Chapter one

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I didn't not draw this👆It was from an app,I just colored it

Third person p.o.v
CJ Hook was walking through a dark alley and she shivered,its wasn't  like she was scared or anything,it's just that it reminded her of somebody who she will hate forever.

"Hey CJ" a voice said,CJ turned around and it was her best friend Freddie daughter of Dr.Facilier.

"Hey Freddie I thought you we're at the shop?" CJ asked.

"oh I was but I got bored come on let's go have some fun" Freddie said smirking.

CJ smirked back and agreed.

Both of the girls started stealing and messing around with the citizens of the isle of the lost.

"CJ" a voice said well it was actually two voices.

CJ groaned and turned around facing her two older siblings,Harriet and Harry Hook.

"What do you guys want?" CJ said annoyed that they ruined her fun.

"Dad wants you too come home it's time for dinner" Harriet said.

CJ said good bye to Freddie and followed her siblings to her father ship,their home the Jolly Rodgers.

"Hey father"The three children said together.

"There are you are, now Harry and Harriet go eat while I talk to your sister" Captain Hook said.

"Yes Father" they both said leaving their fathers office only leaving him and CJ.

"Now my little one what did you do today? "Captain Hook asked CJ while sharpening his hook.

CJ looked at her father and grabbed her bag and pulled out things that were made of gold."Wonderful CJ now leave " Captain Hook ordered her.

"Yes Father" CJ said.

The three children ate dinner and went to bed.CJ was in her room which was next to Harry's,and pulled out a necklace and looked at it,she would never wear it because of its shape.

It has a red heart pendent on it and if her father sees her wearing it she would have to walk the plank or interfere with his Hook again Because it represents love and love is weakness.

well that's what all villain kids we're taught.She puts it away and climbs into bed.She stares at the ceiling,she groans at not being able to sleep.

She grabbed her Journal and flips the pages to a entry she wrote which helps her sleep and grabbed a match and lit a candle and started reading.

I was walking in a dark alley trying to stay away from father and his crew men.Father lost his temper that day and when I wasn't cautious, his Hook struck me across the face making a scar on my cheek.

I fell down and half of the crew men laughed.My father saw my scar and laughed as well.I was so embarrassed that I decided to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?"my father asked smirking at me,"I going for a walk Father I'll be back"I said stuttering a little.

Descendants 2:Young villain love{Carlos de vil and CJ Hook Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now