom said. You grabbed a hoodie and waved bye. You headed to the table. You grabbed your lunch, backpack and phone and ran outside. There was a nearby path to your school. (A.k.a. high school. Sorry if I don't get something about high school right. I'm not in high school yet :P.) You started to walk to your new school. Your new school's name is 'Baily's Public School'. (Sorry if that name sucked QAQ.) You opened your backpack and grabbed a rainbow scarf. (Y'know...like the one storyshift asriel wears O3O.) You wrapped it around your neck. (Again, like storyshift asriel.) You looked cool! Uh...to you at least. (And to me! O-U *wink wonk* No? Okay. I'll stop talking now. Bai. O_Q) You continued walking to BPS. A couple of minutes later you had arrived to your new school! You cringed at the sight of it. It was filled with...pEoPlE. YoU wErE dIsGuStEd. So MaNy PeOpLe. You walked in. You were always shy (just uh, go with it please OwO) so you decided not to talk to anyone. You lowered your head anytime someone was walking by. You took out your schedule (which you just suddenly have lel) and started to look for your classes. Your first class for today was...advanced math. (Sorry. I have to say advanced because I don't know anything about the normal classes heheh *sweats*.) Your advanced math teacher's name was...Richard Mede? You continued forth! To...advanced math. You yawned. 'I wish I got a coffee before going here...' You thought to yourself. You saw your class and went in. You got in a chair that was in the back of the entire class. You put your stuff on the table and put your hands in your pockets. You waited for what seemed like a couple of minutes. In reality...it was 20 minutes of waiting. Then the...pEoPlE cAmE. And there was a lot of...PeOpLe in this class. You were so dissapointed! You thought there was only gonna be...sOmE oF tHeM. BuT nO. 'Whatever.' You thought to yourself. <Time Skip To End Of Morning Classes And To Lunch> You heard the lunch bell ring. 'OH. MY. GOOD. ASGORE. FINALLY!' The class was dissmissed and everyone ran to the lunch room. Well...exept you. You decided that you would eat outside. (Which they allow *thumbs up*.) Nobody else went outside to eat...GOOD! You started heading to the outdoor cafeteria(?). When you got there you looked around. Silence. Absolute silence. PERFECT! But sadly...there was no chairs. You decided to sit under a tree. (AND NO IT IS NOT THE TREE OF...DREAMTALE. THAT WILL COME LATER. O_O) You opened your lunchbox and started to eat...whatever it is. It was actually pretty good! You finished eating and heard another bell. All of the...uh...peOple started to come out. You didn't want anyone to see you so you climbed up the tree. You finished climbing and sat on a very stable branch. You pulled your sweater hood up and stayed quiet. Too bad your scarf is glow in the dark...a lot of people saw you because of the bright rainbow colors coming out of the tree. You started to hear people talking about you. "WhAt A cReEp!" "Weirdo! What is SHE doing in that tree." "LONER!" "LOSER!" You heard people say about you. This is why you hate PeOpLe. ThEy OnLy HuRt. You curled into a ball and hid. You already hated everyone. Then the tree started to shake. You grabbed onto the tree branch you fell off of with your hands. The tree continued to shake and you pulled yourself back onto the branch. You held onto the branch and looked down. Some jerks were shaking the tree, attempting to make you fall. You climbed higher on the tree. The tree was shaking violently. You would have to water the tree later to show it you're sorry. You continued to climb until you reached the top. When you reached the top you popped your head out of the top. The tree was really tall...you were afraid of heights. You put your hands on your head and started to panic. The tree was still shaking, and you were sure that if you fell...you would be dead. You heard a very loud sound. The tree was falling. 'NO NO NO NO I'M GONNA DIE!' You thought to yourself. The tree was falling left so you ran right. You were running for quite a while until you had to jump. You jumped and landed on the ground. Your legs were shaking because you were really scared. You looked around. You landed on your feet and the tree was behind you...on the ground. Your scarf was glowing very bright. Everyone around was staring at you. You hated it. You looked around for a new hiding place but saw nothing. You decided to run away. Not too far though. You ran to a spot that had no...peoPle. You looked around to make sure nobody was there. Lucky for you, nobody was. You sat down and curled into a ball. 'Best first day of school ever. 10 out of 10. Sarcasm x 1000.' You thought to yourself. You heard the bell. You got up and brushed any dirt that was on you off you with your hands. You headed to the school. <Time Skip To After School Is Over> You heard the last bell of the day. 'YES! SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER FOR TODAY!' You stayed back while everyone else ran for the door. When mostly everyone left you walked to the door. You didn't want to walk with anyone. You pulled your hood up. Your scarf glowed like always. You continued to walk and you made sure that you had your backpack with you. You also checked to make sure you still had your empty lunchbox and lunchbag. You had everything so you headed straight for an exit. You saw a nearby exit and opened it's door. You went in and closed the door behind you. You got your phone out and checked it while you were walking home. You had 100 notifications from multiple apps. You got the 100 down to 40 by the time you got home. You got your house keys out and unlocked the door. 'Haha. I knew I wouldn't make any FRIENDS today. I don't need those turds anyway.' You thought to yourself while unlocking the door. (I'm listening to undertale boss themes while writing this. oUo *thumbs up* Confrontation Of The Dead is a really good underfell papyrus theme. It's not mine btw.) You heard a click and you opened the door to your house. In front of you was your mother, dressed as if she was going somewhere. "And where are you headed today?" You asked. She smiled and her eyes brightened up. "I'm going to go buy some yarn and thread. I also have to buy some beads." She responded. "Uh why?" You asked. "Because I want to. Wanna come and get something?" Your mom asked. "Oh uh...s-s-sure." You said. You went with it because you didn't want her to be lonely. You watched as your mom's face lit up and you could've sworn you saw her eye pupils as stars for a split second. Why was she so excited? Was it a really big deal or something? She grabbed your hand and ran out the door. She locked it behind her and she walked with you to a store named...Michaelz (THIS IS DEFINATELY NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT BECAUSE I PUT Michaelz INSTEAD OF Michael's...wait...oops.  O<O). You and your mom went in and went to the bead isle (I don't know what its called okay XD). Your mom was getting a ton of things. Then she stopped and looked at you. "Oh! I forgot to tell you..." Your mom said. So. This is why she was excited. Here it comes. "After this we're going to a really cool tree at a park somewhere! It's going to be so fun!" She said in glee. "I love trees! Sounds alright with me." You said. You are a tree hugger. Trees are awesome! Because....they.....uh....have different leaf colors! Yeah! Your mom's arms were full. "Hey...can you get me a basket?" Your mom asked. "Sure." You said and walked over to the front of the store. You grabbed a basket and went back to your mom. "Here mom." You said as she put the stuff in the basket. The was getting so much stuff! Beads...charms....strings....yarn. "Hey mom why are you getting this stuff?" You asked. "No reason!" She obviously lied. You pretended like you bought it. You were too excited to go see this 'really cool tree' to protest. <Time skip brought to you by the ASDF Movie> You and your mom finished shopping. The total ended up to be $150! She went way over the top this time. After your mom payed $150 for the items you and your mom went to see the 'really cool tree'. It must be really big or something. You and your mom walked a long way. You somehow had so much energy today! Your mom was sweating and questioning why you weren't tired. After the long walk you were at a strange park. You looked around and saw a tree...WOAH! IT HAS GOLDEN AND BLACK APPLES!? THIS IS THE BEST. DAY. OF. MY. LIFE! You were starstruck. You ran to the tree. "Hey! Wait for me!" Your mom called. You stopped and ran in circles. Your mom better hurry up if she's wants you to wait much longer! "Okay! Let's go!" You and your mom ran to the tree and stood in front of it. "WOAH! LOOK AT THE BLACK APPLES! THEY'RE SO COOL!" You said. Your mom looked at you with a confused face. "Don't you mean the gold ones?" She asked. "NO WAY! THE BLACK ONES ARE THE COOLEST ONES!" You said. After a little bit of looking at the black apples you felt like you were being watched. You ignored the feeling and stared at the black apples. They were so cool! And dark! And cool! (I know you said that twice. It was supposed to be funny.) You sat down on the ground next to the black apple side. Your mom simply sat down in front of the whole tree. She didn't get close for some reason. "Hey mom! What's wrong? Don't you wanna sit closer to the tree?" You asked. Your mom was staring at the tree, lost in thought. "Uh mom? Earth to cloud nine? Hello?" You called. Your mom jumped and looked at you. "Uhm. What did you say sweetie?" Your mom asked. "I just asked why you aren't getting so close to the tree? You seemed really excited earlier." You said. "I wanna lay here and look at the stars y'know?" Your mom lied. You didn't protest again. Just because you were having fun. You touched the tree and felt the bark. It had a very strange texture. You smiled. You leaned softly on the tree and fell asleep. <When you wake up> You woke up. It was really dark. The stars were all out. The moon showed in the peaceful night sky. You looked around. Your mom was gone. "Uh...m-mom? Where are you?" You called. You looked around. Silence. "HA HA VERY F-F-FUNNY MOM! CAN YOU COME OUT OF YOUR HIDING PLACE PLEASE?!" You said loudly. Silence. You got up and searched around. "Mom? S-STOP HIDING PLEASE? HELLO? M-MOM!" You called. Absolute silence. You were still looking for your mom. "MOM? MOM ARE YOU THERE? I DON'T KNOW THE WAY BACK HOME! MOM PLEASE!" You called. You started to run all over the park, looking for her. You had no luck. "MOM? YOU DIDN'T JUST LEAVE ME ALL ALONE HERE DID YOU? YOU SILLY GOOSE? MOM PLEASE?!" You called once more. Nothing. You couldn't find a trace of your mother. You had a bad feeling about this. You went back to the tree and sat under it. "MOM? ARE YOU HIDING IN THE TREE? HA HA HA! PLEASE COME OUT NOW!" You yelled. You peeked in the tree. Your mom was not there...but someone else was.

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