Chapter Three

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CJ p.o.v
I left my room and started walking off the ship until someone pulled me back.

"Who was Uma talking about when she said that you know someone very close to Mal?"Harry asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you go ask her yourself"I snapped trying to leave,but he grabbed me and pushed the tip of his Hook more into my shoulder.

I knew if I moved one more time it will leave a fresh wound and those hurt really bad.

"Tell me little sis"he said with a stupid smirk on his face.

I sighed,"Fine she was talking about Carlos de vil,Cruella de vil son now move"I said and he moved his Hook away from my shoulder.

but put the tip around the collar of my red coat."That boy you use too hang around with?"he asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yes now let me go I have to go lady tremains curl up and dye"I said and he laughed smirking.

"I'm not gonna let you go that easy CJ"he said smirking.

"Whatever" I said before kicking his foot with my heel,but he's my brother so he knows my tricks.

"I know your tricks CJ so don't even try"he said laughing.I was about to grab my sword but he grabbed it before I can and threw at the ground.

"Uh I hate you"I said and he smiled "aww nicest thing you said to me today"he said and before I can do anything Harriet came and stopped us.

"Harry let CJ go "she said and Harry groaned letting me go."Why do you always ruin my fun"he said to Harriet making her roll her eyes.

"Because I don't want CJ to end up being like that pirate that father punished" she said referring to one of fathers crew members.

"He deserved it though" Harry said.

"Yeah but CJ doesn't"Harriet said,"since When did you start caring about me?"I asked.

"I don't but since I'm the oldest I have to make sure you two behave"she said pointing at us.

"ouch"I said and Harry laughed.

"Whatever,now go back to what you guys we're doing before fighting and behave I have to go back to my crew"she said leaving.

"whatever"I said.I left the ship before Harry can do anything else and went to lady tremains curl up and dye.

"Hey CJ how can I help you?"said dizzy Daughter of Drizella and Lady tremains granddaughter."I need you to make my hair a little bit lighter and I want my nails red"I told.

she quickly nodded and put me on a chair and did my nails and then she did my hair.

When she finished I looked at the mirror and it was amazing."wow"I said and dizzy smiled."you look amazing CJ"she said.

"Thanks here"I said giving her five gold coins."how are you doing?"she asked me,"I'm fine why?"I asked her.

"well you just paid me which you never really do and you seem upset,is this about Carlos?"she asked.

"No Carlos is the last person I would think about"I told her. "are you sure because you guys we're so close and him living in Auradon,you been different"she said.

"yes dizzy I'm fine I don't care about him or his life"I said."Alright we'll see you next time"she said before I left the salon.

I started walking back home but before I did I went to the slop shop and stole some food.I got to my fathers ship and saw father sleeping in his chair. I rolled my eyes and went inside my room.

I took my shoes off and my coat and put on some old clothes that I use as my pj's and put my sword and Hook away.I started getting a little bit tired so I got into my bed and fell asleep.

Descendants 2:Young villain love{Carlos de vil and CJ Hook Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now