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You pulled away. Nightmare and you needed some air. You layed on top of Nightmare and fell asleep. <Time skip to when you wake up brought to you by...SR PELO!> You woke up. You had a blanket on and Nightmare was under you. He was asleep. You blushed. You must've gotten tired last night and fell asleep after...lusty times. You decided you would sleep more. You wrapped your arms around Nightmare's neck and put your head on his chest. You snuggled in more and nearly fell asleep. You didn't fall asleep because Cross came in. "Wake up gu-" Cross said and paused seeing you two. He wiggled his eyebrows and took his phone out. "Cross! Don't. You. Dare!" You whisper-yelled. Cross snapped a bunch of photos. "Cross you mother @@@@@@!" You said quietly. Cross just chuckled and took more pictures. You blushed. "Cross! I am going to stalk you if this continues!" You said quietly. Cross just sticked his tongue out and took more pictures. A little while later Cross posted the pictures and left. "God @@@@@@ Cross." You whispered. (My dog just farted XD! I need a gas mask X'D.) You layed on top of Nightmare for a little while longer. Nightmare woke up. "Hey. Last night was fun Y/N~" Nightmare cooed. You blushed. "Not gonna lie, I had one heck of a time! In a fun way." You said. Nightmare stroked your hair with his hand. "Good to know." He said calmly. You blushed. "I love you Nightmare." You said. "I love you too Y/N." Nightmare said and kissed your forhead. You blushed and giggled. You snuggled into his chest more. Nightmare wrapped his arms around your back. You two stayed in that position for a while. Both of your stomachs growled. "Breakfast." You both said in unison. You got off Nightmare and Nightmare held on to you. You got off the bed and Nightmare followed, still holding on to you. You opened the door and Nightmare followed. You walked past the gang and Nightmare was holding your hand. "Good morning guys." You said while walking to the kitchen. Nightmare was holding your hand with a soft grip and walked behind you. "Heya guys." He said groggily. Lately you and Nightmare were always together. Never apart. "Morning lovey dovies!" Dust said. You giggled. "S/N! You are so cute!" Cross said. (S/N stands for Ship/Name!) You blushed. "S/N huh? I like it." You said. You pulled Nightmare's hand and went into the kitchen. You saw Nightmare teleport away and teleport back with some instant noodles. He handed you one and you started eating it. "That's how you're going to eat my manly spaghetti noodle in the near future~" Nightmare said. You choked on the noodles you were eating and sent him a playful glare. "Calm down cowboy. Not in my rodeo." You said. (I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO COTTON-EYE JOE OML X'D) Nightmare chuckled and ate his instant noodles. You pretended like he didn't say...what he said...and continued eating your instant noodles. (if you don't like instant noodles then...choose a different kind of spaghetti or noodles!) You finished eating and saw a flash of white. It disappeared and Cross was in front of you holding his phone. He had forgotten to turn the flash off. "Whoops." Cross said and sweated. "CROOOOOOSS!" You yelled and ran at him. Cross squeaked and ran away. You were raging. "STOP TAKING PICTURES OF ME!" You shouted while chasing him. "NEVER!" He yelled while running. Cross was slowing down, giving you a chance! You lunged at him and knocked him over. "I WILL END YOU CROSS!" You yelled and picked him up with your arms. He was heavy but you WILL get your way! You picked him up over your head and threw him at Dust and Killer. Cross yelped and fell taking Dust and Killer with him. "NO MORE PICTURES!" You shouted and patted your elbow. "Y/N! NO!" Dust said. You went full speed and your elbow almost hit Cross. He moved out of the way before your elbow hit him. Your elbow hit the floor and Cross sqeaked. "Okay! No more pictures!" Cross said. You laughed evilly. "Good." You said in a low pitched voice. You stood up and smirked. Nightmare came a few minutes later. "What did I mi-" Nightmare paused when she saw Killer, Dust and Cross on the floor. "Nothing." You said while wiping yourself off. "She tried to kill us for taking pictures!" Dust squeaked. "It was all Cross's fault!" Killer said. "Hey! Don't throw me under the bus!" Cross said. "Hahaha! They are so fragile. I was just scaring them so they would stop." You said. You went from devil to angel in a few seconds. You wrapped an arm around Nightmare's neck and stood next to him. "So...what now Nighty?" You asked. Nightmare grabbed your hand and you were at Outertale. "Hey Nightmare..." You said while scratching your head. "Yeah?" He asked, seeing sadness in your eyes. "I was wondering..." You said. There was a pause. (WARNING! FEELS TRAIN!) "Whatever...happened to...my mom?" You asked. Nightmare had a blank expression. He didn't want to break your fragile heart. "I tried to stop them...your mom was...killed by a group of men...I tried to save her...but there was too many. I'm so sorry." Nightmare said. You felt tears coming. Your mom was always with you. She never left your side and was with you the majority of your life. You felt tears fall. "N-n-n-n-no..." You said out of nowhere and sat down. Nightmare came to comfort you and hugged you. "I couldn't say anything sooner because...I thought you would be mad at me. Mad because I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." Nightmare said quietly. You hugged him tighter and snuggled your face into his chest. You saw many memories of you and your mom. "Y/N! Come over here! I have a surprise for you!" Your mom said. "Really?!" You said running up to her. She had her arms behind her back. "Yup! Do you want it?" She asked. "Yes! Gimme gimme gimme!" You said and jumped around. You seemed to be younger. "Okay Happy birthday!" Your mom said and handed you a box covered in wrapping paper. "Thank you mom!" You said opening the box. Inside was a necklace. "Thank you mom!" You said. You came back to reality and checked to see if you were wearing the necklace. You were. It was a F/C crescent moon. You cried in Nightmare's embrace. Nightmare held you close. You calmed down in Nightmare's arms. He calmed you down. You stopped crying. "It's o-okay Nightmare. You t-tried your best. Now I h-have you so it's o-okay." You stuttered. Nightmare smiled. "Thanks." He said. "Your w-welcome." You said. Nightmare picked you up bridal style and brought you to your room. You sat on the side of your bed and Nightmare did the same. You tilted your head so it was on Nightmare's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you and yawned. You giggled. "So...what do you wanna do?" Nightmare asked. "Uh...let's see...cuddle?" You suggested. Nightmare layed you down on the bed and layed next to you. "Yes." Nightmare said. You chuckled and snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. "I love you Y/N." Nightmare said. "I love you too NM." You said. You both fell asleep. <Time skip to when you wake up brought to you by....Glitchtale!> You woke up. You felt something warm next to you. It was obviously Nightmare. You snuggled into the warmth. It wasn't Nightmare. It was a pillow. That sneaky devil! You got up and out of bed and went to the living room. Cross was the only one there. "Where is everybody?" You asked. Cross started sweating. "Uhm...they...uh...went shopping!" Cross said. You could tell he was lying. You poked his forehead. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm breaking the lies to find the truth." You said. Cross laughed and swatted your hand away. "You're such a weirdo." Cross said. "I know." You admitted. Cross laughed a little more and you saw Dust out of the corner of your eye. He seemed to be...tip-toeing? "Oh heya Dust." You said without turning to look at him. He jumped a little. "Why are you tip-toeing? And why is Cross being a big liar?" You asked. Cross gasped and Dust chuckled. "Nightmare has a surprise for you in your room." Dust said. "He does?! I LOVE SECRET STUFF!" You said excitedly. You sprinted to your room. You saw Nightmare with a large box. The box had...holes? You heard some whines from inside the box. Nightmare put the box on the ground. "Happy birthday Y/N! I got you this and right now the others are getting you more stuff." Nightmare said. "Really?! Thank you thank you thank you!" You said gleefully. You took the top off the box and gasped. There was a cute puppy with floppy ears inside! "Oh. My. God. It. Is. So. CUTE!" You said as you took the fluffy and adorable puppy out of the box. You carefully placed the puppy on your bed and it fell asleep. (If you don't like puppies....oops.) "I love it!" You said. Nightmare pulled some stuff out from under your bed. It was a dog bed, a water and food bowl, some dog toys and dog treats. Nightmare moved out of the way to show you a big dog house! "Oh my god! Thank you for all of this stuff! How did you remember it was my birthday today?" You asked. Nightmare shrugged. You hugged Nightmare and Nightmare showed you one more thing. It was a gate? Oh! It was to keep the dog in this room. Nightmare's castle is a big place. You put the gate on the hallway in front of your room. This way you could still close the door. It's a win-win. You picked up the sleeping pooch and put it in the dog house. "Is it a girl or a boy?" You asked. "It's a girl." Nightmare said. "I'm going to name it! Hmm...what should I name her...how about...uhm...oh! D/N!" You said. (D/N stands for Dog/Name. You get to choose the name!) You peeked at the sleeping puppy. "D/N it is!" You said. Nightmare chuckled. "Don't you want to see the presents the others got for you?" Nightmare asked. "There's more?!" You asked. "Yup. Go see." Nightmare said, lazily getting up. "Okay!" You said and stepped over the gate. You sprinted to the living room and saw that it was decorated for you! "Happy birthday!" Everyone said. Everyone was there. Even Error! You haven't gotten to hang out with Error lately. There was a cake to your right. "Thanks guys!" You said and sneaked over to the cake. "You always go for food first." Cross said in between laughs. He gave you a knife to cut the cake with. You cut the cake and everyone got a slice. You got two slices. "Who's up for ice cream after this?" You asked. Everyone raised their hand. "Agreed!" You said while raising your hand. You were the first to finish. It was funny because everyone else had one slice, yet you finished two before anyone could finish one! "Mmm! That was good. I'm going to be hyper y'know. Just be prepared." You said. (I get really hyper! Does anyone else? Just wondering.) "Me too!" Cross said. "Me three!" Killer said. You laughed and ran over to the presents. "Present time!" You exclaimed. You jumped up and down and Nightmare came over and handed you one of the presents. "This one's from...DUST!" You said enthusiastically. You opened it and saw a really cool video game syestem. "A Nintendo 3DS? Cool!" You said. (I have a 3DS! I play Tomodachi Life.) You put the 3DS in your room. You came back and Nightmare gave you a different box. "This one's from...the star sanses? Who's that?" You asked. Nightmare chuckled. "Just my brother Dream, Blue and Error's boyfriend Ink." Nightmare said. Error had a yellow blush on his face. "H-he's not m-m-my boyfriend!" Error said, glitching a lot more than usual. "Mhm. Sure." Nightmare said. You snickered and opened the present. There were three items! One was a blue bracelet. Another was some gold earrings. Another was a rainbow shirt. "Woah! Tell them I said thanks!" You told Nightmare. "Hey Error! Next time you visit your boyfriend tell the star sanses that Y/N said thanks." Nightmare said. Error blushed. "He's n-n-not my b-boyf-friend!" Error said. "Still tell him." Nightmare said. You put the stuff in your room and came back. It seems like everyone got you something! Nightmare handed you another one. You could easily tell this one was from Error because of the blue strings that covered it. "This one's from Error." You said. You opened it and saw that there was some...cute erasers! They are so adorable! "Thanks Error! These are so cute!" You said while bringing it to your room. "'W-w-welcome." Error said. You placed the stuff carefully on your bed. You went back to the living room and Nightmare gave you another. <Time skip to when you put all of the presents in your room!> You placed the last present on your bed. "Thanks guys!" You said. You heard some 'you're welcomes' from the living room. You changed your shirt into the rainbow shirt from this...Ink. You also put on the black sweater Killer got you. You decided not to zip it. It stayed opened. You put on the blue bracelet and left the room. "Alright guys! Let's get some ice cream!" You exclaimed. You grabbed Nightmare's hand and you were at a small ice cream shop. There was a lady at the cash register. You walked up to the lady. You didn't realize you were pulling Nightmare with you. The lady gave you a strange look. To her, she sees a very rainbow dressed girl with a bunch of skeletons, which have weapons! "Okay! So I'll have a F/I/C please." You said. (Favorite/Ice/Cream.) "I'll have a...oreo ice cream." Nightmare said. Cross came up to the lady. "I want a vanilla ice cream please!" Cross said. (This reminds me of SR PELO talks. The ice cream one oml X'D. 'But she didn't put chocolate on the last bowl.' lol!) Everyone else ordered their ice cream. For some reason...Error ordered two. So did Cross. Hmm. "Why did Cross and Error order two?" You asked Nightmare. "Cross is dating my brother...and Error is dating Ink. They got it for their lovers." Nightmare explained. Everyone payed. Luckily Nightmare payed for you. A little while later everyone got their ice creams. Cross and Error teleported away. "That's so sweet of them! Cross and Dream's ship name would be...CREAM! And Error and Ink's ship name would be...Errink! OH MY GOD!" You said. You started laughing really hard. "Oh no Cross is getting to you." Horror said. You laughed a little more. "I guess." You said. You ate your F/I/C. It tasted so good! You finished it quickly. "Why do you eat so fast?" Killer asked. "I don't eat fast. I could eat faster." You said. Everyone finished. Error and Cross were still gone. You giggled. Everyone teleported to Outertale. This had to be the best birthday ever! A little while later Cross came back. "What did I miss?" He asked. "Nothing." You said. Everyone layed down and looked at the stars. Cross handed you another present. "Dream wanted to give you another thing." Cross said. You opened it. There was a....no way! A new phone! (Did anyone think about the storks movie when they read that? Just me? Okay.) "Tell him I said thanks!" You said. You turned your new phone on. Everyone already had their number in your phone. You got a text from Error. "I'm gonna sleep over at Ink's place tonight. To make it up to you I got a photo. Bye." Error's message read. Error sent you a picture of Ink snuggling with Error. It was so cute. You showed Nightmare. "I knew it!" He exclaimed. You giggled and texted Error back. "Thanks for the photo Errink." You texted. You sent it and put your phone away. You watched comets fly around. You fell asleep.

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