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You woke up to loud sounds. You looked over at the door. The Star Sanses were here. They were 'aww'ing you and Nightmare. They noticed you were awake. "I'm coming." You said groggily. You sat up. You looked over at Nightmare. He was still asleep. You yawned and stood up. You stepped over D/N's gate. "I am the Magnificent Blue! It is very nice to finally meet you!" A blue skel-er...Blue said. He held his hand out. You smiled and shook it. "I'm Y/N. Nice to finally meet you too." You said. A rather...yellow skeleton...you're guessing Dream...came to shake your hand next. "I'm Dream. I've heard a lot about you from Cross." Dream said. YOU KNEW IT WAS DREAM! TOLD YOURSELF SO! Next must be...Ink! You saw him and shook his hand. "My name's Ink. Nice to meet you." Ink said with a smile. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." You said. When everyone finished you decided to make them feel at home more. "If you want some food, there's some in the fridge or the cupboards. Let me show you to your room." You said. The Star Sanses nodded and you led them to the 'Cherry Room' as you called it. You opened the door to the Cherry Room and they headed in. "This is where you three will be staying." You said. The three went in the room and inspected it. "I'll be in the living room. If you need ANYTHING, ask me." You said. They understood and you went into the living room. You sat on the couch and put a movie called 'Bad@$$' on. (If that's a real movie, tell me because I made it up XD.) It was a movie about...exploding cars and stealing gold until the main character got really rich. It was a good movie. A little while after the movie ended the S.S. (that's what I'm going to call the Star Sanses now) came out of their temporary room. Nightmare just woke up by the looks of it, and sat down next to you. "Morning." He said groggily. You looked at him and smiled. "Heya." You said. You two were having a lovey dovey moment. You were both smiling and looking at each other. From near the couch Cross came, out of nowhere, and started taking pictures. You and Nightmare didn't notice. You and Nightmare blushed. Killer and Dust came too. They started to help out the S.S. if they needed something. When everyone went to the kitchen and left you and Nightmare alone, you kissed him. He blushed and kissed back. A little bit later you pulled away and Nightmare smiled. "So cutie~" Nightmare said seductively. You giggled. He wrapped an arm around you and you both started watching T.V. You were so happy when you were next to Nightmare. You loved him so much. You blushed. It seemed like a really good show by the looks of it. It seemed like an adventure show. It was pretty cool. The S.S. came back in the living room and sat on the couch. They seemed into the show too. After a bunch more episodes you got up. Nightmare wanted to come with you so he held your hand. You pulled him to the kitchen and got a bag of popcorn. You brought it to the living room. Nightmare sat back down and you sat in his lap. You gave the S.S. the bag of popcorn and Nightmare layed his head on your shoulder. You blushed and smiled. Nightmare looked at you and did the same. You guys were so lovey dovey. Then you both went back to watching T.V. (so you wouldn't start kissing and stuff in front of the guests). You layed back on Nightmare and watched the show. There was a sad part. The main character was killed. He was pushed off a cliff. Blue started crying. "That's so sad! Now his brother will be all alone." Blue said. Dream and Ink calmed him and stopped him from crying with a hug. You personally thought that was sweet. You heard Cross's phone camera and chased him around the house. "Cross! No pictures!" You shouted as you chased him. You caught him and shook him. Nightmare just watched and laughed. The S.S. laughed too. You shook Cross until he got dizzy. Then you went and sat down in Nightmare's lap. Cross stumbled around. The show ended at season 4 episode 15. "10 out of 10 from me." You said. "Agreed." Nightmare said. The S.S. agreed too. You got up and went to check on D/N. She was running around the room, jumping on and off the bed. You stepped over her gate and she ran over to you. "Heya D/N." You said. The puppy ran in circled around you. D/N is sort of a magic dog. The only magic she knows at the moment is to teleport to a grassy plain (that is very safe) to go to the bathroom. D/N can learn other things and when she grows, she'll get angel wings. You smiled and thought about what D/N would look like with angel wings. You crouched down to D/N's level and petted her on the head and on her back. She started licking you and panting. She loved to get pet. You checked D/N for her angel wings. Not yet. She'll get them soon. You played with her a little with a mini tennis ball. You threw it and she ran after it. She came back with the ball in her mouth. You took it and threw it again. This repeated for a while. You decided you would go to the living room. You saw Nightmare talking to his brother Dream. They seemed to be having a nice conversation. You smiled and went to the kitchen. Blue was there. "Hey Y/N?" Blue started. "Yeah?" You said. "Can another person sleep over?" Blue asked. (Guess who it is.) "Of course! Who is it?" You said. "It's my best friend Red." Blue said. (Heck yeah. Cherryberry sundae!) "Best friend? Or boyfriend." You said wiggling your eyebrows. Blue blushed. "Boyfriend. You caught me." Blue said. "Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret." You said. Blue nodded and calmed down. You went over to the cupboard and pulled out one of the chocolates. "Can I have one?" Blue asked. You handed him one. "You don't have to ask silly." You said. "By the way, I get hyper." You said and went in the living room. Nightmare looked at you and sighed. When you get hyper...you either get tired or go out of control. You ate the chocolate. It tasted so good. You ate it and got hyper. You ran around the house and jumped around. You were out of control. Nightmare caught you and you squirmed. Nightmare held you and went to the couch. He sat on the couch and put you in his lap. He held you tight so you couldn't get out of his grasp. Blue wasn't hyper because he had less chocolate than you. You wiggled but that only lasted for a little. Nightmare made it so that you couldn't move. You sat there and watched T.V. There was an anime on the T.V. It seemed okay so you kept watching. There was a new skeleton. You and Nightmare looked over at him. "Blue invited him because I was alright with it." You explained. "Oh." Nightmare said. Blue ran over and pulled Red to the couch. "Red! This is Y/N! She and Nightmare invited us." Blue explained. Red seemed content. "Uh hi." Red said and held his hand out. You shook it. "Y/N. Nice to meet you Red. I'm gonna call you Cherry." You said. Fell laughed and sat next to Blue. You decided you would call Blue a new name, Blueberry. Cherry and Blueberry! M-a-k-i-n-g Cherryberry! Nightmare layed his head on your shoulder like usual. You blushed and smiled. "Cherry and Blueberry are so cute together." You whispered to Nightmare. "I heard that." Cherry said. You and Nightmare tried to hold back your laughter. "What did they say Felly?" Blueberry asked. Cherry started to sweat. You and Nightmare couldn't take it. You laughed really hard and so did Nightmare. You were crying from laughing too hard. "We didn't say anything Blueberry." You said, trying to save Cherry. Cherry saw what you were doing and went with it. "Must've been my imagination." Cherry said. Blueberry bought it. You continued watching the anime. It was funny at most parts. You weren't hyper anymore so Nightmare loosened his grip. You fell asleep. <When you wake up brought to you by...puns!> You woke up. Nightmare was asleep and snoring softly. The S.S. weren't around. 'They must be in their room.' You thought to yourself. You got off Nightmare and went to the kitchen. There was something new in the kitchen. "Ooh! What's that?" You whispered to yourself. "That's a coffee maker." You heard from behind you, making you jump a little. You turned and saw Cherry. "Oh hi Cherry. Why are you awake so late?" You asked. "I could ask you the same question." Cherry said. He had a point. You shrugged and nodded. "Fair enough." You said. You went to the...'coffee maker' and made some coffee. You drank the coffee without sugar and milk. It tasted good. You leaned on the counter and drank your coffee. "You like it bitter huh?" Cherry asked. "Yup. It tastes good that way." You said. You drank some more. You finished the coffee and put the cup in the sink. The sink was piled up so you started washing dishes. You wondered if Cherry was still there, but didn't check. You finished washing dishes. You set them to dry and organized more things. When everything in the kitchen was clean and organized you turned around to leave. Cherry was still there. "Still here Cherry?" You said. "Yeah." Cherry said. You didn't question it. You decided to clean the house. You grabbed a broom and swept around the house...er...castle. When you were done sweeping you put the dirt pile in a trash can. You got a brush and brushed D/N. Afterwards she was really soft. You gave her a treat for being good. You checked to see if her wings were developed yet. There were two tiny wings on the puppy. They were small, but will grow overtime. You smiled and went back to the kitchen. You drank another cup of coffee and ate some chocolate. You were wide awake. You went to your room and sat on the bed. D/N jumped onto the bed and wiggled her wings. Nothing happened because her wings were so small. "Silly D/N." You said. You felt her wings and smiled. "They will work in no time." You whispered. You got an idea. "Wanna work on your other powers D/N?" You asked quietly. D/N tilted her head. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." You said. 'How will I teach D/N magic if I don't know how to do magic myself?' You thought to yourself. You thought about Nightmare's tentacles. "Summon something." You told D/N. D/N barked at you. You laughed. "Okay. We'll do that later then. Bye D/N." You said and got up. D/N fell asleep. You stepped over D/N's gate and went to the living room. You heard laughing from inside the S.S. room. You sat down next to Nightmare on the couch and turned the T.V. on. You put on a romance movie and layed back. You watched the movie for a while and got bored. You turned the movie off and grabbed your phone off the charger. You checked all of your apps and watched some YeeTube (wink wink). It was 2 a.m. You decided to get some sleep. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep. You fell asleep after about 10 minutes.

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