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You woke up. You heard screaming. You went twords the screaming and saw a new skeleton...AGAIN. This one looked weird. He had a lot of purple and blue. He had no pants on, revealing his boxers. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! PUT SOME PANTS ON!" You said and saw a screaming Dream in the corner. The skeleton walked near you. You stepped away from him. "Creep! Put your pants on!" You said. He was 5 feet away. You stepped back and hit a wall. "Get away from me!" You yelled. The skeleton got closer to you and you kicked him away. He fell and you found his pants. You threw it at him and it landed on his face. You went over to Dream. "Who's that?!" You asked. "Get him away! That's Lust sans!" Dream said and ran into the S.S. room. Lust? Why is Lust here? Ugh. This is why parties and sleepovers are too much work. Lust came closer. "Go away!" You said. "Hey honey baby, wanna sugar da-" He was cut off by Nightmare's tentacle hitting him, making Lust fly across the room. You were backed up to a wall and sweating. "Thanks." You said. Nightmare looked at you. He ran over to you and checked on you. "He didn't touch you at all did he?" Nightmare asked. "No, but he might've tried if you didn't come." You said. You were happy that Nightmare worried about you. It showed that he cared. "I don't know about Dream though. I might've saved him...but I'm not completely sure." You said. You opened the S.S. room. You got two pillows and put them where Blueberry's ears would have been. "Did you get raped Dream?" You asked. Blue just gave you confused looks. Good thing he didn't hear. "No, you helped me out." Dream said. "Oh okay." You said and uncovered Blueberry's not existent ears. "Thanks by the way." Dream said. "You're welcome." You said. Dream smiled and talked to Ink. You opened the door. "Did you get rid of Lust yet?" You called. "Yeah." You heard from far away. "Okay." You called and closed the door behind you. You walked to the kitchen and saw Cherry. You waved at him and went to eat some popcorn. You grabbed it and pulled it out of the cupboard. You sat on the counter and opened the bag of popcorn. (I PUT LUST IN THIS CHAPTER TO CELEBRATE 69 VIEWS! THANK YOU!) You started eating popcorn and Nightmare came in the kitchen and sat next to you. "You look tired Y/N." Nightmare said. You felt around under your eyes for bags. "Wanna go to bed and I take care of the guests?" Nightmare whispered. "No I'm alright." You said and ate some popcorn. "If you say so..." Nightmare said. "Can I go to Outertale?" You asked. You made sure you had your phone with you. You did. "Sure." Nightmare said. He made a portal for you. "Thanks." You said and walked into the portal. The portal closed behind you. You suddenly felt unsafe. You went to a good spot and watched the stars. You watched comets fly by. You saw different constellations. You calmed down. Outertale Sans flew over to you. "Heya! What are you doing all alone?" He asked. "Just relaxing. Sleepovers are so much work. Especially when Lust randomly comes and tries to rape people." You said. OT Sans laughed. "Sounds...interesting?" OT Sans said. "Yeah." You said. You watched a star. OT Sans sat near. "Can I join?" He asked. "Sure." You said. OT Sans layed down near you. You watched in awe as a really big comet flew by. You still felt unsafe. You started missing Nightmare. You can't stay away from him...you feel...alone. You watched the galaxy. It was beautiful. You started to tense up. You just didn't feel safe without him. OT Sans had left earlier, but you didn't know. You layed there and fell asleep. <When you wake up brought to you by...Undertale fanart!> You woke up. You sat up and opened your eyes. You were still in Outertale. You got your phone out and called Nightmare. "Ready to come home?" Nightmare said through the phone. "Yeah. Can you get me home?" You asked. Nightmare teleported in front of you. "Sure." He said and held his hand out. You took it and used it to stand up. You and Nightmare were home and standing in the living room. You hugged Nightmare. "Are you alright?" Nightmare asked. "I never want to go anywhere without you ever again." You said. "Did something bad happen?" Nightmare asked. "No...I just...it...didn't feel right without you." You said. Nightmare stroked your hair and held you close. "Well. I'm here now." He said. You smiled. Nightmare picked you up bridal style and sat on the couch. He put you in his lap. You layed back on him. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. The S.S. came out of their room and went in the kitchen to eat some food. You watched as Cross came and brought Dream back into the S.S. room. Cross went in the room with Dream and closed the door behind them. Cherry was...probably in the kitchen. Error must've been in the kitchen too...because of Ink (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). Killer and Horror sat on the couch and Killer took the remote. Oh boy. At least Horror didn't get the remote. He watches...killing shows. They're very creepy. Killer...watches...many...scenes. The sexual scenes. Killer put on some hentai. Nightmare teleported you and him to your room. He closed the door with a tentacle so that sound wouldn't come in. You and Nightmare layed down on top of the bed. "So..." You said. "We aren't in front of guests anymore~" Nightmare said in a seductive way. You smiled. "You're right~" You said seductively. "Uh..." You heard from next to you. You looked over at...Cherry what the heck. "Hi Cherry." You said and kissed Nightmare. You didn't care if there were guests anymore. Nightmare was surprised. He expected you to wait and then...but it was different this time. Cherry teleported to the living room and pretended...that had never happened. Nightmare went on top of you. Nightmare's tongue entered your mouth and a tentacle was sent to lock the door. The door was locked and Nightmare's tongue explored like it did last time. You started to blush. Nightmare pulled away and you noticed he had a blush too. A line of saliva was on both of your mouths. "Haven't gotten to do that in a while." Nightmare said. You blushed deeper. "Me neither." You said. You and Nightmare both blushed a little. Your whole face was covered in blush now. The same with Nightmare. Nightmare layed down next to you. You wiped your saliva with your arm. Nightmare tried to cover his blush. You hugged Nightmare. Nightmare hugged back. You started to relax. Nightmare held you close. D/N decided to jump onto the bed. She went in the middle of you two. You giggled and Nightmare petted the dog. "Should we teach D/N magic?" You asked. You saw the D/N's wings were bigger now. Not big enough to fly...but near that size. Tomorrow her wings will probably be big enough to get her a few feet high. You touched D/N's wings. "Sure. D/N...summon something." Nightmare said. D/N opened her mouth. You and Nightmare watched as D/N made a ball of yellow energy in her mouth. She closed her mouth and the ball was shot across the room. You quickly dodged the ball of energy. "You did it D/N! Good girl!" You said and gave her a treat. D/N wiggled her wings and chewed on the dog treat. "Cool." Nightmare said. He was starting to fall asleep while sitting up. You kissed Nightmare on the cheekbone and unlocked the door. Nightmare blushed and fell asleep. You opened the door and saw Cherry. "You two are such lovey dovies." Cherry said. "I could say the same about you and Blueberry." You teased. Cherry blushed. You patted him on the skull and went into the living room. The S.S. were watching T.V. It seemed like Ink and Dream weren't enjoying what they were watching. Blue seemed fine with it. You looked at the T.V. and cringed. Shows for very young kids were on. "Hey Blue. We have taco meat and seasoning if you wanna make some tacos." You said. Blue's eye pin pricks turned into stars. "Tacos!" He yelled and ran into the kitchen. Ink grabbed the remote instantly. "Thanks." Ink said. "You're welcome." You said. Ink put on a horror movie. Horror came to watch. Horror was watching some horror. On the screen someone was killed and Horror chuckled. Dream seemed a little scared. You weren't scared at all. You little savage. You all continued to watch. The movie finished. You could smell the tacos. Ink gave the remote to Dream. Dream put a comedy on. You laughed at many parts of the movie. Dream and Ink laughed at some parts of the movie. Horror laughed when someone got shot in the head. You gave the movie a 10 out of 10. You were all called into the dining room by Cherry. You and everyone in the house (other than Nightmare) went in the dining room. There was a plate for everyone. Nightmare wasn't here so you vollunteered to eat the taco that was supposed to be his. Blue accepted and you had two tacos. You finished both. Ink and Dream were already finished by then. You left the table and went to the kitchen. The smell of tacos grew stronger once you were in there. You went to the cupboards and got some chocolate (in this story...you never gain weight :D). You ate the chocolate and you felt satisfied. You went back into the living room and groaned. Now it was Horror's turn to pick something. When everyone finished they came to watch T.V. The S.S. went into their room. Horror grabbed the remote and put a horror movie on. It was a movie called 'Serial Killer' (if that's a real movie...OwO I made it up). You watched the movie. It had a lot of blood and killing. Horror laughed at it. At least he's not Lust. That guy was way worse. You and Horror finished the movie. You gave it a...6? All of it was just killing...no story or anything. Boring! You yawned. Horror gave you the remote and left. You were all alone. You turned the T.V. off and decided to watch some memories. You closed your eyes. "Momma!" You ran to your mom. "What's the matter?" Your mom asked and hugged you. "Th-hey were b-bullying m-m-me." You said and pointed to a group of older kids. You looked very young in the memory. Your mom went over to the kids and yelled at them. You smiled. Your mom really cared about you. The memory ended. You started to cry and went to the kitchen. Nobody was there. You cried for a little while. Your tears fell off your face and dropped to the floor. After a little, you stopped crying. You wiped your tears and made a fake smile on your face. You turned and started walking away. You were stopped by Cherry. "What's wrong?" Cherry asked. "Nothing." You lied. "I know you're lying to me." Cherry said. Your smile fell. "My mom..." You said. "What about her?" Cherry asked. "She...she's dead. She was the one who was around me for the majority of my life...then she was killed." You said. You were on the verge of tears. "My mom and dad are both dead." Cherry said. "I'm sorry for your loses..." You said. Cherry chuckled. "Sorry about your loss." Cherry said. You smiled. Cherry sat on the counter. You went to your room. You wondered if Nightmare is still asleep. You stepped over D/N's gate. You saw that Nightmare was asleep. You went in the bed and fell asleep.

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