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"Uh...hello? Have you seen my mom? I can't find her." You asked as you cried silently. The dark figure didn't say anything. "Hello? Am I seeing things?" You asked. The figure turned to look at you. It had a blue eye...it was too dark to see anything else. You looked at the figure with your head tilted to the side. It stayed silent. You started to sweat. "Man...now I'm seeing people. I'm going nuts!" You said as you stopped looking in the tree. You continued to search the park. You felt like you were being followed again. Everytime you turned you saw nobody. "I'm going crazy mom! I feel like I'm being stalked by somebody! Is it you?" You called. Silence. "Thanks for the nice chat mom!" You yelled sarcastically. You kept looking for a long time. Too bad you didn't bring your phone...or anything. You sat on your knees. You cried. "Mom? I want to go home! But you aren't here...I want to see your smiling face!" You yelled. Silence. You continued. "If you don't show up soon I'm going to have to find a way to get home! And you will be the one looking for me! How about you come over here and show me that you are still here?" You called. You knew that if your mom wasn't here...she wasn't at home either. Tears fell off your face. "Mom? Please don't be missing...or worse..." You said quietly. You heard nothing. Your mom wasn't here. You got up. You WILL find her. No matter what it takes. (YOU HAVE DETERMINATION! >:3) You got up and kept searching. You felt like you were being watched again so you turned around with your hands clenched into fists. "W-WHO'S THERE? STOP STALKING ME PLEASE!" You yelled. You heard a laugh and everything went black. (You: *flips a table*) A couple of seconds later you woke up. You were...in a bed? Where is this? You wiped your eyes and looked around. You were in a strange room...it was a white room. Everything in here is white. "Mom?" You asked out of the blue. This wasn't your room...or the hospital. "Uh...am I dead?" You asked as you got up. This room had a bathroom...AND YOU HAVE TO GO REALLY BAD! <Time skip to after bathrooming in a place you don't understand X'D> You came out of the bathroom. You examined the room. There was a door...seems legit. You put your hand on the handle and regretted it. Black...liquid stuff was on your hands now. "W-what is this stuff?" You asked. This was not heaven! You wiped the black liquid on your shirt. You looked at the door handle wide-eyed. "Is this acid?" You asked while wiping some off the handle. You opened the door and looked around. Why is it so dark in here? Someone turn on a light switch! Please and thank you! You looked for an exit. You were suddenly pinned down on the floor. There was a...SKELETON? A SKELETON? YOU HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! You screamed randomly. You struggled and broke free from this...skeleton's grasp. "She's getting away! Get Nightmare!" The strange skeleton yelled. You sprinted away. Where were you? Why are you here? What do you mean by 'she's getting away'? You were running until you realized...there are no windows. You panicked and peeked behind you. You were being chased by a bunch of skeletons! The one that stood out the most was one that...was all covered in that strange black liquid and had a blue eye...WAIT! That was the figure in the park that you thought you were imaginating. He was real. You continued to run. You must've been pretty fast because they were falling behind. Suddenly the one from the park appeared in front of you. More questions. You slid under him and continued running. "What the- HEY GET BACK HERE!" You heard him yell. You were so going to escape. You kept running until you got cornered. "TURDBALLS!" You yelled (I don't even...). You turned around and saw as all of the skeletons smiled. "S-STAY BACK!" You yelled and looked around. One came closer. "ONE MORE STEP MISTER!" You said and had a strategy. He came closer and you punched him. "WHAT THE-" He yelled and you tried to sprint past them all. You were grabbed by the arms before you could get away. "SHOOT!" You yelled. You cried and kicked. You were struggling and then you just stopped and stayed still. "Mom? I wish I had the chance to say 'bye' before you just left. I want to see your smile. I want to see you. I couldn't even..." You said quietly. You started to cry. "If your dead...I hope to see you soon." You whispered. You cried. "P-please stop crying..." One of the skeletons said. You ignored him and continued. "Dad...I hardly ever get to see you. Why are you always at work? Do you know where mom is? If so please tell me. OH WAIT! YOU CAN'T!" You yelled. You cried more. You stayed still. There was a pleasent silence. "If you guys are gonna kill me can you do it be...never mind." You said. You felt the skeletons let you go. You sat on your knees. You stayed silent. Why put up a fight? It's not like you can get out of here anyways. You stood up. You walked twords the white room. The skeletons were obviously following you. You went inside the room and hid inside a closet. The skeleton from the park opened the door. You cried silently. "Uh...hey?" He asked, with a worried tone in his voice. You checked your pockets...you did bring something...a pocket knife. You examined the pocket knife. You swung it at your chest. "NO!" The skeleton yelled and pulled the knife away with a tentacle. You stayed silent and checked your pockets again. A pen...that would work. "This should do the trick." You said quietly. You brought the pen to your chest. "STOP IT!" The skeleton yelled and pulled the pen away. You checked your pockets again. "NO! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" The skeleton yelled. You continued checking your pockets. The skeleton groaned and you felt a tentacle wrap around your waist and pull you up. You looked down. "Hey! I'm sorry okay! Stop being like that!" The skeleton said. You nodded and the skeleton put you down on the bed. You stayed silent. "Mom...dad..." You whispered. You started to cry. "OH GOD NO STOP PLEASE STOP!" The skeleton said. You tried to stop crying but you couldn't. "Are you going to kill me?" You asked quietly. "No." You heard the skeleton answer. "W-what's your name?" You asked the skeleton. You peeked at him. He rolled his eyes...er...eye. "Just call me Nightmare." He said in an annoyed way. "Hmm." Is all you managed to say. "Uh...aren't you gonna tell me yours?" Nightmare asked. "Oh sorry. My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you Nightmare." You said. You held out a hand for him to shake. He used a tentacle to shake your hand and you smiled. Nightmare was giving you a very confused look. "What's with the smile?" He asked. "I made a friend. Nobody even comes near me usually..." You said shyly. You stopped shaking his hand and put it on the side of the bed. "F-friends?! We just met! And you were kidnapped!" Nightmare said. "It doesn't matter because...I forgive you and all of the other skeletons. You all seem nice. I'm sorry for hitting that skeleton now..." You said. "Oh. You mean Cross?" Nightmare asked. "Yes?" You said. "Do you want me to go get him so you can apologise to him?" Nightmare asked. He was pretty nice...you think. "Yes please." You said. He walked out of the room and came back with the skeleton you hit. "I'm sorry Cross! I didn't know you guys were nice I'm really-" You were cut off. "It's alright. I'm fine now." Cross said. You got up and hugged him. "Thanks." You said. Nightmare was giving you guys a weird look but you ignored it. You stopped hugging and sat back down on the bed. Cross was giving you a strange look too. "What's with the look?" You asked. "What did you just do?" Cross asked. You tilted your head. "I hugged you? Do you guys not hug around here?" You asked. "No...not usually. It felt nice though! Bye!" Cross said as he walked out of the room. Nightmare was still giving you a weird look. "Uh Nightmare? Earth to cloud nine? Are you lost in space?" You asked while waving a hand in his face. He stopped giving you the weird look. You hugged him. "Thanks for not letting me kill myself." You said. Nightmare tensed up for a minute but relaxed. "You're welcome." He said while hugging back. <Time skip to tomorrow morning brought to you by the CPAU> You woke up and saw Nightmare standing over you. "Good morning." He said casually. "Mornin'." You said and got up. "Breakfast?" You asked. "Sure." Nightmare said and walked out the door. You followed. You examined the place. It was pretty nice. No complaints here. Nightmare stopped in what seemed like a dining room. You went in the dining room and saw that all of the chairs were empty and sat down in one. Nightmare wasn't there for a second but appeared holding some plates and some forks and spoons. He set the table and called everyone else. (Wow...so responsible.) "Go get some food." He told the other skeletons. Cross saw you and waved while Nightmare gave him a death glare. You giggled and waited. The skeletons came back and put a bunch of food items on the table. Nightmare just randomly appeared in the chair next to you. You were about to ask how he just appeared there...but you just decided not to. You looked up and watched some memories of your parents. They were always smiling and played with you. You remembered the time that your mom was being chased by a squirrel. You giggled and continued to watch. You saw your dad teaching you how to bike. He let go of the bike you were on and you biked right into a tree. Good thing he caught you before you hit the ground. That would've hurt. You watched you and your parents take a vacation to Chicago. It was cold and windy and you forgot to bring a sweater. You were taken out of your mind by Nightmare calling you. "Y/N? Aren't you gonna eat?" Nightmare asked. You mentally slapped yourself. You were still at the table. You were the only one that still had food. A skeleton was about to steal some but you swatted his hand away. "MINE." You said in a low voice. Nightmare was laughing his skeleton behind off while others stared at you in shock. You picked up your fork and ate like nothing just happened. You finished your food quickly and smiled. Everyone was still staring. "See something you like?" You said and smirked. Everyone immediately stopped staring. You started to laugh uncontrollably. "I was just messing!" You said in between laughs. The others laughed too. "Alrighty. What now?" You asked. "Hmm. How about we go to Outertale?" Nightmare suggested. "Sure!" You said enthusiastically. What's Outertale? You looked at the others. They were winking and whispering. You picked up a spoon and snapped it in half to show them not to mess with you. They went silent. You smiled and put the pieces down. Good thing Nightmare wasn't watching when you broke the spoon. He turned to you and held out a hand. You questioned this but grabbed it even though you didn't know what he was doing. Suddenly there was a flash and you were at...SPACE?! HOW ARE YOU BREATHING?! The sight...is beautiful. You layed down on the...ground. You looked around. You peeked at Nightmare. He was laying down too. After a couple minutes he broke the silence. "Having fun?" He asked. "Of course! This place is so cool!" You said. You smiled at him. You watched his face go purple and look away. You giggled at his reaction. "Hey Nightmare?" You said. You smirked. "Y-yeah?" He said. "Are you a light switch?" You asked. "Wha-" You cut him off. "Because you really....TURN ME ON!" You said. There was a quick silence and he turned away. You laughed really hard. You just wanted to make him purple. You sly devil. You smirked and put your arm around him. (Yes one arm.) You pulled him closer. "Haha! I'm just joking buddy...or am I?" You said and looked at him. His expression was priceless. You were holding back the laughter. "Ha! That blush is adorable on you buddy." You said out of nowhere. You laughed some more and started to get tired. You yawned and fell asleep. <When you wake up> You woke up. You looked around. You were wide awake but somebody wasn't. Nightmare was sitting on the bed asleep. You snuck away. You passed by many different rooms. You were stopped by...Dust his name was? "Free Exp." He said. You tilted your head. He came pretty close. To close for comfort. "Uh good morning to you too?" You said. You hugged him and went around him. You continued looking through the place until a tentacle appeared on your shoulder. You turned and smiled at the now awake Nightmare. "What'cha doin'?"He asked. "Exploring. Oh yeah and by the way I have a question." You said. "Hmm. What's the question?" Nightmare asked. "What's 'free Exp'?" You asked. Nightmare seemed to shoot Dust a glare. "Who told you that?" He asked. "Oh...is he in trouble? I hugged him and he left me alone. It's alright." You said. Nightmare groaned. You tilted your head. "Why do you keep doing that?" Nightmare asked. "It means I'm questioning you or whoever I tilt my head to." You explained. "Oh." Nightmare said. "Anyways! C'mon! Let's go to....hmm...somewhere you choose!" You said. He stayed still for a moment and said something. "Outertale again?" He asked. You immediately grabbed his hand. "Let's go!" You said. You two went to...Outertale and relaxed.

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