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You woke up. You peeked over at Nightmare. He was sleeping soundly. You peeked at D/N. D/N was doing good. You got up out of bed and stepped over D/N's gate. You went in the living room while squinting your eyes. "Hi Y/N!" Ink said. "Hey." You said and waved. "Uh...are you okay?" Dream asked. "Yeah why?" You asked. "You have black circles around your eyes." Dream said. "It's *yawn* nothing." You lied. You had insomnia for the last days. "Hmm. Okay." Dream said. Cherry cocked a brow (a skele-brow). You waddled into the kitchen. "Coffee." You whispered. You got a cup and made some coffee. You started to drink your coffee. "Oh h-h-h-h-heya Y/N." Error said. "Hi Error." You said and drank your coffee. Error took some of the coffee you made. He went into the living room. You continued to drink coffee and finished it. You got some chocolate from the cupboard and ate it. You walked into the living room. A very flustered Error and a very seductive Ink was on the couch. You were about to go into the kitchen when a tentacle pulled on your shoulder a little. "Can I show you around the castle?" Nightmare asked. "Ooh! Sounds fun!" You said. You saw a very tired Nightmare next to you. "Sleep well?" Nightmare asked groggily. "Uh...yeah." You said. You only slept for about three hours or something. Nightmare took your hand and pulled you to a silver door. "I've never seen that before." You said. Nightmare chuckled and clicked a green button. The doors opened with a ding and Nightmare pulled you inside. "Haven't you ever seen an elevator?" Nightmare asked. You tried to think about when you've seen it but found nothing. "Nope." You said. Nightmare clicked a button that was shaped like a moon. "You're gonna show this to our guests right?" You asked. "Already did. The Star Sanses went in this elevator ten minutes ago." Nightmare said. "The Star Sanses want to move in by the way." Nightmare said. You thought about it. 'They do seem like family. They should live here. But we have to find them better rooms.' You thought to yourself. "Okay! We have to get them separate rooms though." You said. "Three steps ahead of you." Nightmare said. He showed you some other buttons on the elevator. "This one goes to Dream's room...this one goes to Ink's room...and the Cherry room is Blue's." Nightmare said. You smiled. "Sounds good to me." You said. The elevator door opened. You and Nightmare stepped out. You gasped. You and Nightmare were on the roof! You looked around. The moon was big and bright in the sky. "Maybe you can hang out here instead of the kitchen." Nightmare said. You choked on air. 'How does he know about that?!' You thought to yourself. "How...what..." You said. "The others have been talking about it. We're really worried that you aren't getting enough sleep." Nightmare said. "Oh I'm fine." You said quickly. Nightmare poked your nose. "Okay." He said. You giggled and sat on the roof. There were so many stars in the sky. "So pretty..." You whispered. Nightmare and you cuddled on the roof. You guys told eachother secrets and memories. You would snicker here and there and Nightmare would blush here and there. You guys sat there for hours telling stories and secrets. "Pfffffft Nightmare oh my god." You said. Nightmare blushed. "I cried because of that ice cream sandwitch for the rest of the day." Nightmare said. You laughed. "It's just ice cream!" You said. "Ice cream is life!" Nightmare said and flailed his arms around. You laughed harder. "True." You said and wiped a fake tear. You and Nightmare sat in silence for a moment while staring at eachother. Then you both started laughing really hard. You put a hand on your stomach and laughed more. Nightmare was laughing and rolling around on the roof. You yawned and stopped laughing. Nightmare and you stood up. "Speaking of ice cream...can we get some?" You asked. "Sure." Nightmare said. You grabbed onto his hand and you were at an ice cream shop. You pulled Nightmare to the counter and you guys ordered something different. "I'll have a S/F/I/C please." You said. (Second/Favorite/Ice/Cream) "I'll have a chocolate mint ice cream please." Nightmare said. He noticed that you were more quiet around humans and more loud around monsters. The person at the counter nodded and left. "Why are you quiet around humans?" Nightmare asked. "Because all they do is hurt. Monsters are very kind! I love to be friends with them." You said. Nightmare nodded. The person came back and handed to two the ice creams. Nightmare reached into his pocket. "It's on the house." The person said. "Thank you." You said and smiled. Nightmare grabbed your hand and teleported you and him back on the roof. You sat down and ate your ice cream. Nightmare sat down next to you and ate his. You ate it slowly and Nightmare finished. You took a bite of the ice cream and your teeth got really cold. You soon finished your ice cream and licked your lips. "Thanks Nightmare." You said. Nightmare just winked his one eye. "Your welcome." He said. You fidgeted with your fingers.

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